Hurricane Vincent

Chapters 13 to 17

Vincent dives in to save Catheine's life when a tidal wave hits Manhattan.
A shorter version of this story first appeared in the 1999 edition of 'A Moment In Time Conzine' pages 1 to 34.


Chapter Thirteen

As a streak of lightening Vincent pounded barefoot through the tunnels where a terrible smell all around him seared his throat as he ran. His eyes were wild with fear and his heart pounded against his chest but he was aware of none of it. He was only aware that Catherine’s heart called to him it was faint and it was frightened, and its life slowly ebbed away.
Crashing to a halt Vincent stumbled against something or someone that barred his way. It hadn’t been intentional but Devin had rounded the opposite bend at exactly the same moment driven back by the smoke in the tunnels, he was running to warn everyone to evacuate.
“Devin out of my way!” Vincent roared trying to shake off the arm that held onto him.
“You can’t go that way!” Devin yelled amid his brother’s angry growls.
“I have to Catherine’s down there!” Vincent roared back.
“I know I know, but you’d die before finding her.” Devin’s words miraculously penetrated Vincent’s muddled mind. He stilled beside his older brother his eyes frantically darting this way and that unsure of whether to stay and listen or go where the Bond was leading him.
“I’ve been trying to replace the sandbags Vincent.” Devin shouted. He had a feeling only raising his voice would penetrate his brother’s mind. “But I just can’t run fast enough to get to each spot before the smoke engulfs me. These gas masks of Mouse’s aren’t too good, this one leaks. Lets in smoke. We need someone faster than me to stop more smoke from coming down here.” Devin looked at his brother appealing to what was obviously the only answer.
“Catherine needs me!” Vincent tugged his arm free of his brother’s grasp. “I have to find Catherine first!”
“No! Vincent listen…” Devin stretched out his other arm, catching hold of Vincent before he’d moved out of range. “We need to stop the smoke first!”
Vincent shook his head, he wanted to understand but there was so much that he clearly did not, “The city’s on fire Vincent!” Devin bellowed, “The sandbags were removed to drain the city of water, and now the smoke is coming in. We have to try to block it Vincent before fire ignites the fumes.”
That instant Vincent understood. Water was one thing, smoke another but a fire ball in the tunnels was something quite different. They would all be killed for sure. Unable to refuse Vincent nodded, albeit reluctantly. He had to halt the smoke and the fumes before he did anything else. Taking the gas mask from his brother he put it over his head. It was ill fitting but served a purpose despite the leak. At least it was better than nothing. With one last look at his brother’s ashen face, Vincent raced forward his only regret - that Catherine would have to wait a while longer. And with all his heart he infused his love through their connection willing her to be well until he could finally turn his attention back to rescuing her.

*** *** ***

The work was extensive and assembled in Father’s chamber the tunnel dwellers waited with apprehension for any news of Vincent’s plight. Some sentries had remained on duty for as long as possible until the smoke had forced them back to the main hub where tracings could still be seen floating on the air.
With handkerchiefs held against their faces and that of the smallest child the assembled people listened intently for any message that Pascal, determined to stay at his position in the pipe chamber until he was forced out or be choked by smoke, sent messages periodically as news came his way.
Running from one entrance to the outside world to another Vincent hefted the sandbags back into position by touch rather than by sight. The swirling smoke blinded him and he could only see faint outlines where daylight bordered the fringes, thus showing the likelihood of an entrance ahead, even if Vincent did not know the way so surely.
As each tunnel was blocked up and the smoke had filtered upward out of the path of the tunnels each sentry appointed to selected tunnels was with the aid of a scarf tied firmly around his face, able to watch Vincent’s actions and report accordingly back to home base.
Thus news of Vincent’s success began to brighten the minds of those assembled in Father’s chamber and they started to comment among themselves.
“So Vincent saves us again?” There was much agreement to this simple statement.
“Yes, but at the further risk to Catherine.” Devin commented his heart heavy. That was one of the worst decisions he had had to make. The lives of many people over the life of one, knowing well enough what that life of one meant to his brother.
“Vincent is selfless. He always puts others ahead of himself.” Mary stated but her tone was not of a happy disposition and deep down inside everyone’s thoughts reflected Mary’s.
They had been saved by their knight in shining armour once again but what of the sacrifice, what of the loss? The smoke inhalation could have killed Catherine by now and simply that thought would not leave their minds.
If Catherine should die then Vincent would die - it was as simple as that.

*** *** ***

News came in but it was never often enough for the tunnel dwellers waiting anxiously in Father’s chamber. Faces pinched with fear heralded only mere joy as a rattling on the pipes revealed that Vincent had closed up this entrance, and that entrance, running like the wind from one to the other. Yet regardless of the necessity of his work every member of the tunnel community were more than aware by Father’s expression that such activity could so easily rent apart the stitches so recently applied. An so with hearts in their mouths they awaited his return, believing only the sight of his beloved face would restore their minds to sanity.
The minutes and then the hours ticked by and steadily it became apparent that it had been a long heart-stopping time since the last sentry had reported Vincent’s whereabouts. And with the maps spread before him Father traced a finger from point to point following his son’s excursion, his face ashen with apprehension.
Breathing shallow Devin looked on over his father’s shoulder his eyes never leaving the map and anxiously awaiting the next report that Vincent was moving on again or returning to them
So quiet was the chamber, so unusually quiet. No trains rumbled overhead, no furious rapping on pipes carrying conversations through the network of the tunnel world. Only breathing could be heard and the slight shuffle of people occasionally altering their positions from one cramped place to another.
“Where is he?” All eyes turned to Geoffrey who had spoken his thoughts aloud. Father looked up at the boy his eyes filled with so many conflicting emotions that Geoffrey cowered into his seat and averted his gaze from that of Father’s.
Kanin squeezed the boy’s shoulder in understanding and compassion his hand gently stroking away the tension he found building there.
Geoffrey was one of the many sensitive children in the community. Though now reaching an age of maturity he wasn’t certain if he should be seen crying or not. Kanin changed all of that. Reaching one finger forward he gently stroked the tip down Geoffrey’s cheek. The boy raised his eyes and saw Kanin nod and Geoffrey knew that Kanin understood his fears far more than he had realised and he let the gathered tears fall. A tighter squeeze on his shoulder comforted the lad and looking through misty eyes Geoffrey noticed that several people around the chamber were quietly brushing away falling tears of their own. But if that was meant to make him feel better it didn’t, and a guttural sob escaped the lad and rising quickly he pushed his way blindly through the crowd of people and headed for the sanctity of his own chamber.
Father raised his eyes to Mary’s. She had been sitting across from him in the chair that Vincent usually occupied but she had risen from the place when Geoffrey had run from the chamber. Verbally she said nothing, but her eyes told Father, “I’ll go.” And she followed Geoffrey out intending to comfort him in her arms.
The long wait continued. There was nothing now, no movement, barely any breathing. The babies among them had gone to sleep, oblivious to the status around them.
The smoke had dissipated now, though the smell still clung to everything and it would take a long time and much cleaning before it would be gone altogether.
“I wonder what’s happening Above.” A comment was made from the back of the chamber. Father recognised the voice as belonging to Cullen and he raised his brows in query. Whatever was happening Above was the least of their worries and under the present circumstances such a statement was totally out of context. Everybody it seemed were slowly drawing the same conclusion and one by one they turned to Cullen the unspoken question in their eyes.
“I just wondered.” Cullen wished he’d remained silent, in fact he hadn’t realised he’d spoken until he heard the words leave his mouth.
The silent question ‘why?’ was in all eyes as they gazed at him. Cullen shrugged and then his shoulders sagged in defence. An attitude that signalled his hiding away from so many people showing puzzled expressions.
The question nagged at Devin’s mind however. What was going on Above? No doubt the streets would be deserted still and if any emergency services had been able to get into the city they would be doing everything in their power to get everything back to normal as quickly as possible.
Devin supposed the city would be catastrophic with debris strewn around. The only people likely to benefit from that would be scavengers and… Suddenly Devin looked around the chamber for a face he hadn’t seen in hours… Mouse? Where was he? His brows drawn tightly together Devin mouthed the question to no one in particular, although Winslow felt it directed at him. He shrugged looking around the chamber searching much as Devin had just done. His gaze returned to Devin’s and with a shrug he mouthed back, ‘dunno’.
“Dad?” Devin prompted touching his father’s shoulder just lightly. Father raised worried eyes to his son’s. He never spoke.
“Have you seen Mouse?” Stupid question…Devin could have kicked himself the moment he saw the annoyance on his father’s face.
“I know, I know it’s a stupid question” Devin told his parent, “But there is a valid reason for it.”
Still Father said nothing.
“I saw Mouse about three hours ago, if that’s any help?” Jamie spoke up quickly. She blushed as all eyes were drawn to her and then blushed even more when she realised she had done so. There was simply no need. It was just that all eyes had turned to her making her feel conspicuous.
“Where was he going, do you know?” Devin left his father’s side to walk toward the young woman.
Jamie shrugged, “He didn’t say. You know Mouse he could be doing anything, going anywhere. Mouse is his own person.”
“I saw him too.” Kipper whispered edging toward Jamie. “He had a pack on his back. The sort he uses for finding things.”
Devin and Winslow’s eyes met, ‘thought so’ came their agreed response.
“Why?” Father spoke clearly mystified. All this was lost on him.
“I think Mouse might have gone Above Father.” Winslow informed him, “And before Vincent replaced the sandbags.”
Father groaned but Devin was quick to reassure him, “No that’s not the reason I asked, Mouse can get in and out of anywhere. He’d soon shift a few sandbags - that wouldn’t stop him getting back. I just wondered what his intentions were that’s all. He knows Catherine is missing, he believes Vincent to be indisposed, it seems a rare time for him to go off on a finding spree even though it would be the ideal time up above for doing so with so few people about. No what I wondered is, do you think Mouse has gone to find Catherine by himself? After all he had success in finding Vincent?”
“Is that supposed to make us feel better Devin?” Father hissed and stunned his son.
“Well I had hoped...” Devin’s voice faltered.
“Isn’t one missing person enough to worry about? And we have two for God’s sake. Do we need another?” Devin was put out by his father’s angry retort.
“It’s not Devin’s fault Father.” Winslow defended his friend, “He’s just making a general comment.”
“Well I wish he would keep his thoughts to himself.” Father glared around the room, “In fact I wish anyone with anything senseless to utter would refrain from doing so. It does not help our cause at all.”
‘That’s stress speaking’ thought William standing at the back of the room, ‘time for some refreshment I think.’ “Whose for tea?” He asked counting hands as they rose.
“That’s the most sensible thing that has been said in hours.” Father smiled a little gingerly around the chamber, but he was already forgiven, everyone understood how he felt. “Count me in William. And make it a large one.”
“With or without the brandy?” William asked as he left the chamber. His question needed no answer. He received all the answer he needed at hearing the very many relieved chuckles that followed him out.

