A different idea for the episode of ‘Ozmandias’. After marrying Elliot to save the tower another way looms to save the tunnels. But is it now too late for Vincent & Catherine's dream?
Dedicated to the late John Denver for his song ‘Tradewind’ that inspired me to write this story.


Chapter One
Leaning heavily against the door of the outer office Catherine drew a hand to her throat and closed her eyes tightly.
What had she done!
Up until this moment she hadn’t really thought beyond going to Elliot and telling him she would marry him if he halted the work on the tower.
It was such a gallant gesture on her part, but deep down inside she now knew that she had hoped Elliot would refuse such an offer.
Catherine’s heart hammered wildly. Oh God, what must Vincent be feeling!
He would know of course, he would know of her visit here today and he would know by her churning emotions to the way things had gone. Catherine clamped down hard on the Bond that she shared with him, it may already be too late to spare him much of her anguish, but he must not know her thoughts on the matter.
He must not!
Her heart thumping, Catherine pushed herself away from the door, conscious of the fact that Elliot’s secretary was eyeing her curiously. At any moment now the woman would rise and offer assistance.
Catherine knew she had to compose herself. If Elliot should be told of her behaviour he might doubt her acceptance to marry him.
And Catherine couldn’t believe she had actually done that!
Why she didn’t even love the man, it would be impossible for her to love anyone but Vincent ever. So why then had she just brazenly walked into Elliot’s office and blurted, “Yes Elliot I’ll marry you.” The look of surprise on his face was incredible, but he had been so happy, until she had given him her conditions for such a marriage.
“Halt the work on the tower” she had told him.
At that moment half of her hoped that he would refuse. In fact knowing how Elliot felt about his building projects Catherine had been convinced that this was a great possibility, so when he had suddenly smiled and said he wouldn’t stop work on the tower she wasn’t a bit surprised. In fact that meant that she was off the hook, free to return to Vincent. And at that moment the relief she had felt had been tremendous.
Elliot had continued to look at her though somewhat mystified.
She shouldn’t have stayed then. Oh how she berated herself for that. If only she had left at that moment and had not stayed to hear his reasons for the varying expressions crossing his features at that moment.
But she had stayed and she had heard.
“Cathy you aren’t serious are you?”
“About the tower, I mean for what possible reason would you want me to terminate that particular building project?”
“I can’t tell you, only that in so doing it would please me greatly. You will have to trust me on this.”
“I don’t understand Cathy but I do trust you. No doubt whatever it is it has something to do with helping others and I’ve always admired that quality in you.”
Catherine grew a trifle nervous at his words.
It wasn’t only that but the way he was looking at her now, with the look of love in his eyes it unnerved her completely.
And then he told her, “There’ll be other towers Cathy, but there’ll never be another you. I except your offer Cathy, I’ll halt the work on the tower if you marry me.”
For long moments Catherine had remained stunned.
The urge to flee was so strong, but she couldn’t.
She had come here and offered herself for the sake of the lives of others, especially Vincent, and she couldn’t back out now. To do so would be cowardly.
She felt herself nodding, and she saw Elliot step over and enfold her in his arms, she heard him speak of their marriage, the ceremony, and the honeymoon in Bermuda. She heard it all, but it would not register.
This was a dream it had to be.
Surely it was some ghastly nightmare from which she would awaken and laugh at such a ridiculous situation.
“It couldn’t have come at a better time actually Cathy.” She heard Elliot say. Now she did listen, the question why rising to her mind instantly, but remaining unvoiced.
“If we marry in three weeks time, we can coincide my business in Bermuda with our honeymoon. I only need to see someone on the first day then after that I shall devote the whole week to you my love. I had planned some vacation anyway. Then when we return we will start house hunting, how does that sound to you?”
Catherine had merely nodded, maybe she had spoken but she couldn’t remember now, and Elliot’s sudden laughter that followed covered her silence. “I do believe you are shell shocked my love. Tell you what, go home huh, and I’ll come to your apartment this evening? I’ll book dinner somewhere and we will go over the finer details of our wedding. Perhaps you can draw up a guest list while you wait for me today?”
Catherine knew that she had nodded, but did not realise Elliot had let her go until he was escorting her gently towards the door. He chuckled as he showed her out, “When you have come back down to earth my love perhaps you would like to go and find yourself the largest diamond ring you can find and have the jewellers make the bill out to me. But don’t take it home with you, have them call me to pick it up, and I’ll present it to you over a romantic dinner sometime in the next few days.”
He had left her then, with a quick kiss to her cheek, (that had been her doing he’d aimed for her lips but at the last moment she had averted her face.) And then he had closed the door to his office behind her looking like the happiest man on earth.
Catherine stepped towards the elevator now, leaving Elliot’s domain behind.
She had never felt more like throwing herself into the abyss.
Anger had brought her here, anger and a firm resolve to stop the building of the tower whatever it took. Too late Catherine realised that she hadn’t the courage that Vincent had always maintained that she had.
For suddenly she had never felt so wretched nor so cowardly, and even in light of the fact that the tunnels would now be saved, Catherine knew that she had just made the gravest mistake of her entire life.
*** *** ***
Three weeks later beneath the city streets of Manhattan a hushed silence filled the tunnel world that was almost catastrophic in its intensity, as the tunnel dwellers sat around in small groups with their attention drawn to a small transistor radio positioned in the communal room. Even over the sound of the announcer speaking from the appliance a pin could have been heard to drop as each member kept his rigid stance of concentration.
This was a highly charged emotional time and not one of the tunnel dwellers intended to miss a word of it, least of all their loyal friend Vincent, protector of all they deemed precious in their world.
From time to time someone would steal a glance in his direction but his face remained the same. Expressionless as if he believed that to show any emotion at all would be the undoing of everyone sat around him.
He knew their love and their loyalty, could feel it echoing through his soul, and he knew that they felt for him this day. Just by being there with him, sharing this painful episode in his life proved their devotion, and knowing that every one of them would if they could take Vincent’s pain inside themselves to spare their friend’s suffering.
The explosions Above had stopped now for the time being at any rate, perhaps permanently. The precious tunnels were safe, Vincent’s life, and his existence was safe.
But right now an explosion of a different kind was threatening to erupt within Vincent’s heart and this he was powerless to stop.
A youth famous for his creativity and inventions looked at his friend with eyes of sorrow, his mop of blonde hair falling over his eyes as he shook his head with denial “She won’t do it Vincent. Catherine loves you.”
Everyone cast a look in the youth’s direction, bidding his silence with a silence of their own, the radio announcer was just coming to the part they had been waiting for and they held their breath with their hearts in their mouths.
Vincent closed his eyes tightly and a few hearts bled for him as the anguish crossed his features. They knew that he would be searching the Bond now, begging Catherine not to do this, not to marry Elliot Burch in order to save their world by the building of his tower.
Again the blonde-haired youth looked in Vincent’s direction, his hand reaching out to touch Vincent's arm, but was stopped by Father before the boy’s fingers reached their goal. “Mouse, no, leave him be. I know you mean well Mouse, but this is not the time.”
Vincent looked up then, turning slightly enough to see his friend, and unable to stand the sadness around him any longer he rose to his feet, the sound of his chair scraping back bringing everyone out of their reverie. They watched him leave the chamber, each stride showing his suffering and their hearts were agonised over his pain.
How could Catherine do this to him?
Didn’t she know how much Vincent loved her?
Didn’t she realise the pain she would cause him?
At that moment the love they had felt for her began to disappear rapidly.
Father watched Vincent too, wanting so much to comfort him, but knowing right now that his son would insist on solitude.
Nonetheless Father watched his retreating back wistfully, surprised when Vincent slumped against a tunnel wall outside of the communal room and slid to his haunches head once more in his hands, as he dwelt deep inside himself.
Father knew then that Vincent needed only respite from the pitying glances but could not bear at this stage to be alone.
The transistor crackled in the room, and the silence became heavier as everyone waited hardly daring to breathe.
This was it then.
They did not need to see the hands of a clock to know that it was three o’clock in the afternoon, the designated time for the radio station to broadcast the end of the wedding ceremony.
As the announcer’s voice filled the room, Mouse crossed his fingers, offering up a plea echoed by everyone ‘Don’t do it Catherine don’t do it.’
With one ear to the radio and the other to his son, Father listened gravely as the announcer gave a quick commentary of the whirlwind romance between New York’s most eligible bachelor Elliot Burch and Manhattan’s most beautiful lady Catherine Chandler.
A brief summary of their romance several years before followed and a few statements about the unexpected announcement three weeks ago of their plans to marry.
He then announced that they would now be going over to the reporter waiting inside the Cathedral and after a short silence the radio listeners were transported to the ceremony being held there.
Mary didn’t realise she was clutching at Rebecca’s hand and Olivia didn’t realise how hard she was hugging her husband Kanin’s arm.
Jamie didn’t notice that she was leaning against Mouse as if to draw something from him, a kind of strength that she wasn’t even sure he possessed.
William held his breath as did Pascal and Cullen, the three standing alone propping up the wall like statues unable to move.
The children sat around in small groups cross-legged and wide-eyed while the adults were sitting or standing with eyes tightly shut just wishing with all their might.
Each echoed Mouse’s words of earlier ‘Don’t do it Cathy don’t do it.’
Had they of known of her intentions beforehand they would have talked her out of it, but the announcement was made before they were even told.
And for the past three weeks the tunnels had been a hive of misery, and everyone kept coming forth with ideas of how to save the tunnels and spare Catherine’s sacrifice.
It was too much, they couldn’t let her do this, not when she loved Vincent, not when they loved her.
And then bit by bit their resolve had changed, did she perhaps want to marry Elliot Burch? Had she secretly fallen in love with the man, and this was her way of giving into Vincent’s demands that she forget him and live the life she were born for?
Even though Father and Mary had gone together to her apartment to get Catherine to change her mind Catherine had not listened to them.
Headstrong, she had stuck to her belief that this was the only way to save their world and ultimately the only way to preserve Vincent’s life. Thus bit by bit the tunnel dwellers drew their own conclusions for Catherine’s steadfast resolution.
And as Catherine had remained adamant about her marriage with Elliot Burch it became the only conclusion left to draw because the suffering it was bringing upon their friend and protector pained them deeply.
How could she do this to him?
Whatever her intentions, how could she even contemplate marrying another when he loved her so much?
And another thing, by so doing it shattered their hope at the realisation of a dream, something they had looked forward to for so long.
Of Vincent and Catherine gaining their happy life, a happy ever after ending to the fantasy that had begun.
Outside in the tunnel Vincent had no need of the network of news bulletins to tell him of Catherine’s response. Through their shared connection, their Bond, he had already listened to Catherine’s heart and could feel her determination to see it through.
The broadcast brought the ceremony to the tunnels and everyone listened as the priest asked Catherine his questions and now everything depended upon Catherine’s final answer.
“Do you Catherine Charlotte Chandler take Elliot Albert Burch to be your lawful wedded husband?”
The silence was deafening. As each person waited Below, praying silently, everyone’s heart slowly broke as they heard Catherine’s whispering voice faltering a reply.
“Don’t do it Catherine,” they chorused silently as one.
Vincent’s own heart echoed their plea, deep within the Bond, infusing Catherine with his words, and his love.
“Don’t do it Catherine PLEASE!”
“I must Vincent, there is no other way!”
“There has to be. This is so wrong Catherine please don’t do this!”
“I’m sorry Vincent, but if I don’t do this your world will be destroyed. You will be destroyed and I love you so much.”
Elliot held his breath awaiting Catherine’s response, and Catherine became flustered as she spoke through the Bond to Vincent while trying to keep her composure before the priest and the whole assembly there today inside the Cathedral. The priest prompted her again, “Miss Chandler?”
Catherine licked her lips, “I…” she began nervously, refusing to look anywhere but at her clasped hands in front of her.
Her eyes were drawn to the diamond engagement ring sparkling there awaiting the moment when it would be temporary removed to have the gold wedding band put in its place. Catherine shuddered at that thought.
Elliot’s ring.
Elliot’s enslavement.
For that’s how it would feel being married to a man that she didn’t love.
Catherine no more wanted to be there with the very real prospect of becoming Elliot’s wife than Vincent wanted her to be there.
