Proving that name calling doesn't have to be taken literally


Scaredy Cat
Oh Vincent, you are such a scaredy cat.” The horrified look on Vincent’s face, made Catherine regret her words the moment they were out of her mouth. “Oh Vincent I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that the way it came out....” too late Vincent’s body disappeared over the balcony and slipped away into the early morning light.
Crumpling to her feet, Catherine groaned. It was just a harmless expression. Ordinarily that was. But for someone like Vincent, half man, half lion, it was an insult. She wished she had bitten off her tongue before making utterance, rather than hurt the man she loved. Yet hurt him she had, and exhaling a deep sigh Catherine rose to her feet, there was nothing else for it, she would have to go after him. She’d be late for work but that didn’t matter. She would only worry about him all day if she didn’t go after him, and then she would be no use to anyone, and if she hurried she might just catch him, before he went to bed.
Running past the sentry points she smiled a welcome. They were surprised to see her coming Below at that time of day, especially so soon after Vincent had passed by. Vincent of course, had no need to hear them announce her arrival, through their Bond he knew that she followed him down, and slowed to wait for her, so that as she turned a corner she ran straight into him.
“There was no need to chase after me Catherine “ he told her, “I’m not a child.”
Furious she retorted, “You think not? I was coming to apologise that’s all, but after that remark, I wish I hadn’t bothered.”
Remorseful, Vincent instantly begged forgiveness, “I’m sorry Catherine, that was un-called for, and so was my sudden departure, but you know how any reference to my other side gets my back up.”
“And yet now you are doing it, Vincent.”
“Doing what?”
“Using inhuman expressions like getting your back up.”
“I’m entitled to do, I am inhuman.”
“Vincent!” Staring at one another, their eyes locked in combat, she beseeching him to take it back, he defying her to argue.
“So if I said you were as jumpy as a cat on hot bricks, you’d take offence would you. And if you got something you’d longed for and I said you looked like the cat that got the cream, you’d take offence at that too I suppose?”
Looking slightly sheepish Vincent told her, “Now whose being catty.” as a deep smile lit his face. Then arms open wide he beckoned for her to come within them.
Folding into his embrace, Catherine told him, “Oh Vincent, you must learn not to take things to heart so. All these sayings aren’t meant to evoke anger in you, everybody uses them, they are just expressions to describe something that’s all.”
Exhaling a sharp breath through his nose, Vincent told her, “Nonetheless my Catherine, the original expression you used this morning, did describe my behaviour perfectly. I really am a scaredy cat, when it comes to taking our relationship further.”
“There is nothing to be afraid of Vincent. What we have is beautiful, nothing we do can ever detract from that beauty, only enhance it. I love you so much.”
“And I love you, but Catherine what we have has never been, we walk a road trodden by no other.”
“That may be so, Vincent, yet we have walked it a long way now, and are coming to a cross-roads, whereby a decision has to be made. If I could go back to where we were two years ago, that would be fine, but not now Vincent, I need more. And I know you need more too.”
“What you say is correct, I do....need you. But if we were to get it wrong, it could destroy us. It isn’t a risk I am prepared to take.”
“Vincent you wish to be human do you not?”
“You know that I do.” he groaned inwardly.
“Then why do you deny yourself the very thing that is a basic human need?”
“Because it is his need too. You have seen my rages Catherine, it is in itself a kind of passion. Were you and I to embark upon a deeper relationship, I am afraid that the desire within me will destroy you, destroy us both.”
“No Vincent, you would never hurt me, even when you are out of control. Man or beast Vincent, both of you love me, I have seen that in the two of you. What you fear is ungrounded.”
“I’m sorry Catherine. You really haven’t got a clue have you? You are being driven by your own desires, and would tell me black was white if you thought it would get you your own way. Catherine one of us has to remain strong, and I can see that it isn’t going to be you.”
“Okay Vincent, I asked for that. I am driven by my own desires, you enflame me into a impassioned frenzy that is slowly sending me insane, I love you desperately and... I want to make love with you so much. I can’t take much more of it Vincent.”
“What are you saying?” he whispered hoarsely.
“That you have to chose Vincent. You know how it is with me, I will deny you nothing, if you want my life, its yours, only don’t continue to put me through a torturous death Vincent, I can’t bear it.”
“This is getting us nowhere Catherine, and we are both tired, are you to return home or will you stay in the guest chamber?”
Feeling dismissed Catherine suppressed the desire to tell him she was going home, saying instead, “To the guest chamber, though I‘d rather go to your own.”
“If you are going to misbehave Catherine, then best you do return home.” Now feeling very much like a naughty child, Catherine could stand it no longer, “After two references towards it Vincent, you have made it very obvious that you’d rather I went home, but I tell you now Vincent Wells, this matter is not closed, and you had better do some serious thinking, because I am not going to let up on it.”
Resigning himself to the inevitable he whispered, “As you wish Catherine, though I think it best we don’t see one another for a few days.”