*** *** ***

It was impossible to believe that she had actually slept, and Catherine would never have known if it had not been for the intense dream she could remember having. It was something and nothing, just one of those mixed up dreams where everything that had recently happened replayed in the mind, except in the dream the episode was backed by music. That’s how Catherine knew it had been a dream and not just a memory.
Rubbing her eyes Catherine was grateful to see that the light still cast shadows on the wall behind and to each side of her, yet whether or not it was her imagination she could not tell, but the light appeared somewhat dimmer than before. Or perhaps it was just that she was getting used to it.
Whatever she felt refreshed and perhaps able enough to shoulder on. Now that her mind was clear Catherine knew the folly of staying in one spot, light or no light. No one but she would get her out of her predicament, and she still had no way of knowing if Vincent had been rescued or if he was still where she had left him. Speaking of dreams, everything seemed to be one ghastly nightmare. One she wished with all her heart she would soon wake up from and find herself back in her apartment or in a guest chamber here below. Even being at the office or out on some hideous case was preferable to her present predicament.
Leaning into the wall behind her Catherine rose on unsteady legs. They ached from ankle to thigh and it was clear to see that the rest she had taken had done little for the bruises she had sustained. Now she found aches in areas she hadn’t noticed before and cramp in her feet and toes that worried her about frostbite. She almost laughed…frostbite! Ridiculous, but even as she chuckled she knew the folly of that thought. The tidal water had been freezing and she hadn’t been warm since. As if to strengthen that fact Catherine sneezed, again and again and again. She felt awful, there was nowhere to wipe her nose except on her sleeve and the sight of her nasal contents made her stomach lurch.
Finally taking a deep shuddering breath Catherine straightened fully against the wall. ‘Well it’s now or never – another Chandler expedition coming up.’ She told herself with a slight grin as she put her best foot forward and wished with all her heart that she felt more courageous than she probably appeared.

*** *** ***

“What was that?” Mouse stopped to listen. There was a distinct sound coming from below him. Not just once but three maybe four times, and another sound following, short sharp sounds, like….like… Mouse spoke out loud “Sounds like someone blowing their nose.” He giggled.
The moment he said it, he started forward at a quicker pace than before, “Catherine?” He called, “Is that you?”
“Yes oh yes!” Came the gladdened reply, “Mouse its you isn’t it, where are you?” Catherine looked frantically around her but could see no one though the voice sounded right beside her.
“I’m up here,” Mouse called dropping to the floor and wiggling his fingers through the still wet sand. “Must be a crack somewhere.” he mumbled.
“Mouse how can I get to where you are?” Catherine cried frantically needing to see the boy.
“Can’t.” Mouse replied, Catherine’s short lived joy plummeted.
“Mouse I must be able to do. Can you lead me?”
“Lead you? How?” Mouse was clearly puzzled by that.
“Can you walk on and keep talking to me, maybe we will find a shaft that would take me up to you.”
“You’d have to climb.” Mouse stated the obvious.
“I know that Mouse. I could hardly take an elevator.” Catherine chuckled, and to her surprise Mouse did too. “You are funny Catherine.” He told her. Then as an after thought added, “Could make one. Little plastic here, little plastic there, boom make hole bigger, build elevator, could do it. Would work.”
“No, no Mouse, don’t worry” Catherine grinned picturing this, “I think we had best save the supply of plastic explosives for something more important.”
“What could be more important. You’re trapped. Can’t get up, Mouse can’t get down…yet. Need an elevator…”
“Wait, wait...Mouse what did you mean by yet?”
Mouse was silent. Catherine had lost him. After a few seconds he disregarded the question as though it had never been uttered and after his next statement even Catherine forgot it.
“Till then have to wait ‘til Vincent wakes up.”
“Vincent? Vincent is asleep? Mouse how do you know that?” Catherine’s mind was racing.
“Saw him.”
“Mouse where, when?”
“Hospital chamber.” Mouse replied. “Big cut, lots of blood. Vincent asleep.”
Catherine didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The flood of relief that passed over her was tremendous. Vincent had been found! Oh what joy! Galloping on its heels though was an added fear, Vincent was so obviously unconscious. How long would he be out for was anyone’s guess and Catherine’s hope of his rescuing her got slimmer and slimmer. There was only one thing she could do now, and that was to cling to Mouse. There had to be a way that she could take to get to where he was. But how much longer would it take to find it?

*** *** ***

Chapter Fourteen

At the time sealing the entrances hadn’t physically troubled Vincent. So worried was he to undertake the task at hand and finish it to go and find Catherine that Vincent had not noticed the pain of his recent injury. However the moment the last entrance was bagged up Vincent took a deep breath with the intention of partaking on his next task, when suddenly he felt a sudden twang in the region of his back and knew at once that he had split the stitches.
Dabbing at his back Vincent felt the fresh flow of warm blood but perceived that it probably felt worse than it was. Even so a predicament lay before him. Whether to start the search for Catherine from where he was or go back to Father have the wound re-stitched and then leave to search for Catherine.
It would depend largely of course on how much strain he would have to put the wound under baring in mind that he had already lost more than enough blood. Really though the option was already laid before him since he would have to travel back to the hub anyway, he may as well detour and go via the way he was sure Catherine could be located. And so without further consideration of the matter Vincent started to follow where the Bond was leading him.

*** *** ***

After so many hours of nothing the tunnel dwellers had started to grow drowsy in Father’s chamber and some of the children grew restless. And by mutual though silent agreement the community started to disperse in the knowledge that Pascal would relate any news to them the moment it arrived.
It was a heavy heart that they left however, with a backward glance at Father, his head resting upon his hands, his elbows leaning upon the table, even his hair seemed greyer in the glow of candlelight. Every father loved his children but Vincent was such a special person that every tunnel member could relate to Father’s anxiety as he awaited news of his son.
The chamber was almost void of people when Pascal tapped out the first news they had heard in hours. Those people remaining in the chamber stilled to listen their hearts hammering with apprehension.
“Its about Mouse!” The tone of the speaker was sullen, disappointed.
“No wait... Its not, it’s from Mouse!” The voice uplifted, gasped...waited in expectation.
As the news from Mouse was recieved a cheer went up...Catherine had been found...Mouse had found her... And she was alive!
Smiles all round, happy chatter followed - eyes turned to Father expecting to see joy flooding his face – growing anxious when he seemed to tense awaiting further news. News that did not come.
Father’s shoulders slumped, and those tunnel dwellers standing around looked from one to the other undecided, not knowing what to say or do. Devin beckoned them away, he would deal with it. His father had had enough for one day. If he could get the old man into a comfortable position in his armchair to sleep he would, better still if he could encourage him to lie down on his bed for an hour or so.
“I’m all right Devin.” Father protested as Devin tried to lift him from the chair, “Leave me alone.”
“No Pops, you need to rest, have a sleep.”
“I can’t. Not until there is word of Vincent.”
“You can. No news is good news.” Devin tried to comfort his father.
“How can you say that? Who is there to report any news whether good or bad?”
Devin accepted the logic of that - his father had a point there.
“Then just humour me huh? I will feel better if I see you lie down for a while. Sitting there for hours on end will increase the cramp to your hip. Please Father lie down awhile.” Devin pleaded.
Father raised his head his eyes meeting the compassion found in his son’s, he nodded, “You’ll have to help me. I’m not sure that I can move.” Father reached for his son’s arm and his cane with the other hand, and with both hobbled toward his sleeping quarters.
Lying down on the bed was indeed glorious. Father couldn’t complain about that. Devin was right he had needed to stretch out and rest his hip. The pain he had put up with over the last few hours slowly eased, and despite himself Father closed his eyes with the relief of it.
Soon, despite everything, and much to Devin’s satisfaction, Father was fast asleep.

*** *** ***

The fire was out now, that was one good thing and most of the water had receded except for some that had banked against the sandbags newly replaced into their respective positions by Vincent. Slowly, slowly the bags let in water, just a trickle here and a trickle there until a fast flow erupted and gushed through the tunnels once more.
Vincent was quite a distance ahead of the flow but his senses told him of its approach. He started running faster if that were possible. Fleet of foot even though barefoot Vincent had already covered much ground. Still he anticipated the time of his arrive to where he thought Catherine may be to the time he allocated to the flow of water reaching the same spot. His heart accelerated - unless by a miracle - the water would reach her first!