But some sacrifices just had to be made, and it was all in the name of love after all.
As she sought through her turbulent emotions, Vincent listened and he didn’t want her to make that sacrifice.
Oh he knew how many times he had insisted that she should leave him and find someone to walk in the sunshine with, but now that moment had presented itself he knew that he could never bear to let that happen.
He had to do something to stop her. He had to get through to her somehow before it was too late.
“PLEASE!” Catherine heard Vincent cry and a sob broke free from her lips startling the man beside her.
Elliot gazed down at her willing her to continue, “I…” Catherine took a deep breath, the final word forming on her lips, but was halted from leaving her throat by Vincent’s sudden cry “Don’t do this Catherine. Please. Catherine I love you”
Catherine gasped and almost smiled “You certainly know when to pick your moments Vincent.” She thought to herself and she almost relented. But then thoughts of Elliot rebuilding his tower and the destruction of the tunnels built up a firmer resolve in her heart, “I’m sorry Vincent, but I have to do this.”
“Nooo!” Vincent’s cry filled her heart and her mind, but she resolutely pushed him away.
“I have to Vincent, I’m sorry.” Catherine clamped down hard on her emotions, and steeled herself to continue.
All she had to utter was one final word and it was such a little word too, it should be so easy to say. But never had so small a word conveyed such a wealth of emotions. A word that made so many people hold their breath for so many different reasons.
Elliot was almost faint with fear as he anxiously waited at Catherine’s side.
Catherine’s friends were wide-eyed and wondering what was taking her so long.
Joe Maxwell crossed his fingers and prayed that with every passing moment he would be given another chance with the woman he loved. Because he had loved Catherine Chandler ever since they had met.
The tunnel dwellers that listened to the radio crossed their fingers and prayed with all their might for Vincent’s sake.
Father looked grim, he knew Catherine’s resolutions. When she believed she was right about something, there was no stopping her, and he would be left with the pieces to pick up. And looking at his son now he knew that those pieces would be very tiny indeed. If Catherine agreed to marry Elliot Burch Vincent’s heart would shatter into a million tiny fragments.
Vincent’s breath panted and his large hands clasped his heart, willing Catherine through the Bond, begging her through their connection not to say I do.
The priest coughed, prompting Catherine again.
Many minutes had dragged painfully by since the priest had first brooked the question.
Outside the reporters were going wild with anticipation, and the excitement was building. Would she say I do, would she?
And if she didn’t then why wouldn’t she?
Didn’t she know she was marrying the wealthiest handsomest eligible bachelor in New York? And ladies that knew and had harboured a secret love for Elliot Burch kept their fingers crossed that Catherine would suddenly gather up her skirts and flee the Cathedral never to be seen again.
Catherine could feel the tension mounting all around her and within her.
She hadn’t meant it to be like this.
She had intended keeping her cool and doing whatever needed to be done, clinically if possible.
She didn’t love Elliot, would never love Elliot, but if marrying him saved Vincent’s life and the destruction of the tunnels then so be it.
She steeled herself, repeating some of her answer, “I…” she began. Vincent was fighting against her, why was he making it so hard for her?
For so long she had waited for him to say that he loved her, why say it now?
Did he mean it, or was it just a way to stop her?
Even as she thought it his thoughts winged their way through her mind, “Catherine. I love you, so much, please Catherine reconsider before its too late. There has to be another way for us.”
Catherine closed her eyes tightly, aware now that her hands were becoming clammy and that the priest was becoming impatient. She saw him check his watch twice. And beside her she felt Elliot’s discomfort and confusion.
What must he be thinking?
What would he say if she refused him?
Would he begin with the rebuilding of the tower?
If he did would the next explosions reveal the tunnel world beneath the streets?
Worse still would Vincent be discovered?
It was too great a risk to take “I’m so sorry Vincent. Forgive me!” She cried deep within her heart and her lips formed the final word, before Vincent could attempt to halt her progress again.
“I do.” There she’d said it.
It was done.
And there would be no turning back now.
Vincent’s thunderous roar slammed into her chest threatening to cut off her breathing and suddenly her heart felt as though it were wrenched from her body as the sound of Vincent’s anguish shook even her bones by its intensity.
Beside her Elliot exhaled a huge sigh.
For long moments there he had been so afraid.
He grasped one of Catherine’s hand’s in his and whispered “God Cathy what are you trying to do give me a heart attack?”
Catherine’s face was expressionless.
By her own mouth she had just sealed her fate and she knew that married to Elliot Burch the happy life she had once envisaged with Vincent was now lost to her for ever.
*** *** ***Chapter Two
Below in the underground world the rest of the ceremony was lost to them as a sound the tunnel dwellers had dreaded came up from Vincent’s chest and pounded off the walls. Everyone winced at the sound of his thunderous roar, holding hands to their ears tightly as tears slid down their cheeks, but only Father from his vantage point could see the devastation his son brought upon himself at that moment.
Slamming his huge fists into the wall Vincent battered himself again and again into the hard rock, throwing off Father’s restraining hand to halt his self-mutilation.
Blood oozed from gashes rent in his flesh but Vincent did not feel that pain.
His pain was within, it crushed him, and there was no way out of it, no safe arms to hold him anymore, no warm embrace to comfort him ever again.
Catherine was lost to him forever now, and Vincent wanted only to die.
For how could he live without her?
How could he ever go through another day and know that he would not see her smile again at the end of it?
He couldn’t he just couldn’t, and without a word he began to run, smashing his shoulders against the outcrop of rock carelessly, painlessly, his mind filled with blind rage.
Elliot Burch of all people!
His heart torn and tattered, faster and faster he ran unstoppable, racing down to the subterranean world going somewhere and nowhere, knowing that there was nowhere for him now, nowhere where he might find peace for his broken heart ever again.
Elliot Burch had taken from him the only woman he would ever love.
*** *** ***
Elliot didn’t think it was possible to be this happy. Ever since he and Catherine Chandler had married the day before he had been on a high.
He had to keep pinching himself to believe that she was actually here with him, and had to keep looking with wonder upon the thick band of gold upon the third finger of his left hand to be convinced that she had indeed actually married him at all.
In fact these past few weeks he wondered if he had ever come down to earth, for since that day she had entered his office and agreed to marry him, Elliot had been on cloud nine.
With a hand held to his brow against the glare of the brilliant sunshine upon the glittering ocean Elliot continued to steer the yacht to its designated spot where they would anchor for the next few days.
They had flown into Bermuda just hours earlier, and with his business dealings seen to Elliot now looked forward to the week ahead immensely, even in view of the news that Catherine had recently shared with him.
It didn’t matter, not really, it was a disappointment true, but they had all their lives ahead of them now for loving. And besides nothing, not even the fact of not being unable to make love to the most beautiful woman in the world just yet could dampen the happiness that he felt right now.
Humming to himself, Elliot was unable to prevent himself from feeling anything but ecstatic delight at being married to Cathy Chandler at long last.
All his dreams had come true, well save the building of the tower, but then there would be other towers, but never would there be another Catherine Chandler.
Busying himself steering the yacht into the secluded bay he had previously chosen for the days ahead such was his happiness that he simply could not prevent himself from breaking into a song that suited the moment perfectly.
‘Riding on a tradewind,
filling my sails with a soft and southerly breeze
living on the ocean blue.
Dreaming of the islands
Wrapping myself in a boat with a tropical moon
I never shiver when the sun goes down.
All the earth she sings to me
Every shadow every tree
Surely my love’s shining like the sea…
I can make you happy...’
Elliot suddenly stopped singing, and looked down at his wife with concern, “You are happy aren’t you Cathy? You’ve hardly said half a dozen words since we left New York this afternoon. Why the melancholy?”
Elliot waited for Catherine to reply and sighed deeply, “What’s the matter Cathy?” he bent down to sit at her side, taking her hands in one of his, while with his other he raised her chin to look into her eyes.
She hadn’t even given him a reasonable answer for her reluctance to say I do the day before. He hoped he might get to the bottom of that before too many days had passed.
Catherine hung her head afraid he’d see the tears that had sprung up.
She did feel melancholy, in fact immensely sad.
She had done something that at the time had seemed honourable and good, but now as she contemplated her future, she knew she had acted too hastily and impulsive by sacrificing the one thing in her life that had ever held any meaning for her. That of her love for Vincent.
Elliot’s concern grew, “I don’t mind waiting Cathy, I understand about your period honest I do. It’s lousy timing, but hey we have our whole lives ahead of us, one week will hardly make any difference.” Elliot filled his tone with humour but still Catherine did not respond.
Elliot exasperated, he didn’t know why Catherine would not speak to him, anyone would think she was being taken to her execution rather than her honeymoon on a cruise around the island of Bermuda.
Maybe that was it! Elliot turned, “Cathy you aren’t afraid are you?”
For the first time Catherine responded, raising her face to his, “Afraid? Of what?”
Elliot wiggled his fingers and advanced on her, speaking in a ghostly voice, “About all the disappearing boats and planes this area is renowned for.”
A slight smile touched the corners of her mouth, and she shook her head, “No I’m not afraid Elliot.” That much was true, besides right now to disappear seemed pretty appealing somehow.
“Then what is it? And don’t go all silent on me again. I can tell that something isn’t right. You’re not regretting you married me already are you?” he attempted laughter again, but it didn’t quite ring true. Elliot had been worried all along that would be the reason for her mood.
Never a truer word spoken in jest, Catherine mused for she had regretted marrying Elliot from the moment she had agreed to become his wife three weeks earlier.
But it had been so necessary, and she shouldn’t be letting it get her down like this.
She should be happy that she had saved so many lives by her sacrifice. But somehow the bitter taste of ashes inside her mouth made a mockery of that.
Leading up to the wedding it had been enough to tell herself she had been doing the right thing, that saving Vincent and his world was the only important thing, and if in marrying Elliot she was able to stop the building of the tower then so be it. She would do it, the tower would be stopped and its new foundations would no longer rock and splinter the tunnels beneath its feet.
Vincent’s world would survive to see another day, and Vincent’s life would be saved.
Elliot was concerned by his wife’s failure to reply. “I love you Cathy, but then you know that. And when you said you would marry me there couldn’t have been a happier man than me that walked the earth that day. And whatever it is that’s bothering you we’ll see it through together, but you’ve got to let me in Cathy, or I can’t even begin to help you. Please won’t you tell me what’s on your mind?”
How could she?
How could she tell him that though she’d married him her heart belonged to another?
That the thought of making love to him repulsed her so much that she had lied about having a period at the moment until she could think of something better. Some other reason to avoid going to bed with him.
But she couldn’t go on feeling sorry for herself or wondering if she had done the right thing. She had made her decision and now she had to live with it, and that was that.
Thousands of women the world over had to marry a man that they weren’t in love with for some reason or another. Look at Lin when she had been betrothed to Peter Chang. But then for Lin there had been a happier ending, she had eventually, with Vincent’s help, married Henry the man of her dreams instead.
But there were other cases, other reasons the world over why women had to marry men they had no love for and learn to honour that man through years of marriage with him.
That thought alone made Catherine balk. Years of marriage with Elliot?
She couldn’t put him off forever, at some time like it or not she would have to consummate the marriage.
Tears welled in her eyes.
Why had she thought it would be so easy?
Why had she resolutely forced such things from her mind as if they would never need to be faced?
She was Mrs. Elliot Burch now, and she had a duty to fulfil like it or not, and the sooner she accepted that then the sooner she would make it easier on herself.
Summoning as much interest as she could Catherine looked up and around her.
She had been sat in the sun upon this deck for hours, idly aware of Elliot steering the yacht away from the island beyond the reef where he would anchor with the intention of spending the next few days.
It was an isolated spot and the view of the island was so beautiful. A golden beach fringed with palm trees and a sea the colour of aqua yet as translucent as glass.
Leaning over the side of the boat Catherine thrilled to see the very many coloured fishes darting in schools beneath her.
Yes it was lovely, but very much a honeymoon setting, so far from land, so obviously just the two of them and Catherine regretted that she had not voiced her opinion when Elliot had asked of her preferences.