“Why, so you can have time to re-build your defences? No, Vincent not anymore, this is ultimatum time. We either finish it here and now, or we go forwards into the unknown. It may destroy us, it may not, but unless we try there will be nothing for either of us. You chose Vincent, for I’m through with begging.”
Re-coiling under the weight of her words, Vincent felt stabbed to the core. Life without Catherine, how could he exist? Yet how could he be what she wanted him to be? Sensing his turmoil Catherine regretted her harsh words and decided to soften them, “If only you’d tell me you’d try Vincent, that’s all I need to know. To be able to have the hope that one day we will become lovers. Then I would be prepared to wait, knowing my dreams will without fail come true.”
Turning from her gaze he whispered, “I’ll see you tonight Catherine.” not knowing what those words implied, uncertain if he even wanted to know, but for Catherine, her heart was suddenly filled with hope, and Vincent felt her joy.
Back at her apartment, Catherine got ready for work, she would be only a few minutes late if she hurried, yet her movements were slow, dreamlike, and she began to regret a lot of what she had said to Vincent. It gave her little peace of mind that she had cornered him into something he was unprepared for. What was she, some nymphomaniac? This was love they were talking about, a tender expression of love, not lust, and instantly she felt very sorry for what she had done.
‘I must make it up to him’, she told herself, ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ she told herself, ‘I’ll bake him the biggest chocolate fudge cake he has ever seen’. Ringing Joe, and feigning ill health, she set to her preparations.
Below, Vincent was restless. Looking at his naked body as he showered, he frowned. How could one such as Catherine want him to make love to her. His own body appalled him, surely it would do no less for her. Groaning he made his way to his bed, knowing he would not sleep, there simply was too much to think about, and Catherine wanted more than he was prepared to give.
Late that evening, Vincent made the long trek Above, his mind still unresolved, his heart heavy. Climbing onto her balcony some time later, he knocked quietly at the door, surprised to see her come to open it fully dressed so that he didn’t feel pressured, rather in her night wear. Silently questioning her, she told him, “Vincent come in. I’m so sorry Vincent, I owe you a big apology, I was very wrong to put you on the spot like that. Any love we share is better than nothing, I could no more live without you, than I could without air. I love you, I adore you...please forgive me.” Tears streamed down her cheeks, as he held his arms open for her to run into.
“I have thought long and hard all this day Catherine. I do want to love you, but at this present moment in time I am just unable, I cannot extinguish the fear within that holds me back from making love to you, but know this my Catherine I could not live without you, for you are the very air that I breath.”
“Vincent, by way of apology, I have made a something for you, that I know you won’t be able to resist.” Smiling impishly she lead him to the kitchen where there stood a three tier chocolate cake. His eyes lit up, “Is all that for me?”
“If you think you can manage it, yes, though you don’t have to eat it all in one sitting.”
“Oh I do Catherine.”
Vincent dived in, needing no second prompting, as the telephone rang. “I’ll get it, you stay there and help yourself.”
The sight that met her when she returned was a sight to behold. Chocolate fudge dripped off Vincent’s chin and cheeks, the kitchen work bench and all the utensils, it was absolutely everywhere. Chocolate covered Vincent and the kitchen floor, Catherine could not help herself, “Vincent! You are such a mucky pup!” Then at his burst of laughter, a delicious thought crossed her mind, to cover herself in chocolate fudge cake, and have him lick it off. Smiling to herself she instantly knew the way in which she could break down his fears. Going across to him, she began to lick the gooey fudge off his face. He froze, “Catherine what are you doing?” as the touch of her tongue sent fire through his veins. “Are you misbehaving again?”
“Why Vincent, as if I would.”
Vincent shuddered as her tongue licked the fudge off his lips, “Then what are you doing?” he asked her again, huskily, his blue eyes mirrored passion.
“Nothing Vincent”, she paused to gaze into his smouldering eyes, ‘Good’ she thought, ‘it’s working’, without letting him know her thoughts via the Bond.
Groaning Vincent told her, “Nothing? I wouldn’t say nothing.”
“Then what would you say Vincent?” she asked him sweetly, continuing the sensuous licking,
“I’d say my Catherine,” he moaned softly, “that you are devouring me.”
“Mm” replied Catherine, “Without a doubt Vincent. And you are far more delicious than I ever dreamed.”
An eruption of laughter escaped Vincent’s lips, trailing away to a sigh of surrender, “Okay Catherine you win, “he told her huskily, “ You can have your cake and eat it,” he murmured softly, as he captured her lips beneath his own.


The stories found within this website have been written by and for lovers of the American television series Beauty and the Beast and no infringement upon the rights held by Ron Koslow, CBS, Republic Entertainment, Witt-Thomas Productions or any other Copyright holder to Beauty and the Beast is intended.
Furthermore all the stories found on this website belong to Wendy Tunnard de-Veryard, are protected by copyright and none should be copied, added to or subtracted from or altered in any way, without the prior authorisation of the author.