*** *** **

Mouse was just returning from sending his message to Pascal, he called out a greeting as he approached the place where he had last spoken to Catherine. “I’m here. Catherine?”
“Mouse! Thank God! Where have you been? I’ve been shouting for you.” Catherine’s tone was a mixture of relief and anxiety.
“Had to tell Pascal.”
“You’ve sent a message? About me?”
“Yes.” Mouse's reply was muffled a though he had something held in his mouth.
“Thank you Mouse.” Tremendous relief flowed over Catherine at that piece of news. Not much longer now surely? Soon they would rescue her take her home, home back to Vincent. Back to his arms. A warm ripple flowed through her, a tingling sensation as she thought of his kisses and his promise of things to come. “When are they coming?” Catherine asked Mouse thinking of the rescue team.
“Didn’t say.”
“Didn’t say? Mouse you did tell them where I was didn’t you?” Her heart was in her mouth as Catherine awaited his answer.
“No need. Mouse soon have you home. Wait there, I’ll be back.”
“Mouse! MOUSE!” Panic stricken Catherine cried.
“I’ll be back.” Mouse called and his voice sounded a lot further away than before. Catherine tensed ‘what on earth was that boy up to?’
She didn’t have long to wait. Soon Mouse returned, “Don’t worry Mouse’ll fix it.” Catherine almost laughed, if anxiety hadn’t of gripped her by the throat, she would have uttered ‘don’t you mean Jim?’ But concluded that the expression would have been lost on Mouse who had probably never watched television in his life let alone that he would know who Jimmy Saville was.
Above her Catherine could hear Mouse like his namesake scuttling here and scuttling there, he seemed to be doing something, and she clearly heard him muttering to himself.
Catherine tried to relax, tried to be reassured that mouse was seeking a way to get her out but something nagged at the back of her mind that Mouse was using a gizmo something he had probably invented but hadn’t tried out before. And Catherine had a real bad feeling that she was the guinea pig in this experiment.
“Mouse what are you doing?” Dismayed that her voice squeaked. Catherine intended to say it again, when Mouse replied, “Almost done. Just stand back. Cover your ears.”
OH NO! “Mouse, no! Not explosives! Mouse! MOUSE!” Catherine screamed backing away even as she uttered the words upon hearing Mouse shout, “Ready Catherine? One, two, three...”

*** *** ***

“What on Earth!” Father leaped from his bed his eyes fearful and catching sight of Devin appealed to his son for answers.
“I don’t know Pops!” Devin was running for the way out “But it sounded like an explosion!”
He met Winslow charging the other way, they collided and stumbled each grasping the other for support, “You hear that!” Winslow exclaimed needlessly.
“Yes. What was it – do you know?”
“Sounded like an explosion…” Winslow shook his head, “But who’d set one off...’ his words trailed away. ‘Down…. Here?’ A stunned expression formed over Winslow’s face before he uttered one word with disbelief, “MOUSE!”
“I’ll kill that boy!” Father was struggling to get off the bed, “Here Devin come and help me up.” Devin ran back to his parent putting the cane into Father’s hand as he reached out to steady him.
“It might not have been Mouse. There could be any number of reasons for an explosion especially considering what this city has had to put up with this day.” Devin hoped to console his father even though he doubted his own words.
“You have to go Devin…Winslow?” Father looked to them both his eyes appealing, “We should have continued to send out a fresh search party every time one returned exhausted. We’ve wasted hours… hours. Vincent can’t be expected to do all of this by himself – what were we thinking of?”
“Don’t upset yourself so Father.” Winslow tried to pacify the older man, “We did everything possible in the circumstances. What with the tidal wave and the smoke and Vincent and Catherine being missing so long. The search parties were unable to draw any clues until that first message from Mouse about the rope.”
“Yes, yes and look how Mouse found Vincent.” Devin caught up the narrative, “And how he has since found Catherine. Dad he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise their lives now.”
“Would he not? My ass!” Father looked as though he may blow a gasket at any moment, his face was red with fury, “When that boy gets an idea of using plastic explosive into his head its so hard to dissuade him otherwise. He needs no excuse to use it, he’s always looking for reasons.”
“But he saved you and Vincent that day in the rock fall.” Winslow reminded Father as if that would correct everything.
“I know I know, but even you were scared silly at the time.” Father retorted.
“So I was, but I was also wrong. Mouse did save the day.”
“This is getting us nowhere.” Father pushed past the two men barring the exit “Someone must know something. Has anyone heard from Mouse lately?”
Devin tried not to grin. If that explosion was Mouse-made, then they had just heard from the boy and then some!

*** *** ***

Hands over head, eyes shut tightly, Catherine spluttered as particles of rock caught in her nasal tract threatening to fill her lungs with debris. She coughed and felt the sharp edges of rock on her lips and spat them away. At least she was still alive. That was the first thought to fill her mind, though her head ached dreadfully.
“Catherine?” She gasped snapping open her eyes at the sound of her name.
Firm hands grasped her beneath the armpits, lifting her carefully and holding her close against the firm length of the man that she loved. “Oh Vincent!” No other words would come. Catherine sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks channelling long dark grooves in the rock dust gathered there.
“Oh Catherine.” Vincent murmured into her hair, “I thought I may never reach you in time.”
Raising her face to his Catherine searched his eyes, “Why? What do you mean?”
“The water. Or should I say more water? It returned - was heading straight for you – it would have swept you along with it – taken you over that shaft we climbed. That explosion diverted its descent it went another way down.”
Catherine gasped the thought of being carried down a forty foot shaft was almost too much to take in right now.
“It’s been a long day Catherine, shall we go home?” There was a catch to Vincent’s voice, a little humour a little regret and Catherine wasn’t sure which one might overrule the other.
Leaning heavily against him Catherine felt no resistance when she wrapped her arm around his waist only to cry out as her hand met a sticky warm patch at his lower back. “Vincent I thought Mouse said you had had this wound...Oh!”
“What is it Catherine?” Instantly Vincent was alert to her fears.
“Mouse. Where’s Mouse?” Catherine’s eyes darted all around. The lantern Vincent carried helped her to see but the tunnel was still thick with dust.
“Mouse?” Vincent was clearly confused.
“He was here, he set the explosive…” Her eyes were wide with fear. “Oh don’t think he’s?” Tears gatered in Catherine's eyes and she could not say anothr thing. To imagine these tunnels without Mouse was almost as bad as imagining them without Vincent.
Vincent gasped, “Where was he?”
“Above, up there.” Catherine cast her eyes upward, where the ceiling now had a gaping hole in it that wasn’t there before.
Leaving her side Vincent reached up and holding on to the newly made ledge above him hauled himself up and through the hole into the tunnel above them. “Pass me the lantern.” He called back down to Catherine. She picked it up from where he had set it and passed it to him. He took it and holding it high above his head began to search the tunnel for signs of life praying with all he had that Catherine’s fear for the boy wasn’t grounded.

*** *** ***

“Whatever he did we can only commend him Father.” Kanin was pacing the chamber floor. “Pascal reported that the water was seen coming back down here. That explosion diverted it. Sent it straight to subterranean level, and any smoke remaining followed suit. If it was Mouse that set that explosive device off then we have to thank him.”
“Yes yes.” Father rubbed a hand over a very weary brow, “But what does it matter if the danger has gone when there is still no news of Vincent?”
Each tunnel member glanced at one another, each wanting to reply but daring not. Mary sensed their unrest though and spoke words right out of their mouths. “Father we are all well aware how unique Vincent is, how treasured he is to all of us, and especially to you, but you must not forget that the catastrophe’s that occurred today could so easily have killed all of us. We are grateful of course we are, that Vincent ran tirelessly even when wounded to protect our world, but Father you mustn’t loose sight of the fact that all life is precious.”
Father was about to retort sharply when a small group of children caught his eye. His gaze softened, “Mary, you are as always right my dear. I apologise for my selfishness.” His eyes wandered around and rested upon each member of the assembled community in turn, pleading for forgiveness and also for understanding. Though he loved and cared for them all Vincent was his son after all, and it was difficult to elevate any one of them above him.
The eyes that showed compassion to his request humbled him. Father relaxed, everyone it seemed may hold with Mary’s heartfelt words but they also understood his pain and his loyalty to the son like no other.

*** *** ***

“Vincent? Is that you?” Devin holding the lantern in front of him peered through the floating dust while trying to ascertain if that was indeed his brothers silhouette just yards in front of him.
“Devin? Yes its me.” Three or four large strides had Vincent enfolding his brother in a tight bear hug.
“It’s so good to see you. How are you?” At his question Devin noticed the patch of blood seeping through his brothers clothing. “That good huh?” He grinned, though his eyes belied his anxiety. Vincent should get the wound re-stitched and soon.
“Catherine’s here.” Stepping back Vincent gestured to the floor, “She’s beneath us, in the tunnel below.”
Devin sighed with relief. Asking about Catherine had been his next question.
“I’m here.” Catherine’s sing-song voice warmed Devin her next words alarmed him. “Any sign of Mouse yet Vincent?”
“Not yet.” Came the softly spoken reply.
Devin didn’t need telling. The debris around and about them told its own story. His eyes wide he began avidly moving rocks cautiously taking each chunk away as if dismantling a jigsaw puzzle and trying not to upset the whole picture. He knew how serious it would be if removing one rock should cause another to slip. If Mouse were anywhere near by a rock slide could kill him, if he wasn’t already dead.
With dismay Devin surveyed the damage that the explosion had wrought, “Thinking maybe he used a bit too much plastic again.” Devin mumbled to himself. And he almost died with a simultaneous mix of fright and relief when his statement was replied to, “Did not.”
“Mouse!” He exclaimed frantically digging with his nails to loosen the rock around the lad. Suddenly large furry hands with sharp claws aided the dig in a team effort to free the boy.
Mouse coughed, “Used just enough see?” He held a length of wire up to the light for both the men to see. It meant little to his rescuers who were intent only at that moment in getting him out of his trap.
Finally they had freed him enough to check him for broken bones.
“Don’t know how you can still smile at a time like this.” Devin straightened and looked down disapprovingly at Mouse. “You could have broken your neck. Or your leg or arm, you could even have killed yourself.”
“Devin’s right Mouse, you really must learn how much explosive to use in future. You could kill us all.” Vincent reprimanded the boy.
“Didn’t use too much. Used enough see.” Mouse used his index finger and thumb to make the size of the ball of explosive he had used. It did seem awfully tiny in comparison to the amount that Mouse had used in the rock fall before.
“Then why were you half buried?” Devin was clearly puzzled.
Mouse grinned, “Guess I didn’t detonate far enough back.” He waved the length of wire before their noses once again. It was about ten feet long. Realisation dawned on the two brothers simultaneously. They stood staring the length of wire to Mouse and back again with disbelief. “You know you are the only Mouse I know with nine lives.” Devin told him in amazement.
All three looked to the source of the exclamation.
“Pardon?” Devin asked bewildered.
“I said eight. He lost one during that other occasion.” Catherine called up to the three of them. Devin’s mouth dropped open, how he could have forgotten she was there he didn’t know. But he had!
“Catherine you’re still there?” It was a stupid question Devin knew it. And he felt even more stupid that everyone had heard him say it.
“Of course I am and if you don’t soon get me out of here...I’ll...I’ll...”
Devin grinned, “You’ll what Chandler?”
“I’ll scream!” It was Catherine’s turn to feel ridiculous, but right at that moment it was all she could think of.
“Quick get her out of there!” Suddenly everyone was stunned to hear Vincent exclaim, “One explosion is enough for one day!”
And despite everything they all burst into laughter. But the adventure wasn't over yet.