“Will we stay out here long?” the words were out of her mouth before she could stop them, and Elliot stilled in his tying of ropes as he secured the lowered sails into place.
“Don’t you like it here?” he sounded stunned, disappointed.
“It’s not that. It’s just with circumstances being as they are, it doesn’t leave us much to do…” Her voice trailed away as she realised the implications of her words.
Elliot burst into laughter, “Sex isn’t everything my love.” He dropped the rope and stood to walk over to where she sat. “Is that what’s been bothering you? We can talk and cuddle and kiss, and enjoy the isolation.” He laughed as he lowered himself down beside her again. “Far from the maddening crowd Cathy. You should revel in it, it won’t be often that we can allow ourselves the luxury of such a get away.”
“I just thought it would be nice to explore the island.” Catherine attempted her voice barely audible.
“And so we shall my love. And so we shall. But a few days of this absolute isolation will be good for us I think, besides you never did tell me why it was so important that I stopped building my tower, although…”
Catherine’s head snapped back, and she searched his eyes, for what?
What she expected to find therein she did not know, but a sense of something told her all was not well. But Elliot had changed the subject, “and we need to decide on where we are going to live. This was such a whirlwind romance my love that we hardly had time for discussing our preferences for a permanent residence did we? Do you have any plans in that direction?”
It took Catherine long moments to catch up with him, her mind still on his previous statement, but slowly she did, and replied, “In the city I suppose.” To be anywhere else would be terrible. No matter what, she couldn’t stop seeing Vincent, she just couldn’t even if she were married to Elliot now. Even if that did alter things between them, she couldn’t live without Vincent in her life, she just couldn’t.
“I would have thought you would like the country, Westport perhaps, doesn’t your friend live there?”
“Yes.” For a moment Catherine’s countenance altered at the thought of her friend, “Nancy yes she lives in Westport with her family.”
“Then that would be good wouldn’t it? I mean once the children come along you’d appreciate living near your friend while I am working in the city all day.”
Catherine eyes grew wide with horror and she balked at the thought of having Elliot’s children but she could not let him know that.
If Elliot was to suspect that she had married him for purely selfish reasons, he might well annul their marriage and start building the tower again and then where would the tunnel dwellers be? Not to mention her beloved Vincent?
Catherine decided to laugh that off, “Oh I don’t expect to have children for a long while yet Elliot, my career is still very important to me. Joe was talking about promotion just before I left this week actually.”
Elliot’s eyes grew wide, and wider still, “No Cathy, I’m sorry if that’s what you intended to do, but you aren’t getting any younger, and if you want to have a safe pregnancy you really need to start considering it now. I for one want several children. I don’t have to tell you how lonely an only child can be.”
He had a point there, Catherine mused, but she didn’t want his children, ever.
Oh if only this nightmare would end.
If only she could wake up and find herself safely in her apartment, or better still enfolded in Vincent’s precious arms.
A tear trickled down her cheeks and Elliot wiped it away with his thumb, “I’m sorry Cathy, but you’re my wife now. There might be time for a career after the children are grown, but for now my love that is where your place lies. And you know it makes sense Cathy, to have children while we are both young enough to enjoy them. Have you ever given any thought to children?”
“With you?”
“With anyone. It must have crossed your mind at some point, haven’t you ever been bitten by the biological calling? I know I have.”
Catherine smiled as for mere moments as the thought of Elliot feeling broody amused her, but when she thought of herself she realised she could not answer that question. If she did he might ask with whom she had shared that dream, and she could never tell him that. So she just shook her head and let him take it any way he wanted to.
He seemed surprised. “You’ve never considered children?” his surprise was evident in his tone, “I thought it was every woman’s dream to settle down and raise a family. I know you are good at your job Cathy, but somehow I never thought of you as a full time career woman for all of your life.”
“Perhaps you don’t know me as well as you thought.”
Elliot looked at her for long moments, “I’m beginning to think that.” He told her as sorrow tinged his voice.
Immediately Catherine regretted the things she had said, “I’m sorry Elliot. I guess I’m just feeling tired.”
He nodded, unconvinced, but the reason would suffice for now. “It has been a long day. What say we turn in early huh, and rise with the dawn?”
Catherine nodded not thinking properly as she slipped back into her negative frame of mind. Yes perhaps sleep would make her feel better in the morning, and she really was tired.
It was a different thing though when Elliot showed her below deck to the one large double bed, the only bed on the yacht. Catherine froze, her mind filled with horror. Even if she could find some excuse for not making love with him yet, she could find nothing to stop them actually sharing a bed.
“I’ll use the bathroom while you change my love.” Elliot kissed the nape of her neck, “I won’t be long.” He told her and was delighted when he saw her shiver. It had been the first emotion she had shown to his loving all day and he hurried to the bathroom eager to do all he needed to do and get back to her.
He did not know, could never have known that the shiver that had run through Catherine at his kiss had been from dread and loathing or that tears had started falling in a steady rhythm down her cheeks.
*** *** ***
‘Oh Vincent’, Catherine whispered into the still darkness as she lay some hours later with Elliot's arms around her.
His even breathing showed that he slept soundly even though her back was to him, but the hours previous were imprinted upon her mind and the images would not go away.
Those hands that held her so protectively now were smooth with well-manicured finger-nails as was the body smooth that moulded itself along her back. One hand cupped her left breast, the thumb even in sleep gently caressing her nipple.
No amount of imagining could convince her that it was not Elliot Burch who had caressed her with such tenderness hours before.
No amount of make believe could shut her mind to his lips on hers, his tongue forcing its way between her teeth, his mouth suckling at her breast.
Catherine had lain there, eyes wide looking into the darkness feeling nothing but revulsion, and wishing that she was anywhere but where she was at that very moment. Having not been with a man for so long, the impulses Elliot aroused in her repulsed her. How could it be that the responses of her body betrayed the feelings held in her heart and her mind? Try as she might she could not help being aroused by the things that Elliot did, nor stop herself from responding by imaging that it were Vincent that touched her so intimately.
Now as she lay in the darkness she knew she had been so wrong to have even contemplated carrying this out, so wrong, and she had hurt so many, least of all herself, but most of all Vincent. He had begged her not to do it, had begged her to reconsider. But she had been adamant, telling him she was going to marry Elliot Burch.
She had felt Vincent’s pain, it had seared her soul but Catherine had gone ahead with her plan anyway believing in it till the last.
Even when her vow of marriage had stuck in her throat, even when she’d had to shut her eyes tightly and force herself to agree to being Elliot’s wife in the Cathedral that day her heart had been slowly breaking.
So she only had herself to blame if she couldn’t hack it now and she only had a bleak future to look forward to married to a man that she could never love.
Once maybe, it seemed so long ago now, but once she had found herself falling in love with Elliot Burch, and only from that memory was she able to carry on the farce now.
But she wondered as she lay at his side, whether there could have been some other way to stop the building of the tower.
Surely there would have been.
She was a clever lawyer, she could have found a way, but Elliot had come to her with his proposal of marriage at the same time as the latest blast from the explosives had started to crack Elizabeth’s painted tunnels.
Time was of element here, she had to do something fast to halt the building work before the tunnels were destroyed forever.
Elliot stirred, his hand squeezing her breast tighter before pulling his arm away and rolling over onto his other side.
Catherine exhaled a sigh of relief.
She had not been able to sleep before. Even with his promise to refrain from making love until after her period had gone, her nearness had aroused him, and she had plainly felt his erection probing and throbbing against her lower back, all the while he had lain close.
Catherine closed her eyes tightly, not that the darkness behind her lids was any darker to the inpenetratable darkness surrounding her now. It was just an involuntary action to how desperate she felt at that moment.
Her heart cried for Vincent but she could not feel him anymore.
It seemed to her that the moment she had uttered her vow during the wedding ceremony, Vincent had withdrawn the Bond from her forever.
From the moment she had agreed to becoming the wife of Elliot Burch Vincent’s heart had died and hers with him. And after she had heard the sound of his pain, she had heard nothing more. He had cut himself off from her, she knew this would be his only way of coping.
But tears pricked now at the back of her eyes.
She couldn’t carry this off.
She just couldn’t.
The sacrifice was too great.
What was life if only half a life?
What was safety if she had killed Vincent with her treachery? Because that’s what she had done, no matter how gallant the act may have been to start with she had turned traitor to Vincent’s love.
He had put his whole trust in her, and she knew how he felt about Elliot Burch.
He had already shown his jealousy of the fellow for so many reasons, even though he had always maintained that she should be with someone like Elliot and forget about him. But she had convinced him that it was he and only he that she loved and that no one would ever come between them.
And what had she done? Only taken it upon her own shoulders to marry that very same man because his dream had threatened the safety of the tunnel world without waiting to see if there could be an alternative way to halt the tower.
‘I should have called a council meeting’ she told herself. ‘I should have told them of my plans and let them advise me. I shouldn’t have done this I shouldn’t. Will Vincent hate me for this? Will he believe that I have done this because I secretly harboured some wish to be with Elliot despite everything I’d said to the contrary?
Tears gathering faster now, Catherine cried out, and instantly regretted doing so, for Elliot rolled back, and drew her close to him again.
Silent tears flowed down Catherine’s cheeks.
What if at some stage another man rose up with a plan to build such a tower, should she divorce Elliot and marry that man too?
Should she keep on marrying other men to ensure the safety of the tunnel world?
What a fool she had been, a blind fool!
She shouldn’t be here with Elliot, she should never have married him, and she had never felt so miserable in all of her life.
*** *** ***
Leaning over the rails some hours later Catherine watched the sun rise.
She had never seen anything so spectacular, it was simply beautiful and for the thousandth time she wished that Vincent were there to see it with her.
In fact she wished she were anywhere with Vincent right now.
For long hours before dawn she had wondered what he might be doing, what he might be thinking.
Try as she might her tentative probing along the Bond had resulted in meeting a wall of nothingness.
Vincent had well and truly closed himself off from her.
She hoped and prayed that he hadn’t done anything foolish like heading for the subterranean level where Father could not help him.
Catherine knew him well enough to know that he could well have done that. And that frightened her.
Down there so far from his family he would, she knew, turn inward and the dark one would come forth.
He might not even try to fight it anymore.
He might even contemplate throwing himself into the abyss!
Why hadn’t she thought of all these things before entering that Cathedral to walk towards Elliot down the isle that day?
Why had it taken until now to come to her senses?
If only she could turn back the hands of time and do things differently.
If she could she would turn them so far back that she would never have brought Vincent such pain that day she told him that she would marry Elliot if he agreed to halt the building of the tower.
Catherine didn’t ever want to see Vincent in pain like that again. His broken heart had almost killed her. And yet she had hurt him further still, she had stabbed him in the heart again, the moment that she had said ‘I do.’
If she had ever doubted that he loved her before then, she never would again.
He had been devastated and she had broken his heart.
The sun rose higher in the sky and almost on cue, she heard Elliot closing the cabin door and his voice, mildly accusing ask her, “Cathy why didn’t you wake me, I wanted to watch the sun rise with you? Cathy our first morning of our honeymoon and you let me miss it.”
“I’m sorry Elliot but you were sleeping so soundly I didn’t want to disturb you.”
Elliot let it go for the moment, “How are you feeling today. Still melancholy?”
Catherine decided to be honest. “Yes.”
“Does your period always affect you this way?”
A sense of relief gushed over Catherine, he thought that was the reason for her behaviour! She used it to the full, “I’m afraid so Elliot.” But her words led her into a trap.
“Some women find that after having a baby the mood swings they once encountered during their menstrual cycle alters. I think this is what you need Cathy. Believe me my love the sooner you have our child the better.”
Catherine thought she was going around and around in an ever-increasing circle.
Was there no way out?
It was all too much for her. She rubbed a weary hand over her tired brow.
“Can we go home Elliot?” The words were out before she’d had time to think, but she knew deep down that she meant them.
As beautiful as their setting was, she merely saw it for her heart just wasn’t into perfect scenery right now.
“Home! Cathy!” Elliot was clearly shocked, and his shock was bordering on annoyance by the second. “We’re supposed to be on our honeymoon if you didn’t notice!” He snapped at her sarcastically. “No we’re not going home Cathy, not until we have spent the entire week here as planned.”