*** *** ***

Chapter Fifteen

Oh such relief! Such wonderful, beautiful blessed relief! Father flopped heavily into his chair. He felt weak all of a sudden as the toll of the last day and a half bore down on him. Was it only 38 hours ago that Catherine had run down to bring them the impending news of the hurricane’s arrival? It had seemed more like 38 years.
They had been through disasters in the past, had lived to tell them, eventually to find humour in them but each time another befell them it just topped the existing pile and seemed all the worse for it.
“I never want to go through another weekend like this one.” Father moaned as Mary poured him a fresh cup of herb tea. That’s all she seemed to have done this weekend, pour tea.
“I know.” Mary agreed, taking up her own cup and seating herself nearby, “But at least we are all safe.”
“Yes, we should be thankful for that. I expect there were people above that wasn’t so lucky although I think that most people evacuated the city.”
“Not all.” Jake had listened to the conversation between the pair so far without comment. Now he was thinking of the group that had delivered the sandbags to his store. He related the tale adding, “You should have seen how much Catherine spent on the delivery of those bags Father. Three thousand dollars!” Father and Mary gasped and Jake grinned sheepishly, “Shows how much she cares for you people doesn’t it?”
Father and Mary exchanged glances before Father replied “Well it shows how much she cares for one of us most especially.” He grinned, “And I seem to be the only one who has had difficulty in accepting that in the past well no more. If nothing else this catastrophe has certainly proved to me how much those two care for each other. That Vincent would risk his life…” Father shuddered he didn’t like to remember the story Devin and Jake had related to him after Vincent had jumped into the flow of water to rescue Catherine.
“As he has done more than once in the past.” Mary acknowledged, “He loves her Father.”
Father nodded before swilling down the last of his tea. He settled the cup to the table and stared at it thoughtfully. “I suppose Catherine will have to stay here for some time, until the city is declared safe at any rate.” He said as if to himself. The two with him said nothing, just waited anxiously for him to continue. “I’m not sure that I am ready for that. But one can’t stop the tide from flowing and we have seen ample proof of that literally this weekend.”
“You’re speaking as if another tidal wave is about to burst in upon us.” Jake replied grinning at his wit.
“I believe it is Jake. I don’t know if Vincent is aware of it yet, but I do believe that once the shock of their trauma has worn off…well with Catherine staying down here…I think it is possible…” He hesitated, his eyes begging for help. Mary jumped in “That something will develop between them faster than it might have done?”
Father nodded, “Yes my dear faster than it might have done.”
“So what troubles you so?” Jake asked, “Surely having them go forward in this relationship is a good thing. Catherine is a very beautiful woman, and Vincent is a very lucky guy, so where’s the problem?”
“It just that being grateful for saving her life Vincent might misinterpret Catherine’s gratitude, it could be disastrous for him just like that time with Lisa if he should mistake her appreciation for anything deeper.”
“Father you are going around in circles not to mention contradicting yourself. I thought we had established that Vincent and Catherine care very deeply for one another, that each would give their life to save the other.” Jake was extremely puzzled. If truth be known Father was too he couldn’t seem to express what he wanted to say.
“Maybe I’m just so darn tired I don’t know what I’m saying. Do you mind if I took a nap before they get back? I really need it and then hopefully next time we speak I will get to the point.”
Jake rose Mary too, “Of course Father. We’ll be with Nicole if you need us.”
They left and Father sighed. ‘What had he meant?’ He wasn’t sure. He knew the difficulties Vincent faced whenever Catherine was near, and he knew that for a long time each were drawing closer to the other and becoming more like lovers than best friends and Father worried where that might lead them but he couldn’t think about this right now.
His lids closed heavily over his eyes, he was so tired…he couldn’t think about anything else. Devin had sent a message that Vincent and Catherine had been found alive and well and with that blessed relief Father pushed all nagging thoughts firmly out of his mind and gratefully embraced the soft wave of slumber.

*** *** ***

There had been bad days before when they had been together but none could ever compare to this one. Devin, Mouse Vincent and Catherine ambled steadily through the tunnels each sombre of expression with minds too tired to think. Just putting one foot in front of the other was difficult enough and the minimal thought that it took to keep moving took all of their concentration.
Catherine was so grateful for the support of the three people around her Mouse in front Vincent and Devin on either side of her. A sideways glance at Vincent told her of his near exhaustion and she was sure he would sleep for the best part of a week when he eventually had a chance to close his eyes. She too dwelt on that, the thought of sleeping in a warm cosy bed urging her on with every step she painfully took.
Nothing had been said of her attire, not she thought about it herself. Swamped by feelings of immense exhaustion, Catherine was blanketed in a well of deep despondency where only a slim ray of thankfulness of being saved from her peril shone through.
Devin said little. His usual banter stilled for the moment in sensing the air of affliction around them.
That same atmosphere affected Mouse too and he moved silently, his incessant chatter smothered for the hour past.
Vincent couldn’t speak. To do so would highlight the pain he was in and he didn’t want any one of his companions to perceive of it, least of all Catherine who was too exhausted herself to probe the bond. Simply Vincent had no stamina with which to close that connection off from her for it took all his failing strength to keep upright and moving.
And so the four of them moved senselessly through the tunnels, a group blinded by exhaustion with only one thought in the dull ache of their minds. That to get home lay their weary bodies down in warm and cosy beds and sleep and sleep and sleep.

*** *** ***

New York City had never been so quiet. Even after other catastrophes had hit there had always been movement of some description. Usually the sound of shouting and weeping was the norm whenever an earthquake or even a hurricane had besieged the city in the past.
As the sun rose on the third day following the tail of the hurricane its rays picked out a mangled twisted wreckage of what was once vehicles and buildings as far as the eye could see. And the only movement came from the sinews of office blocks and apartments as they flapped in the wind like some mechanical beast waving a greeting.
It would take a long, long time to bring the city back to anywhere what it was before. Perhaps the run down buildings that had stood for decades awaiting modernisation would be the only ones to benefit. Bulldozed and flattened their foundations would provide ways for new development that would in time bring the city to former glory. And only those tourists with an acute eye would notice the tell-tale rents inflicted by the worst hurricane New York had ever seen.

*** *** ***

Beneath the city the only sun that rose was felt in the hearts of the community who waited anxiously for the return of those they loved. A rescue team had been despatched but as yet there had been no word that they had met the group still though for once the phrase no news is good news held true meaning. It was difficult for any to feel gloomy anymore. Vincent and Catherine had been found, they were coming home, albeit fatigued and injured but coming home to the embrace of their family and everyone waited anxiously for first sight of their beloved faces.
“Is everything ready Mary?” Father asked for what she deemed to be the hundredth time in the past half-hour. She couldn’t be angry with him as she too was running about like a mother hen ensuring her chicks would have everything that they needed upon arrival.
“Almost.” Mary would reply and wait for the same exchange that had occurred over the last thirty minutes.
“You said that last time. What more is there to do?” Exasperation showed in Father’s tone. “Is there anything I can help you with my dear?”
“No it’s all right. I just have a few things to see to. It’s easier to do them than assign them. I’ll soon have everything done.” As she spoke her mind was ticking off things done and thinking of things to do. ‘Hot water, tea, soup, blankets, beds warm cosy, children absorbed quiet, thermometer… Thermometer! Where had she last seen one? They would need to use it first, take temperatures assess the possibility of fever and or hypothermia. Call Peter, yes must call Peter…oh would he still be in the city? Who’d know? Flustered Mary sought Father on this one “Can Peter be reached?”
“Peter?” Father responded totally mystified, “Why do you ask?”
“Won’t we need him?” Mary felt foolish.
“Yes perhaps you’re right my dear, our medical supplies were running low before this disaster. I’ll see if Kanin can locate his whereabouts. Shouldn’t think he is still in the city though, we may have to make do with what we have until he returns.”
Mary was thinking more of Peter’s expertise than of medical supplies, but she refrained from saying so. She was already grateful that Father had assumed she had meant pills and medicines. She didn’t want him thinking that she had thought he was incompetent just because he was so dreadfully spent. Though he had managed to snatch some sleep it had been restless, fitful with nightmares and dark circles now hovered beneath his eyes that distressed Mary. Without his knowledge those things that she had been undertaking with select precision for the four weary people on their way home also included him. If it was the last thing she did she would make sure that Father got the rest that he so obviously and desperately needed but would never admit to.

*** *** ***

They were still some distance from home when Mouse stumbled and they would have concluded he had tripped if they hadn’t of noticed the boy clutching his abdomen before he hit the ground. Vincent was down on his knees beside Mouse instantly. Catherine froze her eyes wide with fear as she perceived the problem. Devin was down with Vincent a split second after his brother.
His eyelids fluttered and Mouse moaned still clutching his belly. Quickly Devin reached for his brow as Vincent checked for a pulse. One was hot the other erratic. Vincent and Devin's troubled eyes met, “He’s injured?” Devin cried needlessly. Vincent agreed, “Yes probably from the explosion.”
“There should be a rescue party arriving any time but we simply can’t wait for them.” Vincent scooped Mouse up into his arms trying not to notice the pain from his own injury, “I have to get him to the hospital chamber right now, there is no time to lose.” Devin and Catherine wanted to stall him, he could barely carry himself let alone another, but one look at Mouse’s ashen face silenced that idea in both of them.
“Go!” Catherine cried, “Now!”
Vincent didn’t need a second bidding, he started to run with the boy in his arm with one intent firmly in his mind to get Mouse some medical attention before it was too late.
“Adrenaline.” Devin spoke out loud not realising he had. He grinned sheepishly.
“Yes.” Catherine didn’t seem to notice “Good old adrenaline, just when you think your energy is completely sapped along it comes to renew you with vigour, but generally only in times of dire need such as this. Oh Devin did you see his face?”
“Yes. Though Vincent didn’t look too good either.” Catherine spoke anxiously. “I’m so worried about him.”
“Yes and Mouse. Come we must hurry after them.”
“Catherine?” For some reason Devin seemed to really notice her for the first time since they had begun the long journey home.
“Yes?” Catherine turned back to look at him.
Devin nodded his gaze drawn toward her legs, “Just what is that you are wearing?”
Catherine glanced down at her attire. The jacket come skirt showed a great deal of bare skin and Catherine pursed her lips before looking back up at him, “Do you like it?” She replied with a chuckle.
It wasn’t quite the answer he’d expected and Devin laughed out loud, “Sure do. Bit draughty for wearing down here though isn’t it?”
Catherine gasped. He didn’t believe her surely!
Laughing harder Devin put an arm around her shoulders and hugged her close to him, “Its okay Chandler, you can quit blushing, I saw that you had left your jeans tied around Vincent. Nice move it stopped the bleeding.”
“There was nothing else I could have used. I had already tried my tee shirt but it was useless in the long run. I just had to use whatever was available.”
“Well I think you are marvellous Cathy. I don’t think I would have done it. Probably would never even have thought of it. And I must say using your jacket as a skirt was excellent too but you must be freezing.”
“Just a bit.” That was an understatement.
“Do you think Vin noticed?” Devin chuckled. Maybe that was why his brother had been so quiet?
“What that I was cold? Probably.”
“No not the cold Cathy. Do you think Vincent noticed what you were wearing, or rather what you wasn’t wearing?”
Catherine gasped. Oh what if he had? At first the thought horrified her, but then she realised she knew something that Devin didn’t, and she smiled deeper and deeper as a delicious thought entered her mind. Oh yes Vincent did you notice? Oh I hope so, I hope so. She giggled then and Devin caught her drift and breaking into a fresh bout of laughter he urged her forward eager to get home.
With the slim hope that Vincent hadn’t already noticed her lack of attire Devin couldn’t wait to see his face when he did!

*** *** ***

However that was not to be. The pair had taken no more than a dozen strides when they encountered the rescue party coming toward them.
“Catherine! Devin!” The joyful cry brought tears to their eyes.
“Have you seen Vincent?” Catherine asked as firm hands placed a blanket around her shoulders and helped her lie down upon a stretcher. Devin too was extended the same treatment.
“Yes. Don’t worry the other half of our team took Vincent and Mouse on a couple of stretchers at a brisk trot toward the hub. They should be receiving treatment right about now.”
“How was Mouse?” Catherine’s voice trembled with anxiety. He had looked like death when she had last seen him.
Worried glances passed from one to the other of the rescue team, they decided not to lie to her, "Not good. He was unconscious."
“Oh! And Vincent?”
“Dont worry. He'll be all right. Its nothing a good long rest won’t cure. Vincent’s remarkable when it comes to healing. I expect Mary is pampering him even now.”
Catherine smiled, yes she could just picture that.
“Well are you set, got everything?” Catherine nodded.
“Right then let’s go home.”
Home, how delicious the thought. Catherine closed her eyes imagining home in the tunnels and before she knew it she was fast asleep.

*** *** ***

Day One

While they were sleeping Vincent and Catherine were oblivious to the trauma going on around them. From the first day Peter had thankfully been tracked down and as people were beginning to enter the city once more he found it relatively easy to make his way below without any questions being asked.
His arrival caused much elation, “Peter thank God you came!” Olivia met him on his way to the hospital chamber.
“He’s still unconscious?” Olivia had to run to keep up with Peter’s long strides.
“Yes, we don’t know what’s wrong with him. Father is at a loss. Peter can you take him for an X-ray?”
They reached the hospital chamber where a group of people gathered. Father and Mary among them.
“Oh Peter!” Father came to his friend with arms outstretched, “Please you must help him. I don’t know what else to do.”
Peter took Father’s hands in his before going to stand at the side of the cot and looking down at Mouse, noticing that his face so usually creased with smiles was now sullen and void of expression. Peter lifted Mouse’s hand and checked his pulse against his fob watch.
“How long has he been like this?” Peter asked without taking his eyes off the watch.
“Four hours, ever since he collapsed in the tunnels. He was clutching his abdomen and some rocks had fallen on him, but I cannot feel any obvious broken bones. I believe only an X-ray will show us the damage.” Father had tears in his eyes. It had been so frustrating not knowing what was wrong with the boy.
“He needs to be in a hospital.” Peter was saying, “We have to get him above immediately.”
“Oh but they will ask questions, will want to see identification, want to know where he is living, what answers can possibly be given?” Mary’s voice rose almost hysterically.
“Ordinarily yes, but the hurricane changed all that. There are a couple of ambulances above with teams of paramedics searching the rubble for survivors. Not everyone evacuated. It wouldn’t be difficult to let them believe that Mouse had been caught and injured by the storm. We’ll worry about the other things later, but first we need to get him into hospital.” All nodded, agreeing as one, and a stretcher was brought up for Mouse to be taken above on.
“Try not to worry Jacob.” Peter patted his friends shoulder, “I’ll take good care of him. How are Catherine and Vincent?” They walked toward the exit together.
“Asleep, I think they will recover their ordeal once they have rested. Peter you see to Mouse and come back when you can to see Catherine and Vincent. Mouse needs your help more right now.”
Peter nodded, “I’ll let you know the moment I hear anything.” And with a final comforting squeeze to Father’s shoulder Peter left the chamber and hurried after those taking Mouse above.

*** *** ***

The paramedics were very kind and asked only minimal questions of Peter who had accompanied Mouse with his two bearers up to the place where the ambulance was stationed.
Believing Mouse to be a vagrant they informed the party that he hadn’t been the first brought to them that day after suffering the effects of the hurricane.
“I was told something had fallen on his stomach.” Peter told the paramedics, “These two men were the first to find him.”
“What fell on him?” The paramedics asked. Both Cullen and Kanin had already gone over the possibility of this question and had their answer ready. “We found him with a chunk of concrete laid over him.” That was as near to the truth as possible after all.
“Did you lift it off him?”
“Yes.” Neither liked to tell that lie.
“Was he conscious?”
“Yes and able to walk. He was all right for the best part of an hour, and then he collapsed clutching his stomach."
“And how long ago was that?”
“About four to five hours ago.”
“Four to five hours!”
“I’m afraid that was my fault.” Peter broke in seeing the obvious discomfort of the two tunnel men. “These men know of me, and they called me to come to this man’s aid. Not realising that there was any emergency services in the area they waited until I could get to them.”
“And you are?”
“Peter Alcott. Dr Peter Alcott.”
“Oh I see. Right the best thing we can do then is get this young man into hospital. Do you know his name?”
br> “No.” All three answered but could not look the paramedics in the eye. “But I’d like to come with you to the hospital. I would like to know how he is doing.”
“Well he doesn’t appear to be in any difficulties right now. But only a scan and an X-ray will tell us if he has broken ribs. He’s breathing all right so I don’t think he has ruptured a lung, and his heart rate is only a little higher than it should be. Still it looks very much like he sustained a head injury, so that will account for his unconscious state.”
“Where?” The paramedics looked up surprised when this question was asked by all three of the men.
“Here on the back of the neck. Probably did it when he was knocked over by the concrete slab. Right he’s ready for transit now, so if you two men would like information on him you will have to call St Vincent’s later today. Some of the wings were destroyed by the tidal wave, but we are managing to operate as best as we can.”
Cullen and Kanin stepped back, watching as the stretcher baring Mouse was hefted up into the ambulance. Peter got in behind and closed the doors from the inside.
It felt funny watching the ambulance move away. Cullen and Kanin had come this far and now left alone they felt awful. They so wanted to stay with Mouse, but knew that would be impossible. As far as the paramedics were concerned neither man had encountered Mouse before that day, so why should they be overly concerned about his welfare?
“How far is it to St Vincent’s” Cullen asked his friend rolling up the stretcher on which they had carried Mouse.
“Quite a way, but I know a shortcut. Why what are you thinking?”
“That we should stick around, be close to him. If he comes round he’s gonna be frightened in a strange place. Perhaps we can turn up after he’s taken there and say we are relatives.”
“That would open up a can of worms. They’d want to know his name, date of birth, address where he works, has he got medical insurance everything. What would we tell them then?”
“I don’t know Kanin, but I just think we should stay nearby that’s all.”
“Peter will stay with him. He’ll not let him be alone. The best we can do is go home. Father will be anxious.”
“Yes.” Cullen answered reluctantly, “I suppose you’re right. But I still don’t like leaving Mouse alone. I wonder what’s up with him?”
“There’s nothing more we can do but wait. He’s in the best of hands now. Come on lets get home, maybe Vincent and Catherine have woken by now.”
Mention of those two brightened Cullen’s spirits, ‘yes of course Vincent and Catherine.’ And he replied, “Okay, but if Peter hasn’t been back by tomorrow morning we’ll go to St Vincent’s to see for ourselves all right?”
Kanin nodded, “Yes all right, we’ll go to St Vincent’s if there has been no news by morning.”