His eyes softened suddenly, “I’m sorry my love, but we’re on honeymoon. Can you imagine the reporters? They’d have a field day if we returned before our time. Our faces would be splashed over every front page and all manner of reasons for our earlier arrival would be plastered in the columns whether it was true or not. We’ll stay here Cathy, but if it makes you any happier we’ll go on to the mainland today, huh?”
Catherine drew in a huge breath and let it out slowly. Funny how such relief was evident when she knew she didn’t have to be in Elliot’s exclusive company for the next seven days and nights.
At least on the mainland she could sight see and pretend none of this was happening.
“If that’s all it took to make you happy my love, you should have told me earlier. What is it with women, take them away from the shops and they fall to pieces. I have a whole string of credit cards in our joint names now Cathy, so feel free, spend at will and enjoy yourself okay?”
Catherine smiled. It wouldn’t do any harm for him to believe that, and it would be good to go on a spending spree with someone else’s money. She would buy presents for everyone and she would thoroughly enjoy doing so.
“Can we leave now?”
“So eager? I can’t believe the change in you. You look like a new woman. We’ll just have breakfast huh? I’m starving and then we’ll go shopping.”
Catherine smiled behind a curtain of her hair, ‘less of the we’ she thought to herself with glee. ‘First chance I get and I’m losing you mister’ At that thought Catherine actually felt free again.
*** *** ***Chapter Three
The town was a labyrinth and it was easy to lose Elliot, far easier than Catherine had imagined, especially as the streets took a meandering course to its centre.
A few times she thought she caught glimpses of him, but she drew back behind some stalls or some corners of buildings and hoped he hadn’t seen her. When it became apparent that he hadn’t Catherine hurried on again.
Further inland the labyrinth gave way to a maze of passageways that impressed her all the more. And as soon as she found a stall selling garments she happily bought some of them and changed in the back room so that Elliot would not recognise her so easily from a distance.
Happy with her deceit Catherine set off to enjoy the rest of the day.
As she walked about it crossed her mind many times that she could if she wished just up and leave. Her passport was in her bag should she need it, and she had all of Elliot’s credit cards.
It was a delightful thought and one that gave her much joy, but she dismissed it as being extremely unkind to his generosity as tempting as it was. Instead she bought postcards for everyone that she knew and found herself a quiet corner inside a bar to sit and write them out well away from the windows where Elliot might spot her.
She had decided to send postcards via Peter Alcott to everyone Below, and just hope that they wouldn’t tear them up. Somehow she couldn’t imagine any of them believing that what she had done to save their home would be taken very positively. Especially in light of how she had affected Vincent whom they all loved so much.
But damn it she loved him too didn’t she?
Wasn’t that why she was in this mess now?
And as much as she had enjoyed her freedom this day she knew it would be short lived.
Elliot would have cause to attach a ball and chain to her after this.
So she wrote out her postcards, printing simply ‘miss you all’ on the back, underlining the all, which was true, she did miss them. But one more than most and she wondered if Vincent might detect that the ink had been smudged by her tears.
All in all though it had been a good day and she had enjoyed herself, but the day was closing in now, and she had to change back into her other clothing if she wasn’t to make it so plainly obvious that she had been avoiding Elliot.
With a bit of luck she could get away with it and do it again tomorrow.
The week would soon fly by and she could rethink things through once they returned home perhaps even find another way to permanently stop the building of Elliot’s precious tower and have her marriage to him annulled.
Preferably before he tried to make love to her.
Happy of sorts Catherine emerged from the bathroom changed into her morning wear and set about looking for the man that was her husband while posting her cards along the way.
*** *** ***
“Where is he?” Peter Alcott scanned Father’s chamber as he came down the steps two at a time less than a week after Catherine’s marriage to Elliot Burch.
“Who Vincent?” Father asked and at Peter’s nod of confirmation, went on, “He hasn’t returned from the lower levels yet. Mouse checks on him and reports back but I can’t stop worrying about him Peter. I’ll never forgive Cathy for what she did.”
Peter looked at Father for long moments, “You don’t think she found it easy do you?” he asked angrily. “God Jacob she loves Vincent, you know that. Spare her a thought damn it.”
Father stared at Peter for long moments, “She was so headstrong Peter, never stopped to think about her actions. There could have been another way. Why the martyrdom? We have been threatened down here before and survived, why should she have to take it upon herself to save us?"
“Probably because she thought she knew of a quicker way. You said yourself that cracks had appeared in the painted tunnels. If you ask me Catherine’s martyrdom stopped their destruction in the nick of time.”
“But Peter how could she do that to Vincent?” Father’s voice fell, and tears slipped from his eyes. “To marry Elliot Burch of all people. If it had been anyone but him, Vincent might have come to terms with it. If Catherine had loved the man she had married Vincent would have survived it, but this! Never this, I fear for him Peter I really do. This could kill him.”
“It was because of Elliot Burch that the problem arose. And Cathy doesn’t love him, imagine what it must be like for her to be married to a man that she doesn’t love. Imagine giving yourself to such a man. Why my heart bleeds for her.”
“You shouldn’t have escorted her that day Peter, you should have made her see sense, even kidnapping her to prevent her from doing it.”
“What do you mean?” Peter was clearly confused.
“When you gave her away to Burch.”
“I didn’t. Cathy never asked me, and do you think I would have agreed if she had? Jacob I thought you knew me better than that. Vincent is like a son to me, as Catherine is like a daughter, do you seriously think I would give her to another man knowing how much she and Vincent really love one another.”
Father stared at his long time friend and colleague, “I’m sorry I just presumed...”
“Then you presumed wrong, just as you are doing about this whole damn affair. You should be feeling sorry for the girl. What she has done has saved your precious tunnels and the man that she really loves into the bargain and you condemn her for it!” Peter was really furious now.
“I’m sorry.” Father rushed to placate his friend, “Its just that when I know how Vincent is suffering...”
“But it’s not the end is it?”
“What do you mean?”
“This marriage. I mean let’s face it how far could Vincent and Catherine’s lives have gone anyway? You said yourself on repeated occasions that there was no future for them. And even Vincent insisted often enough that Catherine should find another man to love and marry and to have children with. Surely he can’t have forgotten how many times he has insisted she do that? So if he were intent on her marrying someone else and still continue to have her friendship, what difference does this make now?”
“Nonetheless, Cathy always maintained that she would never give Vincent up. That she would stay with him forever, and though once I doubted, well even I was beginning to admit the possibility of this.”
“And so she shall, even now. Jacob for heavens sake, Cathy has done as Vincent proposed but she will still be here for him. She will return, don’t you know that?”
Father stared wide-eyed at Peter, “But nothing will be the same! It would be adultery for one thing and Vincent would never allow that even if Catherine could take it so lightly.”
“Rubbish Jacob. She and Vincent were never lovers, would never be lovers, what harm is there in friendship, even if you do happen to be in love with that one? This way Cathy gets it all ways. She has married which should please Vincent, so she can have the life she were born for, she and Vincent can remain friends, and she has saved the tunnels into the bargain.”
“No Peter you are losing sight of the importance here. Everything will be changed. You saw them you know how Vincent and Catherine would walk arm in arm through the tunnels, you saw the love they had for one another. It may only have been a dream but how can they possibly act that way now?”
“They have to learn to become friends and nothing else. They have to accept that it was the only way for them. You of all people should realise that Jacob. There never was a future for them, not a future like marriage and commitment, you said yourself that such a thing would be impossible for the two of them, no matter how much Catherine tried to convince you otherwise.”
“And she almost succeeded too.” Father’s voice was quiet, “I had begun to accept the possibility.” He hung his head well aware of the many times he had told Peter he had been against such a thing.
Peter exasperated, “Well it’s done now. There’s no use talking about the ‘what ifs’. It’s done with, Cathy has saved these tunnels and Vincent with her courage and her martyrdom, and you should be bloody grateful to her and not condemn her because of it. Imagine how she must be feeling right now, married to a man she doesn’t even love!” Peter’s eyes flashed fire and sorrow, “There should have been another way, but time was of the essence and Cathy should be commended for what she did to save your necks down here. After all she’s the one to suffer now.”
“And Vincent.” Father whispered, as he accepted Peter’s words but knew that his son suffered too. “I doubt that he will see things quite so gallantly. He may never get over this. Why he may even hate himself and conclude that if he wasn’t as he was, then Catherine needn’t have done such a thing to save the tunnels for him at all.”
“And if he wasn’t as he was Cathy might be dead now.” Peter spoke softly tears welling in his eyes as he thought about the night Catherine had been attacked and left for dead in the park. If Vincent wasn’t what he was he may never have been in the park that night to save her.
“This is getting us nowhere.” Father collapsed helplessly into the nearest chair. “I’ll tell you Peter for whatever reason Catherine did this, she could never have foreseen the calamity her actions would bring. She sacrificed herself to save the tunnels, the home of so many, but already talk is that if Vincent doesn’t return people will return Above. They say it doesn’t feel like home anymore without him and especially without he and Catherine together. More than one dream was shattered the moment Catherine finally said I do that day Peter.”
“The length of time she took to say it should convince everyone how hard it was for her to do so Jacob, surely people can’t give in that easily. What she did saved their home. How do you think she would feel to know that it was all in vain? Who really is the one to suffer the most from all of this?”
Father shook his head he had nothing more to say. Nothing he could say would alter the situation. Cathy was lost to them. Vincent certainly was, for his son would never be the same again even if he did return, and really that was what grieved everyone the most. That the Vincent they knew and loved had died the moment that Catherine had ignored his plea and had said ‘I do’. For at that very moment Vincent had seen their dream shatter and nothing anyone did or said now would mend his broken heart.
*** *** ***
The sun danced upon the ocean in a fiery display of aquamarine and gold, but Catherine barely saw it. Elliot watched from some yards behind her, knowing that nothing he could say or do would alter her mood. Five days into their honeymoon and she had given no sign of feeling anything for him.
This marriage had not been how he had imagined it to be.
It was time to face the facts.
“Who is he Cathy? Do I know him?” Elliot asked coming to stand alongside her at the rail.
Catherine swung around to look into his eyes “Who?” She asked clearly confused by his question.
“The man that you are in love with, For a certainty it’s not me is it?”
“How can you say that? I married you didn’t I?”
“Yes but if you remember rightly my love there was a condition to that. The halting of the tower and why that was I’d love to know?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“I never expected that you would. But was saving your friends worth the sacrifice for the misery you have now?"
“I don’t know what you mean. My mood has nothing to do with the tower. You know the reason.”
“I’m sorry but I don’t buy it. Pre-menstrual tension usually happens the week before a period not during, and Cathy its been five days, surely you must be nearing the end of it now?”
“Actually no, it’s as heavy as ever.” Catherine secretly smiled. What luck to find that four days into her pretend period her real one had started giving her another seven days grace.
“Why is it that I find it impossible to believe you Cathy? You haven’t got a period at all have you? It was just some way to stop us from making love.”
“That’s not true. I do have a period. Go look in the waste bin if you don’t believe me.”
“I might just do that. But even if I should find soiled tampons in there, it doesn’t get you off the hook. Unable to touch you intimately I might not, but there is nothing stopping you from touching me.” His eyes narrowed and Catherine had a feeling it had nothing to do with the glare of the sun.
She swallowed hard grateful that she had thought of this before and had an answer ready, “If I were to touch you intimately it would arouse you, and that would be cruel when we could not make love.”
“Rubbish! You could relieve me in other ways I don’t need the depth of your body to bring me to climax. You’re no innocent virgin Catherine, you know how to stimulate and bring relief to a man. I know you do.”
“Sex, sex, sex, is that all you care about Elliot?” Catherine flared for defence.
“You know its not. Besides if you really cared for me then you would prove it in other ways. You would show that you loved me. But you don’t love me do you Cathy? There is someone else isn’t there?”
Catherine shook her head refusing to answer, and for a moment Elliot’s eyes brightened, “Is that a denial to not loving me or a denial to loving someone else?” he asked her a hint of bitter humour tinging his voice.
Catherine found it impossible to answer either question.