*** *** ***

Coming out of surgery Peter shook his head with disbelief, ‘ who would have thought it huh?’ Mouse with appendicitis and a bang on the head rendering him unconscious. Just as well really he was spared so much pain, but it could have been life threatening had he of not been taken to the hospital.
The surgeon told Peter that the boy had probably suffered from a grumbling appendix for several years, and it was possible that the slab of concrete could have given it the final blow that it needed, but it was unlikely. More probably stress might have caused it, but there was no way of knowing what stress the boy had been under except for the storm of course. The bang on the head had been a blessing in disguise and had probably saved the boy from much agony.
Yet all his vital signs had shown that he should be conscious soon possibly even after surgery and so Peter stayed at the hospital awaiting that good news.
It was in the visitor’s room that Cullen and Kanin found Peter curled up on a sofa dozing and was surprised to see him there. "Peter!” They exclaimed together.
Peter came to slowly he struggled to a sitting position. His hair was ruffled and he badly needed to shave. “Cullen! Kanin! What are you two doing here?”
“We wanted to see how Mouse was. When you didn’t send word we couldn’t wait. How is he? Do you know?”
Peter related the news he had, stunning the two men into silence. When he had finished it still the two men could not attempt to speak. Peter broke in before they did, “You won’t be able to see him, he’s in intensive care. I’ll stay here until he’s conscious. I’ll come below as soon as I possibly can. Will you go and tell Father the news now?”
Wordlessly the two men nodded, and they left Peter in the visitor’s room and Peter lay back down on the sofa preparing to wait there until Mouse came round however long it took.

*** *** ***

Day Two

Catherine associated the feeling with hunger. She was starving! Her stomach told of its displeasure at having had to wait so long and it rumbled noisily.
Jamie standing nearby laughed heartily, “You hear that Devin? Catherine’s hungry.”
Devin laughed. He had been awake all day having only slept his usual eight hours. Seemed few disasters rendered him unconscious. Father put it down to the lifestyle he kept. Having to snatch sleep whenever he could or like a swallow on the wing only half of him slept at any one time leaving the other half aware of what ever was going on around him.
“See if she’ll wake up.” Devin asked the young woman. She was closer to Catherine than he was.
Shaking Catherine’s arm gently Jamie called softly, “Catherine…Catherine…”
Catherine’s eyes snapped open almost immediately, making Devin chuckle, “Hi Chandler have a nice sleep?”
Groggily Catherine’s eyelids flickered before she raised a hand to each eye and rubbed the sleep away sitting up in bed as she did so. “Where’s Vincent? Ouch.” She moaned taking her hands from her eyes to rub her back, then her shoulders and next her legs, “I don’t know where I hurt the most. Did I sleep long?”
“You remember then?” Devin was surprised at that.
“Only because I woke for a while some hours ago, and it all rushed back to me. I was too tired to call out, but you were sitting reading over there.”
Devin knew where she meant. He had spent most of the day reading by himself first in Vincent’s chamber and then in the guest chamber used by Catherine. He was determined to be there when one or both of them woke up.
“I watched you for a while.” Catherine giggled, “In fact I stared at your back willing you to turn round. I was dying for a drink of water.”
“I would have thought you’d had enough of water to last a lifetime.” Devin chuckled.
“Don’t remind me.” Yet despite the trauma Catherine smiled. “Its good to be alive.”
“Yes.” Jamie confirmed remembering the horror when Catherine was missing, “It is.”
Another rumble from Catherine’s protesting stomach made everyone laugh, “I’ll get you some breakfast.” Jamie turned for the exit “I won’t be long.”
In her absence Father came in telling that Jamie had told him Catherine was awake on her way to the kitchen. “How are you feeling my dear?”
“I hurt.” Catherine grimaced, “All over. How’s Vincent?”
“Sleeping.” Father checked Catherine’s vital signs nodding with satisfaction when all seemed well. “You were very lucky my dear there doesn’t seem to be any sign of phenomena and that’s a wonder. You were so cold when you were brought in that Mary had to rub you vigorously to get some life back into your limbs.”
“Really?” Catherine asked wide eyed, “I don’t remember any of that.”
“I’m not surprised. You slept through the whole experience. You were exhausted, but we couldn’t put you to bed in that state. Mary bathed you the best she could and put a clean night-gown on you before tucking you into bed with several hot water bottles. Vincent too received the same treatment. He’s still sleeping but I am not worried about him. Vincent can sleep for days when he is recuperating – his body has the amazing ability to restore good health while he is asleep.”
“Yes he told me once before.” Catherine lowered her gaze. There had been many occasions when Vincent had suffered through something she had caused. Father knew it - she knew it and Catherine could not meet his eyes.
“This one was through no fault of your own my dear.” Father didn’t try to gain eye contact, just busied himself with straightening her bed linen. Watching him beneath her lashes Catherine was grateful for this. They both knew that she had been the cause of Vincent risking his life for her on too many occasions. Occasions they would all rather forget about.
“Where’s Devin?” Catherine just noticed he had gone.
“I expect all this talk of Vincent took him off to his brother’s chamber to see how he is. I think he is anxious to have Vincent wake up, and he probably thinks that since you’re awake there is a good chance that Vincent will be too.”
Catherine smiled, “The Bond.”
“Yes dear the bond – you two are connected so strongly – well we know it don’t we? Without it you probably wouldn’t be here talking to me now.”
“No.” Catherine fell silent. He was right the Bond was a wonderful thing. Without it there had been many occasions when she could have died but for Vincent knowing where she was and when she needed him the most.
“I don’t want to keep putting him through that.” Catherine spoke aloud, not meaning to do – she startled herself and looked up at Father warily.
“I don’t see how you can stop it my dear short of drastically changing your life style that is.”
Catherine’s heart fluttered, “And how could I do that?” She whispered hopefully. Did Father have the answer she had sought for so long.
“Well it all rather depends on Vincent of course, but since it will be a while before the city is habitable again I thought perhaps you would like to stay with us. Though your apartment might have withstood the storm I don’t know. But that’s the offer if you would like to accept it?”
“I’d love to accept it! But Father you know Vincent?”
Their eyes met, Father’s expressing deep sympathy – Catherine’s - deep sorrow. “Yes I do, but I also know that I am to blame for quite a lot of my son’s misgivings. I’d like to change that. I now know that you would never intentionally hurt him, neither do I think either of us could ever get you to leave.” His kindly eyes twinkled merrily.
Catherine’s eyes matched his and furiously she shook her head “Nothing could ever get me to leave him Father - nothing!” She told him vehemently. For a moment he saw her eyes flash fire and read in them the silent words ‘just let any one dare.’
For a moment Father was stunned – Catherine’s love for his son went deeper than he had supposed – she was a remarkable woman – acting as a shield to protect Vincent – even though she was so much slighter of build than his son.
“No one will dare to come between you Catherine, you have my word on that. You are the best thing that has happened to Vincent in all his life. We all see that. You make him happy and that makes us happy. We’d like you to stay with us. I’d like you to stay with us – permanently if that were possible.”
Catherine’s mouth dropped open. Was she hearing things? “Really?”
Father nodded, tears gathering in his eyes, “Yes I already think of you as part of our family.” Catherine was humbled by his speech, and she reached forward to grasp his hand taking it to her cheek and kissing the palm, “Thank you Father, you don’t know what that means to me.”
He smiled at her drawing a deep ragged breath that signified his obvious discomfort at such affection from her and Catherine let go of his hand. “I’ll go see where that breakfast has got to my dear. I expect Jamie has got side tracked by someone.”
Just at that moment Jamie called from the entrance “Oh no I haven’t, I’ve just got here.” She hadn’t really. She had been there for sometime but hadn’t wanted to intrude on such a moving exchange between Father and Catherine. Inside her Jamie’s heart soared – Would Catherine come to live with them? Oh she hoped so…she really hoped so.

*** *** ***

Chapter Sixteen

Day Three

“As one eye opens one eye closes
This is how the dormouse dozes
Then without a change of poses
Simply sits and thinks.

But catch a dormouse unawares
Entangled in his own affairs
And then he simply sits and stares
With half an eye to worldly cares
Exactly like the spinx.

But just the same, make no mistake
When half asleep or half awake
The other half for heavens sake
Is having forty winks!”

“Good morning to you too Devin.” Vincent grinned. “Forgive me for asking but why exactly did you recite the sluggard as you came into my chamber?”