A long silence lapsed as Elliot waited, but when it became apparent that Catherine would not or could not reply he moved away from her. “Collect your things together Cathy and we’ll go home tonight. It’s no use kidding ourselves any longer. I made a mistake. I knew that I loved you more than you loved me, but I thought we could make it work. As soon as we get back to New York I’ll dissolve the marriage.”
Catherine gasped and for split seconds her heart soared with delight and then a sudden thought almost stopped her heart, “And the tower?”
Elliot turned back to her, “What is it with that bloody tower Cathy? Do you seriously think that if I have had one dream shattered, I will contemplate having another!” Catherine had never seen Elliot so angry.
“What do you mean?” she faltered to ask.
“The tower stands Cathy! The moment our marriage is dissolved the building work recommences. The deal is off!”
“No!” the word was torn from Catherine’s throat, “No Elliot!” Despite all her misgivings, despite all her denials, all the ideas that there might have been some other way, Catherine couldn’t give in now, she just couldn’t, she needed more time to find a permanent way.
“No please Elliot not that, anything but that, please."
Her green eyes flashed with fear and for long moments Elliot felt treacherous to have caused that in her.
What was it with that damn tower that caused her to react so violently?
Who was she trying to protect?
“We had a deal Cathy, I carried out my part of the bargain, but you’ve yet to carry out your part. Prove to me that we have a proper marriage and the tower will be but a dream in the past, otherwise? Well you know the answer to that. Now do we leave tonight or stay for the rest of the honeymoon?”
“I really do have a period Elliot.”
Elliot remained silent, the here and now wasn’t really his concern, it was their future he was concerned with, and Catherine knew it. “I’ll promise to try to make you a good wife Elliot.” She told him through gritted teeth.
Elliot saw the difficulty she had with her answer, it grieved him, “That’s all I can ask for Cathy.” He told her as he shrugged and made his way below deck, she presumed to check on the evidence.
*** *** ***
Mouse scurried like his namesake down to the lower levels his arms full of food that he knew to leave in a strategically placed spot where his friend would find it.
Vincent, he knew did not need company right now, but Mouse was ever loyal and checked on his friend daily.
In all honesty he would never have been able to let Vincent alone. He knew how much Vincent loved Catherine and how this latest episode in their lives would be hurting him, so telling only Father and William he took food to Vincent daily, and he would sit and watch for a while making sure that his large friend was okay.
Father was grateful to the boy for the care of his son, but knew that it went deeper than that. When Mouse had been found Vincent had been the only one who after months of patience won the boy’s trust and befriended him.
Since that time the pair had instigated numerous deeds, some of them outright mischievous, but Father would have it no other way. To see his son enjoy himself in the days before Catherine was precious to his eyes, even if he would rather forget some of the ‘games’ Vincent and Mouse had undertaken. Like the time when Mouse had made cider out of William’s apple peelings and he and Vincent had got stone drunk! Mouse had told Vincent it was only fruit juice.
No one could deny though that when Vincent went off on one of his misery trips, Mouse would be known to follow, just to see that his friend was all right.
Just to look after him, as Vincent had once done for Mouse.
Watching while Vincent collected the food and searched all around him with his keen eyesight, Mouse saw Vincent smile, the first expression he had seen for many a day and Mouse’s heart lifted. Obviously Vincent was feeling a little better and Mouse took delight in that thought and scurried away to inform Father of the good news.
*** *** ***
“Its beautiful isn’t it?” Elliot leaned on the rail alongside Catherine as she gazed out at the setting sun. They hadn’t spoken all day despite her earlier promise to show him more attention, or at least that was how Elliot had interpreted it.
“Yes.” Was all Catherine could say.
Her thoughts were very much elsewhere, as they always were every time she looked at the sunrise or the sunset, or lazed beneath a midday sun. Vincent would love to see all those things, and Catherine’s heart ached that he couldn’t be there with her to enjoy them.
“Do you believe me then?” She queried not caring much whether he did or not, and feeling a trifle disgusted that he might have checked.
“Believe you, about what?” Elliot turned his back on the sunset and scrutinised her.
“About my period.” Catherine refused to look at him. She kept her gaze firmly on the rippling waves of molten gold flowing towards her from the horizon.
“If you say you have one I believe you.”
“You didn’t check?”
“Cathy what do you take me for!” The thought of opening the lid on the waste disposal bin sickened him. But he would not tell her that he had thought about it. And actually having made the decision not to look he found himself throwing some tissue paper into the bin and seeing the proof anyway.
Catherine had told no lies, but he would not let on that he had done this.
Catherine refused to answer dismissing the subject entirely for it was better that way. All their rubbish was placed in the waste bin and incinerated daily, so as not to pollute the ocean with their waste.
Looking out at the ocean she waved a hand towards the horizon, “Is it true do you know?”
Elliot turned back to face the sea trying to follow her line of thought.
“True?” He asked bewildered.
“About the Bermuda Triangle. Do ships and planes really go missing in this location?”
“It’s a widely discussed topic Cathy. Apparently the triangle is made up of points encompassing Bermuda, Puerto-Rico and Miami but the United States Government deny that. It’s an unusual phenomenon Cathy, I must say sometimes I do worry about it, especially flying over the area, although there aren’t so many disappearances these days as there were in the first and second world wars. I researched it thoroughly once upon a time, and only scratched the surface, it is very mysterious.”
Catherine turned to face him, her interest growing, “What did you learn?”
Elliot took a deep breath, he did enjoy talking about this topic but he didn’t possess all the answers, mainly he took delight in actually holding a conversation with his wife at last. “Basically on a purely explainable level the area has a humid subtropical climate which means it has heavy rainfall and high temperatures. It has an annual rainfall in excess of sixty inches, and harsh thunderstorms alone can drop ten inches of rain within a few hours. Personally I think the weather has a lot to do with everything. The area is renowned for its sudden outbreaks of storms with extremely strong winds and waterspouts that are very dangerous elements when combined. The problem with this is that any wreckage could sink thousands of feet not to mention the fact that the ocean floor is littered with caves and varies greatly in depth.”
“I have heard that ships and planes have disappeared when the weather was fine, but something happened so suddenly that it made the radar or compass move erratically and people couldn’t see anything in front of them.” Catherine told him.
“Yes well sudden waterspouts could be responsible for that Cathy. I used to believe that a huge whirlpool might have been responsible. And that’s still a possibility of course. You imagine being sucked into one of them, all you would see would be a mountain of water all around. It would be like when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and God held up a wall of water on both sides so they could escape the Egyptians. But of course a whirlpool like that would only take affect with ships. Planes would likely be encased in a waterspout instead. Mind you Cathy there is also a hidden current that lies hundreds of feet below the gulf current hence the reason I suppose, why no wreckage is ever found. The theory is that wreckage gets sucked down and pulled as deep as thirty thousand feet, and probably ends up in one of those huge caves down there.”
“Do you know anything of the magnetic field in this area?” Catherine was enjoying this topic of conversation so much that for the moment she forgot her predicament.
“A bit. The region known as the Bermuda Triangle is one of only two places on earth that true north lines up with. The other place is on the opposite side of the world, and actually is just as famous. Its known as The Devils Sea, and it too is a place for disappearing craft.”
Catherine shivered suddenly, and Elliot noticed, he chuckled, “Yes it gets you like that doesn’t it? Especially being here and all, not the choicest of locations for talking about the subject, right?” he laughed and put his arm around her drawing her close and for the first time Catherine appreciated his concern.
“Christopher Columbus had a devil of a job getting his crew to steer through these waters you know? I mean you imagine it back then with so little known about the area, it would scare a person half to death, especially if he expected them to sail the Sargasso Sea, that lies to the east of the triangle.”
“Why, what happens there?”
Elliot took advantage of Catherine’s anxiety by enfolding her more firmly into his arms. It was the first time she had let him hold her.
He kissed her ear sending a shudder through her before replying, “The Sargasso Sea lies somewhere in the centre of the Atlantic, as I said before, somewhere to the east of the triangle and it has a few islands dotted about, which mainly consist of floating seaweed. These are bordered by warm water with a current that swirls clockwise and the weather in that area is calm and steamy. So having so little wind the area would greatly affect wind powered ships. Can you picture trying to sail through such an area Cathy in a sailing ship or a boat such as this even?”
Catherine found great difficulty in replying. She wished he wouldn’t hold her so tightly, or keep kissing her neck and ear. She wasn’t a robot and immune to such affection. Try as she might to react neutral her body was betraying her again. She fought a tremor as she replied, “Yes. It would be very strange to say the least.”
“Yes and coupled with the stories of missing craft in the area and of crew never returning or being seen again would no doubt lead a crew into mutiny, just as Columbus mentioned in his diary."
“But what about the missing crew of ships found intact. I read once that a table filled with breakfast was discovered, as if the crew had just sat down to eat and had promptly vanished.”
“Yes I too have heard those tales. I don’t know Cathy there is a great deal of phenomena about the whole place that to be honest if I sat and thought about it long enough it would scare the pants off me.” Elliot paused to think about her question for a moment before continuing, “It could have been a waterspout of course, could have been a twister even. The area is incredibly deceptive anyway. I mean look at the Florida Straits where people snorkel. The depth is only a few hundred feet deep, and then suddenly plunges without warning to five thousand feet. Perhaps the entire crew went for a swim before breakfast and got sucked away, I don’t know. That would be a bit far fetched of course, but really neither I nor anyone else have been able to come up with answers to that kind of question. And believe me Cathy you aren’t the first person to ask it, and neither will you be the last.”
Catherine nodded. It was very mysterious and rather spooky. “Do teams still look into that kind of thing Elliot?”
“Yes actually research into the area is still underway, and new things are being learned everyday, but I can tell you something Cathy who ever works in that area needs to be earning danger money. I know I wouldn’t do it.”
“Are we in that area now?” Another shiver ran through Catherine, and Elliot drew her even closer. She couldn’t seem to stop the shivers. As interesting as the topic was, given their location it was rather eerie.
“Not quite we are only a matter of a few hundred yards from the island and we can see the ocean floor over the side of the boat. But I can tell you nothing would inspire me to take one of those cruises that are organised from the island out into the Triangle Cathy. Nothing at all.”
“Why Elliot Burch I do believe you are scared?”
“You’d better believe it Cathy. It takes a lot to scare me, but something unknown like that, something you can’t grasp, understand or accept well that’s scary. Which reminds me...”
For some reason Catherine felt a shudder ripple through her at his words, she felt certain she knew what was coming.
“What?” she asked breathlessly. When he replied, she found that her assumption had been correct.
“That day you made me get into that tunnel beneath the dock, there was a noise above us, it sounded like an animal. And then you showed me through a labyrinth of tunnels that came out in Central Park. You told me never to tell anyone, and I never did, who would have believed me anyway.” He attempted a laugh, “but you knew more than you let on. How about telling me now?”
Catherine shook her head, “I’m sorry Elliot, I can’t, the secret is not mine to divulge.”
“What about the animal sounds, was it an animal?”
“I can’t tell you. Just be thankful that we got out of the situation alive.”
“Oh I do Cathy, every moment. I owe you my life.”
“No.” Catherine shook her head, “You don’t owe it to me.”
Elliot dismissed that for the moment, his mind was dwelling on other things now. “The tower Cathy, it has some connection to those tunnels doesn’t it? I mean the blueprints showed those old tunnels running directly beneath where the foundations need to be. Does this person I owe my life to live down there? Is that why it was so important to you to halt the building of the tower?”
“I can’t tell you Elliot.” Catherine shuddered, it was growing dark and she was suddenly tired of the conversation and very much aware of the close proximity of Elliot’s body pressed tightly against her own.
Elliot let it go, he knew she wouldn’t tell him, though he had a feeling he had hit upon the answer anyway.
His wife was protecting someone, and that someone he was sure kept a wild animal down in those tunnels, a wild animal to which he owed his life. Perhaps the person kept a lion or a tiger down there.
Central Park Zoo wasn’t far from the drainage tunnel that Catherine had led him to that day. Though he’d not heard of any escapee big cats it wasn’t so impossible that anyone could have captured or stolen one and was keeping it down there. Maybe they had even trained it to get rid of the city’s scum. Elliot was well aware of the unexplained mystery deaths around the city, which funnily enough were often linked to the cases his wife had been working on.