“Because dear brother that’s exactly who you remind me of.” Devin came over to sit on the bed beside Vincent watching his brother carefully.
Vincent grimaced, “I was hoping that no one would notice.”
“That you have much on your mind? Vincent to everyone else you may appear to be sleeping, but not to me. I know you – remember? So what gives? What’s the problem…this time?”
“This time?” Vincent grinned exposing his canines, something he rarely did in the company of anyone but his brother, and maybe Catherine once or twice. “You make that sound as though I am some sort of hypochondriac or something.”
“And maybe that’s so, except that the illness is more mental than physical. You’ve been pondering ever since you woke yesterday and Father told you the glorious news that Catherine should stay here for a while.”
“There’s no keeping anything from you is there?” Vincent grinned.
“Nope. So come give, tell me what’s on your mind…as I say…this time?”
“Oh…”Vincent drew a deep breath and expelled it heavily, “The usual.” He whispered. “And yet not.”
“Whoa Vincent why do you insist on riddles? You know I was never much good at them?” Devin chuckled.
Startled Devin looked at his brother – that answer was unexpected. Vincent usually replied in kind to such wit.
“Want to talk about it?” Devin left the banter behind. His tone was serious, Vincent knew that his brother sincerely wanted to help and having found no solution of his own Vincent decided to accept.
“I knew…I should have known…I realised…” Vincent attempted several times pulling himself up short each time to try another angle. Patiently Devin waited. To speak now could ruin everything. Vincent might just clam up again. At least for now, even though conversation was stilted Devin had at least got his brother on a roll.
Drawing a ragged breath, Vincent exhaled long and slowly finally saying, “When Catherine and I were below…that is when I thought I might lose her…I saw what she meant to me. No, that’s wrong. I have always known what Catherine meant to me – I didn’t mean it that way – its just to have lost her…to know that I would have to live without her…”He paused again wiping tears from his eyes. Devin remained silent, knowing the necessity of doing so.
“I couldn’t live without her…” His words caught on a sob. Now Devin intervened, “Its all right Vincent. I understand. Loving someone deeply hurts when they hurt.”
Vincent was grateful to his brother having the words he sought and couldn’t find at that moment, “Yes.” He said.
There was a few more moments of silence then Vincent continued, “Catherine and are close. So close – connected.” He clasped his hands together tightly signifying the closeness they shared, “We are as one in every way except…” He paused unable to find the words again.
Devin helped out, “Except the physical.”
Thankful, Vincent nodded, “Yes…that.”
More silence followed.
Devin waited patiently – quietly – his eyes filled with compassion.
“Until the hurricane…”
A small chuckle escaped Devin, “Sorry.”
Birdlike Vincent cocked his head and waited. Devin went on, “Sorry you wouldn’t know, the hurricane…well it has a name…as they all have names…” He chuckled, “They called it Hurricane Vincent. I just thought how apt that was in the circumstances that’s all.” He chuckled some more.
Vincent too, in fact he needed that. It seemed to free his tongue somehow. He chuckled as he spoke, “So one Vincent swept Catherine away…”
“Into the arms of another.” Devin added unable to help himself. “In fact you could say one Hurricane Vincent swept Catherine away into the arms of another Hurricane Vincent – boy can you run! That reminds me so many people are grateful to you right now. You saved a lot of lives bro.”
“Which leads us back to Catherine.” Vincent’s blue eyes twinkled.
“My apologies again… I went off the subject. Sorry… Do go on Vincent.”
“Not so off the subject…just a little…makes a change for you huh?”
“You didn’t give me enough time.” Devin’s laughter trailed away, “So to Catherine then.”
“When I found her, when I caught up with her after the wave swept her down the shaft, I was so happy to see her again…that…that…without thinking…I…”
“Spit it out bro – the suspense is killing me.”
“Yikes! You what?” Wide-eyed Devin stared at his brother. He tried so hard to keep a straight face.
“Kissed her.” Vincent spoke so quietly Devin had to strain his ears to hear him. “I know…I know what you must be thinking…I have asked myself that same question ever since I got back…how could I…one such as me…have dared… to do such a thing!” Tears formed in Vincent’s eyes and he hurriedly brushed them away hiding embarrassed behind a curtain of tawny hair.
“Vincent?” Devin reached for his brother’s shoulders, “You did nothing wrong. Believe me. That you have held back so long already is amazing. How did Chandler respond?”
At this a smile was plucked from Vincent. He remembered that oh so clearly. “Like a rose unfolding its petals to the sun.”
Devin dropped back against the pillows a hand to his heart, “Arh the romantic.” He whispered. His eyes danced with merriment. He sat back up just as suddenly, “I mean how did she R-E-S-P-O-N-D! Fur ball!” Devin clonked Vincent over the head with one hand.
“How do you mean?” Vincent was at a loss.
“W-e-l-l…did she kiss you back – did she melt away in your arms – did she shove you off her – give man this is driving me nuts – man Vincent you could win an Oscar for suspense!”
“Amazingly - she didn’t push me away.” Vincent answered with awe.
Devin groaned, ‘Lord this was like pulling teeth!’ He could have retorted something silly again, but refrained from doing so.
Vincent’s eyes had taken on a distant look. Devin needed to hear no more those eyes told him all that he needed to know. ‘Way to go Chandler’ he told himself, ‘you got my brother smitten and then some!’
“So what?” Vincent came back down to earth by the unusual question.
“So what’s next? There is a further instalment – oh please say there is?” Devin said dramatically.
“That’s just it.” Vincent shrugged, “There isn’t.” His eyes took on a distant but sorrowful look as he spoke Devin noticed.
“But you wish? Huh?”
“Yes Devin…I wish.” Vincent’s voice fell flat.
“I can’t see the problem Vin. If Cathy didn’t shove you away. If she accepted the kiss…”Devin shook his head, “I just can’t see the problem. All you need to do is kiss her again, get a bit passionate…and Whoa…Bob’s your uncle.”
“I don’t have an Uncle Bob.” Vincent grinned making Devin laugh out loud.
“Arh but you could have…” Devin’s eyes were filled with mischief, as he took the bull by the horns and added, “And you could have a wife named Catherine if you put your mind to it.”
A growl escaped Vincent causing Devin to remark ‘Oops went too far perhaps?’
There was another lengthy silence. Devin wasn’t sure what his brother was thinking now. Perhaps it was best to give him some space. Obviously he had given his brother food for thought that might take quite some time to swallow.
“I’ll go to the kitchen and get us some lunch – okay?” He rose from the bed and moved toward the exit, almost reaching it before he heard his brother reply “Not for me Devin – I don’t think I could eat anything right now.”
Devin nodded thinking to himself ‘As I presumed then – but the other way around – thought for food.’ Then with a wicked grin he left the chamber knowing that it would be quite some time before Vincent required any other sustenance.