He’d leave it for now, but he would ask her of it another day.
In light of the deal they had struck over their marriage, it would make perfect sense that she was protecting someone that resided inside those tunnels.
He’d get to the bottom of it eventually.
He vowed that he would.
*** *** ***
Lying in bed a few hours later, Catherine was for once grateful for Elliot’s arms around her, though she would never let him know that.
Before they had retired for the night he had enthralled her with other mysterious tales, which for one who was basically courageous in most things she had found such tales quite troublesome to say the least.
They had been enjoying a light supper of fresh fruit salad before retiring when Elliot had told her, “Speaking of the Bermuda Triangle Cathy, have you ever heard about other things like that?”
A slice of apple half way to her mouth, Catherine lay the fork down to stare wide eyed at him, “What do you mean?”
“That the Bermuda Triangle isn’t the only place where strange things happen that’s all.”
“You told me, the Devil’s Sea is another such place right?”
“Yes. But there are others. Its funny that you mentioned the magnetic fields Cathy that led me to think on other things I have heard about. Some people believe in other dimensions of time. Stepping through a porthole or something akin to that. It doesn’t always happen over sea either. The reports I was told about took place inland. Would you like to hear about them?"
“Now that you’ve started, I’m all ears.”
“And very pretty ones they are too, if I may say so my love.” Elliot chuckled and Catherine suddenly felt a blush staining her cheeks and she could not meet his eyes.
Elliot took a deep breath trying not to laugh at her discomfort and continued “I once heard a tale about a farmer and a cow.” Elliot paused, judging Catherine’s reaction. The look she gave him made him laugh out loud.
“No seriously Cathy.” He bit into a slice of pineapple chewed and swallowed before continuing, “I’ll tell it how it was told to me. Three farmers were in a field, two leaned over the wall bordering the field, and one was walking across its centre leading a cow. They all three were talking to one another, when suddenly the farmer leading the cow vanished. Just vanished. His friends stared and called to him and they heard him call back, but they could not see him. They jumped the wall and ran to the spot where he’d disappeared still calling and heard him call back ‘I’m down here.’ Looking down all they could see was grass. There was no hole in the ground, no crater, nothing. It was completely flat. They kept calling him, and he kept calling back and saying ‘give me your hand and pull me up’, but there was nowhere to put out their hands. Nonetheless the two men reached out to the ground, and heard their friend call back ‘I can’t reach you, come lower’. Of course they couldn’t because they were already touching the ground and as they continued to fumble about and call to him, his voice receded further and further away until it faded completely and they heard him no more.”
“Was that true?” Wide-eyed Catherine had stared at Elliot.
“As true as they come. I do know of another event like that too.”
“Tell me.” Catherine pushed her plate away. Somehow she had lost her appetite for the fruit on the table in front of her now.
“A couple on their honeymoon were walking along a mountain pass, when the wife wanted to take a photograph of her husband. She asked him to step back so that she could get him completely in the frame, and he disappeared before her eyes. Frantic she searched everywhere and then went to get help. A mountain rescue team decreed that the spot she returned them to could never have been the spot he had vanished since there had been nowhere he could have fallen. It was just a flat mountain pass, no obvious dangers in sight, but she maintained it was the very spot. When the photographs were developed the spot was revealed as correct, and there was something else.”
Catherine was afraid to ask, but did so anyway, “What?” She croaked.
“The photograph revealed some of her husband in the frame, but the density of his body was missing. That is you could see straight through him.”
Catherine balked at the image this represented, “Is that true?” She whispered with a look of absolute horror.
“Again my love I can only tell you as it was told to me, but its pretty frightening isn’t it? Makes you wonder whether honeymoon couples should stick close to one another doesn’t it, especially when out sightseeing?”
“Oh you!” Catherine exclaimed. This was the first time Elliot had made mention to the day she had deliberately lost him on the island. “I almost believed you then.”
“And so you should.” Elliot told her his voice expressionless “The story wasn’t made up Cathy that’s exactly as it was told to me. Makes you wonder though doesn’t it whether the phenomena of dimensions and portholes is for real?”
Catherine shuddered. Elliot was right and it wasn’t something she wanted to spend much time dwelling on.
But she found that she did and Catherine had found it impossible to get to sleep, neither could she trust herself to go up on deck to look at the moon and the stars as she had done on other nights.
No, whether he had done it on purpose or not, Elliot had very cleverly found a way to keep her in his arms that night, and at that precise moment in time Catherine found that she really didn’t mind at all.
*** *** ***
Deep below the catacombs, Vincent tried to shut all thoughts of the past years from his mind and tried to tell himself that he lived in the era before Catherine had entered his life. But then as now the misery that engulfed him at that thought, to have the aloneness return, was worse than living off the memories his love with Catherine had brought.
It had been almost a week since that fated day when she had married Elliot Burch. In that time, Vincent had tried to shut away the memories, but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t do it. Something, anything would come forth to remind him, even though he had firmly closed off the Bond that he shared with Catherine.
He always believed that without Catherine life would not be worth living, that he would die without her, but he found it impossible to contemplate doing anything so rash as throwing himself into the abyss. If nothing else the long days and nights alone in his silence had taught him that too many people had given up much just so he might have life.
Father in the main had turned his back on the world for maybe far longer than he might have done, had it not of been for caring for his unique son.
Vincent knew the pain his death would cause his father, and besides what right had he to take the easy way out when what had happened had to have been even harder on Catherine?
How could he kill himself in the abyss knowing that Catherine had made such a sacrifice for him?
It would be so worthless, make her sacrifice so pointless, and no doubt she had already suffered enough.
That was it mainly. The thought of the woman he loved being in the arms of another man. Being intimate with another man, those thoughts alone would be the death of him if he harboured them to himself.
And because that man was Elliot Burch, that was the worst of it. Possibly because once Catherine had started to fall in love with the man, and Vincent well remembered the feelings of jealousy that had inspired. Perhaps if Catherine had married any other man the pain would be less. After all hadn’t he told her countless times that she should leave him to marry another? A man to walk with her in the sunshine?
Vincent thought back to the wedding ceremony and how he had begged her not to do the very thing he had told her so often to do. He had lain his heart bear, pledging his love for her.
Was then her love the greater that she could sacrifice everything knowing he loved her, just to save him?
Tears gathered and fell for the thousandth time since he had run to this place beneath the catacombs a week before. His mind ached with so much thinking, but he knew he couldn’t stay there forever. Father would be as always worried about him. Not to mention the rest of his ‘family.’
Food had miraculously appeared daily, and he guessed that Mouse brought it.
Just like his namesake Mouse moved about the tunnels without the knowledge of anyone silent and unseen.
But it was time to go back now, time to pick up his life and try to get through the future without Catherine.
He doubted he would see her again and knew that it was probably better if he didn’t, but just the thought alone made him want to weep.
Life without Catherine would be no life at all. And the lonely years stretched ahead with emptiness.
*** *** ***
“The big brown dog jumped over the lazy red fox.” Samantha read from the book as she took one of Vincent’s classes in his absence.
Eric repeated the saying, stumbling a little over his words.
“You’ve got to speak precise Eric. Pronounce the words so they don’t come out running into one another.” Samantha despaired. It was such an easy saying. “Look try another one.” She smiled and winked at Father who had entered the chamber moments earlier to check on the class.
“Say Red Lorry Yellow Lorry.”
“That’s easy.” Eric replied. Father smirked.
“Red Lorry Yellow Lorry.” Eric beamed.
“Faster.” Samantha told him, “Say it faster. Over and over again. ”
Eric complied, “Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Red Lolly Wrellow Lolly, I mean Lorry, Red Lolly Yellow Rolly.” Father began to laugh, “I think Eric, that Samantha is having you on. That is an extremely hard thing to say, especially quickly.”
The rest of the group were grinning, and trying to get their tongues around it as Father mentioned, "Of course there is another that perhaps we could ask Samantha to try.” Father winked at Eric, and the child’s face lit up. “What is it Father?” he asked breathlessly.
Father chuckled. This was a favourite of his. He especially loved the times he had set this assignment for Vincent and Devin to learn. “Its about Betty Botter.” He told the amused group of children.
“Betty Botter?” they chorused. “Tell us please.”
“Only if you all say it after me.”
“Samantha included?”
“Yes Samantha included.”
Father sat down at the seat that Samantha had vacated for him, and she went to sit just in front of him on the stone floor. Her eyes bright she waited. It was especially wonderful, for since Vincent had gone missing Father had not been seen to smile let alone laugh as he was doing right now.
“Right, try to keep up then will you. Here goes.”
He took a deep breath and began, “Betty Botter bought herself a bit of butter, but the butter that Betty Botter bought was bitter. So Betty Botter bought herself a better bit of butter.” He finished and laughed as he listened to all the children tying their tongues in knots to keep up with him, just as a voice of gravelled velvet came from the doorway, “But where’s the bit of bitter butter that Betty Botter bought?”
All heads turned to see Vincent entering the chamber, and all voices chorused that wondrous word instead, “Vincent!” and as many bodies scrambled to their feet to rush into his arms and welcome him home.
“Oh Vincent!” Father edged his way through the mass of children and reached out for his son, “You’re back.”
Vincent smiled and told his father, “And just in time too. How could you have forgotten the final line to Betty Botter?” His blue eyes twinkled.
Father smiled, “Oh I don’t think it was forgotten. That is Vincent I don’t think there ever was another line. I bet it is something you and Devin made up.” Vincent grinned, “No doubt. But it’s a thought isn’t it? Where is the bit of bitter butter that Betty Botter bought?”
Father laughed, “Oh Vincent its good to have you home, and in fine spirits too. I must admit I was worried about you.”
“When aren’t you ever Father?”
The two men embraced as soon as the children had cleared a gap for them to do so.
“It’s a father’s prerogative.” Was all Father would say, “and thank goodness for it too. Welcome home Vincent.” And he hugged his son tighter than ever with a heart full of joy.
*** *** ***Chapter Four
Catherine had never been so happy to be in New York.
After the week spent with Elliot in Bermuda it was great to be home, even if that did mean she would need another excuse not to make love with her husband.
Her period generally lasted seven days and even though in Elliot’s calculation that would mean that it should be finished he did not doubt her when she told him it had not. So Catherine found that she was getting away with it for longer than she’d hoped.
Still though with three days grace left to go, she had to make plans to stop the consummation of her marriage for the days ahead.
That only gave her three days to find another reason for the building work on the tower to be halted and the sooner she got started the better.
From the moment their plane had landed Elliot had given her a quick kiss and had gone straight to his office leaving her with the day free.
He assumed that she would be going to her apartment to pack the last of her belongings but nothing was further from her mind. As soon as Elliot left for his office Catherine left for hers, arriving shortly after Joe Maxwell.
“Hi Joe, did you miss me?” Cathy waited for her boss to turn. He did slowly. “Radcliffe! I never expected to see you here so soon. When did you get back?”
“Just today. Elliot thinks I am packing my belongings at the apartment, but I wanted to see you.”
“Don’t tell me you missed me Radcliffe?”
Catherine smiled, “Actually yes.” Her smile faded and Joe was quick to notice that something was wrong and took her elbow to escort her into his office, “What gives Cathy? You two fallen out already?”
“We never actually fell in Joe. But it’s complicated and I can’t give away any details, but I would really appreciate your help.”
Joe scratched his chin thoughtfully, “It would be a darn lot easier if you would fill in the gaps Radcliffe, but no doubt you are protecting someone again, right?”
“Got it in one Joe. So will you help me?”
“Depends what you’re after Cathy.”
“The Burch Tower. Has there been any developments while I’ve been away?”
“Yes and no. You know that all building work stopped a month ago, but then a few days after you left for your honeymoon the blasting started again. I thought it was funny because all the heavy machinery was still on site. It never gave the impression that the project had been terminated.”
All the while he had been speaking Catherine’s eyes had grown wider and wider and her temper had risen with every drawn in breath.
“They’ve been blasting?” She didn’t like to think what they had discovered. “Is it still going on?”
“No, that’s the funny thing about it, as I say you hadn’t been gone two days when it started again, and then overnight it stopped again. There has been a lot of activity in the area though. A few times I went to look, there were officials crawling all over the place.”