*** *** ***

Day Fourteen

Looking around the chamber Catherine drew in the sight of everything just so she could remember every item in the weeks ahead. She couldn’t believe she was going and she wanted so badly to stay…but simply everything had become impossible.
She tried focusing on the good points, all the things that had happened over the last two weeks and it was difficult but she managed to smile.
Mouse had come home at first subdued but then after a whole day shut away in his chamber he was proudly showing off his scar to anyone that was interested to see it. Neither was it long at all before he was having Father tear his hair out with all the ‘finding’ Mouse was doing above.
There was so much to be found! ‘It was just lying there’ Mouse would come home telling every body, with delight written all over his face. At least it meant that Mouse spent long periods in his chamber putting together his new gizmos though. And Father was thankful for those periods. It kept Mouse out of trouble and lessened the risk of Father having a heart attack.
Catherine had grown a fondness for tunnel life that she had never noticed before. Mouse’s inventions provided a distraction she welcomed from other serious things happening around her. She could ho along to Mouse’s chamber and spend some time just watching him – just being there – Mouse appreciated her company and was happy to ‘let her in’ on his ideas.
The tunnel women were hopeful that Catherine would come to like tunnel life so much that she would not want to go back above and they did everything that they could to find her something worth while to do. It did seem in fact that Catherine’s bright shiny eyes told of her joy as well as her laughter that many tunnel dwellers found pleasurable to the ears.
The problem was of course the one and only. The only fly in the ointment was the very reason why Catherine wanted to belong to tunnel life. Vincent. But Vincent was as usual unsure and so very unwilling to conquer his fears despite the suggestive remarks he had made during their spell trapped in the lower levels.
Sometimes Catherine would look at him long and hard through the shield of her hair and wonder if she had perhaps imagined his kiss after all. But then he would catch her looking at him and the red blotch that fused his throat would tell her that she hadn’t imagined it - that it had happened. He had kissed her – had made her believe that their relationship could move forward – had intended to make love to her – until the cold light of day changed all of that.
It saddened Catherine immensely, and as the days wore on she found it a bitter pill to swallow that Vincent was so obviously avoiding her – that their relationship was poles apart rather than closer and finally one evening Catherine made a sudden announcement during supper.
“I shall be leaving here tomorrow.” A gasp came up from everyone who had heard.
“Leaving? But why dear? I thought you were happy here?” Mary recovered first to speak.
“I am happy. But there are such a lot of things I should be doing. I spoke to Joe a couple of days back when I went to check on developments above. He is suggesting to all the staff that those overseas cases that were on a back burner should be brought to the forefront and tackled, just until our office block is declared safe to work in again.” Though she tried for the life of her to sound enthusiastic about this Catherine spoke listlessly and those that knew her best also knew that Catherine wouldn’t have agreed to such an assignment if things between her and Vincent had been different. Each member cast a sidelong glance toward Vincent. He hadn’t looked up but with a fork he was idly pushing food around his plate - his face expressionless.
“Well if that’s what you want Catherine.” Father coughed sensing the atmosphere and not enjoying it one bit.
‘No it’s not what I want!’ Catherine wanted to scream. Instead she mumbled, “I think it would be best. I’ve got to get on with my life sometime.” The last was whispered. Those that knew her well caught a tremor to the words, a slight sob that told them plainly that going back above was the last thing she wanted. They felt sorry for her. Vincent was as usual being his same obstinate self. Couldn’t he see how he was hurting her? Couldn’t he see he was destroying her?
Obviously not.
“Where will your first port of call be Catherine do you know?” Olivia asked as she spoon fed the newest member of her family, a little girl with bonny blonde curls.
With her napkin Catherine cleaned the particles of food from around the child’s mouth. Deep down inside she wished the little girl was her daughter. She wished that she and Vincent had children between them. A few weeks ago, for so a short a time, she had almost come to believe that this dream could be so. Now she wasn’t so sure. And being there near Vincent with his heart so dead set against moving forward like this, Catherine knew that she couldn’t endure another day of dreaming impossible dreams.
“Joe mentioned London.”
“London? As in England?” Mary cried, “But that’s so far away!”
Catherine grinned knoing what would come of her next statement, “He also mentioned Bermuda.”
Mary chuckled, “Then you may never come back. People mysteriously vanish there you know.” For the first time Vincent looked up startled but just as quickly lowered his gaze to his plate again.
Catherine laughed too, “I know that’s what I told Joe. There was one other assignment overseas – in Paris. I quite fancied that.”
“So that’s where you’ll be going then? Paris?” Father entered the conversation.
“No.” Catherine shook her head. “Despite the alluring thought of French cuisine and the grass being greener on the other side and all that, I declined all of Joe’s offers. “Catherine hesitated a moment, then smiled and went on, “I’m going to Westport.”
“To Westport? Where your friend Nancy lives?” Mary asked.
“Yes. Since our apartments and the office are off limits Nancy has very kindly suggested that she put Joe and I up at her house to carry on as best we can there work wise. Joe hasn’t accepted yet but I have. It’ll be good to mix business with pleasure, with the emphasis being on pleasure.” Catherine’s eyes twinkled. For a moment many tunnel dwellers felt hurt believing that Catherine hadn’t found pleasure staying in the tunnels as they had presumed until it dawned on them suddenly that Catherine was very subtly baiting Vincent!
And they were delighted to note – this idea of hers worked!
For the first time Vincent’s head rose and stayed up. He stared at Catherine for long moments, his face a mixture of emotions coming and going so fast they were impossible to read. But any fool could see the fear in those intense blue eyes – not from a morbid sense of danger supposed, but from the tiny little possibility that the pleasure Catherine had spoken of would involve – Joe!
Catherine bit back the desire to smile tremulously – supreme victory was a glorious thing! The other women around her tactfully hid their smiles behind hands, or napkins on any pretence, yawning, coughing, wiping food from their lips, but their eyes told a different story. These were bright, humour filled intensely happy with Catherine’s success.
“How long will you be gone?” Vincent asked quietly - trying not to sound bothered in any way. Inside he was trembling – his heart screaming – don’t go! Please don’t go!
“As long as it takes.” Catherine decided to add a little more to further her goal. “If Joe declines to stay, he will bring me over some new files from time to time from wherever he’s staying and as soon as our homes are declared habitable again we’ll move back.”
“Sounds like you will have you nose to the grindstone.” Olivia laughed. “Sure you wouldn’t prefer staying with us?”
“Oh it won’t be all that bad. When Joe comes to drop off some files I’m sure Nancy will encourage him to stay the night or for the weekend. We can both relax and take time out from working if he accepts her offer. All work and no play makes Daniel a dull boy.” She laughed, “Or whatever his name was.”
Father smiled into his tea-cup. He’d caught the drift. Vincent apparently hadn’t. Father wanted to laugh out loud. Catherine was coyly misbehaving and loving every moment of it at Vincent’s expense if the expression on her face was anything to go by.
Vincent had taken the bait hook, line and sinker. He looked furious! If only Devin was here, he would revel in this little charade.
“Well,” Catherine pushed her plate aside, “I guess I’d best get my goodbyes made, I must say I will miss you all.” She looked around the group deliberately missing Vincent’s steady gaze upon her.
“And some more than others huh?” Father chuckled loving every moment of this.
A hint of a smile played around Vincent’s mouth that soon vanished as Catherine replied, “Oh yes most certainly, I’ve spent a lot of time with Mouse. You will have to keep a diary on everything he does between now and my return, so that I don’t miss anything.”
Father did laugh at that. The look on Vincent’s face was a picture. Disillusionment didn’t even come close. ‘Oh Catherine way to go!’ Father caught himself up short chuckling at his using of Devin’s vocabulary. Good job he hadn’t spoken out loud – he’d never live that one down – let alone the fact that he would have given away Catherine’s little game to one who was so wrapped up in the act that he hadn’t yet noticed it for what it was.
“Yes of course.” Mary was saying. “Besides Mouse keeps his own journals, they are sure to be filled with everything he does while you are gone. But other than Mouse isn’t there anyone else that you will really miss?” Now Mary couldn’t help baiting.
Catherine looked around her at each and every person she had grown to love, some more than others, one much more than all the others, and as hard as it was she shook her head, “You are all equal to me. I shall miss each and every one of you equalling for the qualities that you have, and for the love you have shown me.” She shrugged and smiled, “But hey I’m not going to the moon, I will be back…I just can’t say when. So much depends on it.” Now she looked at Vincent. A steady green gaze that defied him to look away. He didn’t. Couldn’t. He was mesmerised by her gaze. A gaze that saw right through him stripped him naked both mentally and physically speaking. Vincent saw it all in her eyes. He gasped wanting to run, wanting to hide, wanting…wanting…wanting - things he dare not express or put into words yet seeing it all there in her eyes – the acceptance of his needs and desires – she would hold nothing back from him – even now. That frightened him. His breath caught and held and he thought he may pass out at any moment if he didn’t get some fresh air and fast. Abruptly he pushed back his chair, stood up and exited the kitchen with a curt “Excuse me.”
All eyes followed his escape…there was a few seconds silence and then a rumble of laughter followed by expressions of…Oh Catherine…see what you’ve done…Oh poor Vincent…and then more hearty laughter followed reaching a crescendo as Catherine joined in.

*** *** ***

Chapter Seventeen

They were walking side by side barely touching as Vincent guided Catherine through the tunnels toward the park entrance the following day. Neither had slept well, each were tired not just from restlessness but tired of chasing the same dream and never finding a way out of it into reality. The links of the dream were tougher than either supposed and Vincent for one was afraid that to break a link would mean the destruction of a dream they could never go back to if reality failed them.
Catherine was determined to try – and they’d reached stalemate.
“It hardly seems possible.” Catherine tried her hand at light-hearted conversation as they neared the metal gate leading up into the park, “that almost three weeks ago I charged down here to warn you all about the hurricane. Doesn’t time fly? I thought I’d be getting an extra day down here by coming on the Friday rather than the Saturday and look what happens…” she laughed gaily, “I get three weeks instead.”
A soft smile played around Vincent’s mouth, “Almost - where will you be charging off to this coming Friday?” He grinned though inside his heart hammered awaiting her answer.
“Well I’ll already be at Nancy’s so I guess I’ll be charging somewhere with her children – or maybe Joe will come over on Friday with some more files.” She laughed harder delighting in the sombre expression now to cross his face, “But then if he’s bringing more work I’ll likely be charging away from him.” That caused a smile to break forth on Vincent’s face. Catherine had no real wish to hurt him, or make him jealous, her hope was just to push him a little – make him respond where ordinarily he may not.
“I wish…” his words trailed away.
Catherine spun around to face him her heart soaring…”Yes?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Vincent’s voice fell flat, his face turning away from her, hiding himself behind his long tawny mane of hair.
“Oh but it does…” Catherine stepped toward him lifting the hair from his face, capturing his chin and forcing his eyes to look into hers, “We all deserve to make a wish Vincent.” She spoke so softly it almost broke his heart. He had to deny her yet again.
“Wishes are closely linked to dreams Catherine. Each belong in the fantasy realm dreams rarely come true no matter how hard we may wish them to.”
Catherine’s heart went out to him. “We should forget dreams and wishes for the moment Vincent. For a time we allowed ourselves to move past them into a reality that was glorious while it lasted.” Catherine hesitated watching him closely, before adding, “Kiss me again Vincent.”
He gasped tossing his head up and back, almost hitting it on the wall behind as if he had been stung, “No!” the word was wrenched from him. All his emotions gathered in that one word, Catherine felt both elated and sad at the same time. So there was a danger was there – if he kissed her? Pity he hadn’t then.
Vincent pulled up his hood sheltering his desires and deepest fears from Catherine before whispering brokenly, “It has to remain a dream Catherine. There can be nothing else. Ever. I’m sorry.”
“Some dreams can come true Vincent.” Catherine whispered softly, encouragingly.
“Not for me.” His voice rasped filled with agonised pain. He breathed deeply, unsteadily, “You should go now. It’s getting late.”
Catherine hesitated. She didn’t want to leave him yet…not like this. Who was she kidding? She didn’t want to leave him ever. She wanted so much to kiss him, to feel his mouth soft and alive beneath her own, returning kiss for kiss. Oh how she longed to feel him kiss her again!
She thought of begging. They could do this – they could. They could reach out and shake off the dream, grasp reality make it their own. It was just one small step away. They could do it – they could.
“Please?” The word was out before she knew it.
Vincent backed up against the wall, hiding now in the shadows his breathing ragged. “Go!” He growled menacingly.
Tears filled her eyes, her feet were rooted to the spot, she had to know, had to ask one last thing of him – “Will I see you again?”
A deep sigh, indrawn – exhaled slowly, then “Yes.” Nothing more; nothing less. Catherine clung to that word - it seared her heart with hope and her feet seemed to guide her then, away from him, away from his world and out toward the sunshine of hers.
Some spoken words held her frozen for one more moment her back to him, “It can never be anything more than a dream Catherine – what we had – what happened that Friday night – it was a dream Catherine – just a dream.” His voice trailed away sadly and it broke Catherine’s heart.
Her heart heavy Catherine felt his gaze upon her as she walked out into the sunshine her eyes full of tears and then suddenly something wonderful happened! A ray of light filtered through her tree…golden precious and warm…and Catherine’s heart was filled with a sudden overwhelming joy as she whispered aloud before walking happily onward, “Oh, Vincent…don’t you know? Friday night’s dreams always come true.”

*** *** ***



The stories found within this website have been written by and for lovers of the American television series Beauty and the Beast and no infringement upon the rights held by Ron Koslow, CBS, Republic Entertainment, Witt-Thomas Productions or any other Copyright holder to Beauty and the Beast is intended.

Furthermore all the stories found on this website belong to Wendy Tunnard de-Veryard, are protected by copyright and none should be copied, added to or subtracted from or altered in any way, without the prior authorisation of the author.