God what had they found? Catherine was frantic with worry.
“Has there been anything in the papers?”
“Nothing. The tower hasn’t been mentioned all week. Actually Cathy I find that kind of strange, I mean with the sudden activity and then stopping as suddenly, all those officials, something must be going on, but there hasn’t been a dickie-bird, not in the papers or on the broadcasts. I find that somewhat strange don’t you? I wondered perhaps if they have found treasure down there or something. Catherine was growing chilled. Fear consumed her, she had to get down there as fast as possible. “I have to see it for myself. Want to come?”
“What now?”
“I can’t Radcliffe, I’m due in court in ten minutes. Maybe this afternoon?”
“No Joe don’t worry I’ll go alone. “
“You’d do better seeing that husband of yours, he will have all the answers. You out of anyone would have a finer chance of finding out what’s been discovered. It’s his building plot after all.” Joe wondered why she hadn’t thought of that. Things were very peculiar here that was for sure.
“Yeah Joe perhaps you’re right.” But Catherine didn’t want to see Elliot, not yet, not until she had established how much had been uncovered by the blasting. The last time she had been in the tunnels, the blasts were cracking Elizabeth’s painted tunnels. Had they been discovered?
Joe was gathering his papers and reports into his briefcase, “Would love to stay and chat Radcliffe, but I’ve got to go. Call me if you find anything out huh? At home mind, don’t go leaving any messages on the machine. Whatever has happened it makes you wonder if the promise to halt the building work on the tower was just a lie doesn’t it.”
“It certainly does Joe.” Catherine felt a jolt of fear did Elliot want to see if she would fulfil her part of the bargain entirely before he had all the machinery removed? It was indeed a great possibility.
They walked to the elevator together and Joe went on. “After that day Burch, er sorry Radcliffe, I mean your husband. After he came in here to speak to us about Max Avery being behind the funding of the support group headed by Luz Corrales, it seemed that Luz did have new members to support her group almost overnight as it were. Burch was right, sorry again, I mean your husband was right, Luz was behind much of the sabotage and theft of equipment on the building site, but he was wrong about the cash donations coming from Max Avery Cathy. You see Avery’s assets have been frozen. He can’t move a dollar Cathy.” Joe paused and watched the lights on the elevator panel move up towards their floor.
“Then who Joe, do we know who?” Catherine’s eyes were wide she hadn’t expected this.
“Not yet Radcliffe, but I’m on to it.”
“Any clues Joe?”
“Some but none that make any sense right now. Still as something exciting seems to be going on in that area now, maybe the tower will be stopped after all. Perhaps he won’t be able to use that plot now. Burch that is. I mean your husband.” Lord would he ever get used to that? “Then again the time it was delayed resulted in an even larger petition against its being erected by the citizens of New York. That place might create thousands of jobs Cathy, but its gonna be one hell of an eyesore around here. Maybe we don’t have to worry about finding a way to halt its progress anymore in light of that Cathy.” The elevator arrived and they stepped inside pressing the button for the ground level.
“I think we do Joe I can’t tell you how I know, but believe me if things don’t go the way Elliot expects within the next few days that tower will be started on again. Maybe not in that location, but certainly in another. You’ve got to keep on it Joe, got to find a way to stop the tower being built and the sooner the better.” Catherine was adamant, and did he detect fear there in her eyes? Joe couldn’t be certain, but he knew he would help Catherine no matter what, no questions asked if need be.
Besides he owed Burch one for stealing the woman he loved from under his nose.
It was pay back time.
*** *** ***
As luck would have it when Catherine arrived at the building site the entire plot was empty. The heavy machinery stood like giant monsters about to attack her and everything had a ghostly feel about it.
Picking her way carefully over the site, Catherine searched through the debris nausea rising with every step she took. It was clear that the painted tunnels had been discovered. But what was worse was that fragments of a painting Elizabeth had done of Vincent had also been unearthed. Much of it had been taken away and she found a few tickets saying ‘exhibit ten or twelve, or some other number’, and knew that each piece of tunnel wall would have been taken away in bags for analysis.
Fear tightened around her throat. She had to find out what had happened, and Joe was right. Elliot would know.
Turning on her heel she made to walk back to street level to hail a taxi, when a movement caught her eye. She turned staring with disbelief at the figure of youth darted away from her. “Mouse!” she cried, stumbling after him, “Mouse wait!” But the youth did not seem to hear her and she had soon lost against his able footed movements and that of her high heels upon all the debris.
Nonetheless Catherine moved toward the direction he had gone, knowing that if he had risked showing himself on the site in daylight, then he would have an escape route close at hand.
Slowly she picked her way over the loose earth and shattered ground, bits of tunnel wall, and puddles of water looking for a gap that Mouse may have crawled through, but though she searched long and hard she did not discover where he had gone.
Dismay warred with anger. He had heard her, he had to have done. She knew Mouse, his hearing was perfect he had to be considering the scrapes he got himself into. So why had he run from her?
Catherine picked her way back across the work site, bending only once to turn over a piece of tunnel wall that had lain upside down upon the earth. It was muddy and she had to rub hard to reveal the picture beneath and then gasped with horror and pleasure as Vincent’s face came into view.
It was a large piece of masonry but Catherine knew she couldn’t leave it behind. She couldn’t believe her good fortune to know she had found it, and tucked it beneath the jacket of her suit as she climbed out of the site and back onto the street.
Once there she hailed a taxi to take her back to her apartment.
Taking the shortest route, Mouse fairly galloped through the as yet undiscovered tunnels careering straight into Father and almost toppling the older man over had it not of been for Vincent’s restraining arm as he darted into Father’s chamber some half hour later.
“Mouse you know not to run like that. Whatever is the matter with you boy?” Father reprimanded the youth, when he had got back his breath.
“Saw her. Saw Catherine.” Mouse cried a touch of dread in his voice.
“You saw Catherine where?” Father asked.
“In the tunnels?” added Vincent his eyes growing wary.
“No not tunnels. Up top. Saw her on tower site.”
“You were up there? Mouse how many times have you been told to stay out of that area in daylight.”
“Need to.” Mouse told them, “Can’t find pictures without sunlight. Too dark. ‘sides lanterns would be seen in the dark.”
“Yes I know Mouse, but our helpers have said that they will look.”
“No difference. Mouse a helper too. No one know. Just looking, no problem.”
Father drew in a deep breath. The boy had a point, who would know who he was? There wasn’t any reason to connect him to life in the tunnels, even if his dress did fit the part. Who would know that? Who would know that was the way they dressed down here?
“Did Catherine see you?” As Father clearly wasn’t asking anymore questions Vincent wanted to know the answer to this, desperately.
Father looked from Vincent to Mouse, “Yes Mouse, did Catherine see you?”
“Think so.”
“What do you mean you think so. Did she or not.”
“Might have.”
“Mouse!” Vincent growled losing patience, “Did she see you or not?”
“She called to me.” Mouse told them somewhat sheepishly.
“By name?”
“Then she saw you.” Father told him.
“And what did you do?” Vincent wanted to know.
“I ran.”
“Away from Catherine?” Vincent was speechless. “But why Mouse, Catherine is your friend?”
Mouse looked at his long time friend and protector as if he had gone of his rocker. “No more. Catherine turned traitor married Elliot Burch. Should have been you. She’s not my friend.”
Vincent had no words. He could see the boy’s loyalty but his heart ached that he could treat Catherine this way. He tried to pacify the lad, “Mouse, what Catherine did was to save our home. Mr Burch promised to stop building the tower if she married him.” Vincent had to close his eyes tightly before continuing, “Mouse try to understand, what Catherine did might have seemed traitorous to us, but she did it believing she could save the tunnels.”
Father stepped in, “And ultimately save Vincent’s life. Mouse you know what would happen if Vincent were discovered?”
Mouse nodded, but could not help retorting, “But she never did she. She never saved us. Now the painted tunnels are gone. I hate her.”
“MOUSE!” Vincent growled, his voice softening as he saw his friend cower away, “I’m sorry Mouse, but you mustn’t hate Catherine.”
“Why not? You do.”
Vincent stared at Mouse long and hard. “No Mouse, I could never hate Catherine.”
“But you have had the tunnels sealed so that she cannot come down anymore.”
“Is this right Vincent?” Father turned to his son.
“No not to stop Catherine. When the painted tunnels were discovered, I had protective measures installed at all our entrances. You know that Father you agreed?”
“I know I did but what of the entrance beneath Catherine’s apartment? Only she and you knew about that. None of the helpers from Above did, and it was very remote that the authorities would discover it down there. Is that one still open Vincent?”
“No.” Vincent hung his head so that his mane fell over his face to conceal the sorrow in his eyes.
“But why Vincent. Surely you knew that under the circumstances it would be the only way Catherine could come to see us?”
“Of course I knew! But Father don’t you see? Catherine and I are finished we could never have what we had before. It is better this way.”
Father looked to Mouse still hovering ready for flight and bid him leave them, “Its all right Mouse you may go, but promise me, keep away from that site.” He looked at the boy sternly, and Mouse nodded before disappearing like greased lightening. Father chuckled, “Where he gets his energy from I’d like to know.” He turned to Vincent, “Now let us talk about this, it’s a subject long overdue. Sit down Vincent.”
Vincent refused to sit, “There’s nothing to talk about Father. Catherine is lost to me now.”
“No Vincent I don’t believe that. What Catherine did was honourable and courageous but her plan backfired. Elliot double crossed her and when she realises that do you think she will stay with the man?”
“Even so Father she cannot come back to me. Even if she should leave Elliot Burch, she still belongs to him now. It is too late for us.” Vincent sat down his legs seemed incapable of supporting him all of a sudden.
Father shook his head. “I thought so too at first. Peter led me to believe otherwise. Vincent we all knew that your relationship was not without limits. Though you loved one another desperately, though you still love one another desperately, you both knew that what you shared was just a dream. That the dream could not become reality for you.” Father stroked his son’s hair tenderly. It was an action he had done thousands of times and it always helped to calm his son. “Vincent what I am trying to say is, that you must learn, both of you must learn to turn that love you felt for one another into nothing more than friendship. Perhaps this was the answer for you. Perhaps with Catherine belonging to another man it would dampen the feelings you had for her. This way at least Catherine can stay in our lives and continue as a valued helper. Surely you understand that?”
A sob broke free from Vincent’s throat, as his body quietly shook, and Father’s heart was breaking to see his son in such distress. He continued to stroke his son’s long mane of tawny hair.
After a while though neither spoke, Father could feel calm stealing throughout his son’s large frame, the shaking lessened, and Vincent was making to stand. “We have a lot to do Father, there are many boxes yet to pack.”
“And that’s all you will say on the matter Vincent?” They both knew Father wasn’t referring to the packing.
“Yes Father.”
Drawing in a deep breath and exhaling it slowly Father nodded, “Yes you’re right there is still much to be done.”
But though they continued sorting and packing the books and other belongings into boxes for the rest of the day neither of them spoke much again, though both their minds was filled with thoughts of Catherine.
*** *** ***
Elliot wasn’t in his office when Catherine arrived but his secretary asked her to wait, explaining that he had called to say he was stuck in traffic but was returning.
As she waited Catherine mooched around his office looking at things and wondered how this man that she had married could be such a stranger to her. In fact it did not feel as though she was his wife. At that moment Catherine decided that if Elliot didn’t get the marriage annulled then she would. Simply as the blasting on the tunnels had recommenced after their marriage, Elliot had double-crossed her and to her that meant the deal was off.
But had she of expected Elliot to waltz in there all goodness and light to find her waiting for him she was disappointed. After his secretary told him his wife was waiting Elliot stormed into his office, shouting, “Cathy what the hell are you doing here?” Though he shouted at her she saw his eyes go to a cabinet beneath one window, and knew instantly that there was something within that he hoped she had not seen.
“Elliot, hello to you too.” She tried to sound calm, but inside she was equally annoyed with him. His face softened, “I thought you were at home packing?”
“I needed a break.” She told him. It wasn’t totally untrue. She had been to the apartment but only to unload the fragment of tunnel wall and hide it away.
“Its too late for lunch Cathy and too early to leave for the day and I am very busy.” The brush off was obvious.
“Too busy planning the continuance of the tower?”
He looked up sharply, “What do you mean?”
“The tower that you promised to halt if I married you was started on again while we were away.” She accused him.
“Yes. I’m sorry about that. It was an unfortunate mistake. It has stopped again now.” He laughed “Perhaps permanently. Those final explosions uncovered some artefacts that a bunch of archaeologists want to start excavating. I’ve been down to their offices all morning, but they just won’t budge. Seems they have discovered some exciting stuff down there, some paintings or something and want to check out the dates etc. If it turns out to be painted within the last few decades I can go ahead with the building, but if they are any older the building plans will be terminated.”
“They should be terminated anyway. Elliot you promised!”
“Yeah. Well so did you! Did you think that ‘marriage’ encompasses only a band of gold on one finger!” he was shouting again now. Catherine winced sure his secretary would overhear everything. “Until you make this a proper marriage Cathy the deal is off! Do you hear me?” he seethed.
“I hear you Elliot but you backed out of the deal before I did. I had a period you knew that, yet the explosions started again two days after we were married. Why Elliot?”
“You think I didn’t notice that day we went sightseeing that you were avoiding being with me? You think I really believed you had got lost? I gave you until lunch-time Cathy, and when I saw you in different clothing so obviously avoiding me, I rang back here and had the work recommenced.” Catherine groaned inwardly. That day, that wonderful day she had felt free had cost the tunnel dwellers their home. Tears slipped from her eyes, “Elliot how could you?”
They stared at one another for several long minutes neither speaking, then Catherine took off her wedding and engagement rings and slapped them down on his desk. “Here you can have these. I’ll get the papers drawn up for you to sign. Our marriage is over Elliot.”
Panic gripped Elliot, “ Cathy no. That’s not fair we haven’t given it enough time.”
“You’ve had all the time you are going to get Elliot. You double-crossed me. You didn’t even wait to see if we would have a proper marriage when I was able.” She felt a heel for saying all this there had never been any possibility of it being a proper marriage. “You could have waited Elliot!”
“I will wait. Cathy don’t go, we can resolve this. Look I know you don’t love me, and its not important, just stay married to me Cathy please don’t go Cathy please.” But Catherine was already walking out the door, noticing as she ran from the outer office Elliot’s secretary’s shocked expression as her fingers stilled over the typewriter keys.
Elliot continued to shout after her but Catherine did not look back. She would collect the wall fragment from her apartment and go into the tunnels. That was the only place left for her now.
*** *** ***
As she stepped out of the taxi outside of her building she was stunned to see Elliot’s limousine pull up at the curb. How had he done that? He must have followed her out and taken a shorter route to have arrived at the same time.
In silence they entered the building together but the moment Catherine tried to prevent his entry into her apartment Elliot barged his way inside slamming the door behind him.
Catherine ignored him, going instead into the kitchen to make herself some lunch. She had bought some fresh salad and salmon earlier and literally tossed them onto a plate before joining Elliot back in the lounge. He watched her without a word as she picked at the food as if he wasn’t there, except he could see by her countenance that she was very aware that he was.
“Weren’t you going to offer me anything?” he asked at last.
“You know where the kitchen is.” She waved a fork in its direction.
“Forget it.” Elliot flared. ““For God sake Cathy, what’s wrong with you? I’ve tried to be patient, but that patience has worn thin. Don’t you even love me even a little?” He whispered the last and Catherine detected the note of sorrow in his voice.
“No I’m sorry Elliot.” Catherine told him simply, refusing to look up at him. Suddenly she lost interest in the food upon her plate and she toyed with it. Pushing smoked salmon around in circles, and covering the pink fish with leaves of crisp lettuce, as if she was tucking it into bed.
“So who is he? It’s not Joe Maxwell!” Elliot blurted as the thought suddenly hit him.
Catherine did raise her eyes then, “Of course not!” she flared, but Elliot could see by her answer that there was someone.
“So there is someone.” He spoke softly, tears forming in his eyes. “Someone that lives in those goddamned tunnels perhaps?"
Catherine’s head snapped back, and Elliot knew he had caught a raw nerve but she denied it instantly.
“Then tell me…” Elliot began sarcastically, “Why was it so important that I halted the work on the tower, in fact so important that you would contemplate marriage to me to ensure it?”
“It was the only way to stop the tower…” Catherine faltered. “Elliot there are things that I can’t tell you, but I do owe you some explanation.”
“Damn right you do.” His eyes flashed with his fury. “Come on then I’m waiting.”
Catherine took a deep breath, there was only so much that she was prepared to say. “You remember that night I led you through the tunnels to safety?”
Grim faced Elliot nodded.
“I’d been in those tunnels before.”
“That was obvious.” His eyes narrowed “You knew them almost as well as you know the back of your hand. It’s why they are so important to you that bothers me now.”
“There are people that use those tunnels as their home Elliot. Good people. People who have been affected in a detrimental way by society, but they’re not criminals. They will not tolerate criminals living among them.”
“So some of your witnesses live there, bully for them.” His voice rose “Cathy my tower would house thousands of people. If it suits you I can even make allowances for vagrants and abused people, I can give them a reduced rent so they could afford to live there. The building will provide luxuries unheard of, employment unseen. Cathy don’t you see, while you sacrifice your life for a few no hopers, my tower will bring employment and homes to thousands and create billions of dollars for the city. There is no comparison Cathy.” He belittled her now, humouring her, believing her sacrificing spirit was ridiculous.
“No!” Catherine’s temper flared, “You don’t get it do you? These people have tried such a way of life, but they can’t live like that. The tunnels are their home, their only way of living. How can you be so callous as to wipe it away so thoughtlessly?”
“Rubbish Cathy. My tower encompasses a few square feet, when there are hundreds of miles of those tunnels. Anyone that lives inside them could simply move to another area.”
“And what if your tower inspires other people with building projects in mind to do likewise. What if your building is only the first of many? Once one is up, this whole city could be filled with towers within a few years!”
“Now you are being ridiculous Cathy, just like your reasons for marrying me in order to halt the building work of the tower. I kept my side of the bargain Cathy.” He spoke softly.
“What do you mean, I married you didn’t I?” Catherine knew she had trapped herself, she knew what was coming next and regretted her words.
“In name only!” Elliot flared, not disappointing her they were back to that again.
In desperation Catherine grabbed the only opportunity open to her at that moment. “When I see that you have removed your heavy plant from the site, when I see that the crater already excavated is filled in, then I will believe that the tower is halted. And then our marriage will become a genuine one.”
Elliot sat for long moments contemplating this bit of news. “Tell you what Cathy.” He told her at long last, “Your period should be almost finished by now. Let me love you tonight and I’ll get the gear removed tomorrow.”
Catherine shook her head. She would not, could not make love to the man.
If Joe found a way to terminate the tower full stop, non-consummation of their marriage was the only way she would get an annulment. She knew it was unlikely that the archaeologists would ever find that the paintings were more than a few decades old. Other than that the fact remained that she balked at making love to Elliot.
Only Vincent had that right. It was probably too late for them now, but if she couldn’t make love with Vincent then she would never make love to any man ever again.
For long moments they glared at one another tempers rising and falling, until Elliot exhaled a huge sigh and walked to the phone. Catherine watched as he dialled various numbers and listened as he gave orders for the machinery at the tower site to be removed and the foundations to be filled in whether or not the archaeologists gave the go ahead for the building work to recommence.
Catherine could not believe she was hearing right. She gave a huge sigh of relief but she wasn’t entirely happy. It only brought her situation much closer.
Three days from now when her period had ended she would have nothing to stop Elliot trying to make love to her so she desperately needed another way before then to permanently halt the work on the tower.
When he got off the phone, he asked her, “Satisfied?”
She played for time. Catherine shook her head, “Not until I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”
Elliot glared at her. “Tomorrow Cathy, tomorrow or else. I’ll take you to see the site myself, then we will come back and start to make this marriage work. Now get the things you will need for tonight and come back to my apartment with me.”
Catherine knew exactly what he meant and she wondered if going to the electric chair would have been less daunting.
*** *** ***
All that night Catherine tossed and turned, unable to sleep. Elliot lay beside her for once refusing to touch her. Tomorrow would come soon enough he had told her before edging to the other side of the bed. Catherine didn’t know if she should leave now or wait until the morning.
What if Elliot did carry out his promise and have all the plant removed what if he did have the crater filled in? What then? Would he take her by force if the need arose?
And when she refused to make love with him surely he would begin building the tower again with a vengeance undoing all that she had gained so far.
For the umpteenth time she chided herself on her cowardice and her stupidity at believing that marriage to Elliot would have solved all the problems.
Leaving the bed for a glass of water, Catherine decided not to return to bed. There was something she had to do.
It would be stupid to go into the park at that time of night, especially doubting that Vincent would be waiting for her, but Catherine knew that she had to try to get into the tunnels. With the painted tunnels now discovered, she didn’t doubt that the tunnel residents would be in a flap wondering what to do. She had to know that they were safe. More importantly right now, she had to know that Vincent was safe.
Dressing quickly, she was soon ready and left the apartment silently. She took the elevator, and hailed a cab to take her to her own apartment building, and after speaking briefly to the night watchman she made her way silently down to the basement.
It was just as she had left it. No one seemed to have been there since she had last used that entrance to the tunnel world, but the moment Catherine descended the steps to the threshold, she sensed rather than saw that something had in fact changed.
On turning she saw immediately what it was.
The entrance had been bricked up!
And some time ago too as the cement was quite dry and rock hard.
Even the spy hole was no more.
There were no pipes to tap on either, and Catherine knew it had been done to stop her going to the tunnels that way.
Catherine slumped to the ground her heart aching.
She had given up so much, sacrificed her whole life for those people and for Vincent yet they had treated her this way.
She didn’t think she had ever wanted to die so much until suddenly she wondered if it had been closed off because the tunnel dwellers had assumed that she no longer lived in this building. Her hope restored Catherine went back out of the building and hailed another cab to take her to Central Park Drive Through.
Despite the great risk she undertook in going that way at that time of night, her gun gave her a merit of comfort, and she was soon within sight of the drainage tunnel with hope once more in her heart.
*** *** ***
Elliot rolled over and his arm reached out for his wife, and met nothing but cold satin sheet. “Cathy?” he queried, coming slowly awake, “Cathy” he called louder. He alighted from the bed and drew on his robe, opening the bedroom door.
“Cathy” he called again. There was nothing but silence, and the apartment was in darkness. He flicked on the light and as his eyes became accustomed to the brightness he saw Catherine’s night robe draped over the arm of a chair and noted that the boots she had worn that day were missing.
“Damn!” Elliott swore beneath his breath. Where on earth was she?
He checked the clock it was three in the morning. Where would she go at that hour?
Making himself some coffee, Elliot prepared for a long night ahead.
He would sit up and stay awake until she returned, if he had to, and if she hadn’t returned by morning he would search everywhere until he found her.
*** *** ***
Inside the drainage tunnel, Catherine searched for the mechanism that opened the door, and found that it was not there. In fact several locks and chains had padlocked the iron grating leading through to the huge metal door.
Catherine began to grow worried now. First the threshold, now this.
She did know of other ways in, but now was not the time to pursue them. It was dangerous enough being where she was at this hour.
Slumping to the ground, she tried another alternative.
Opening the Bond that she shared with Vincent, she probed deep, but as before when she had tried all she met was a solid wall of denial. Vincent had erected this, and nothing she could do would tear it down.
The tears gathered and fell, and Catherine felt desolate, she was completely alone now, and not for the first time she berated herself on her folly. By marrying a man she didn’t love and sacrificing the love she had for another, she had lost everything.
And as cold as she was, she would wait there until morning, knowing that her apartment would be the first place Elliot would look once he found her missing.
*** *** ***
Hour’s later stiff and cold Catherine noted the approach of dawn and guessed it would be safe to move away from the drainage tunnel.
A few joggers were enjoying the early morning sunshine, but paid scant attention to her as she emerged from the shadows.
She padded gently, soundlessly along the pathway until she felt capable to break into a run. Once outside of the park she avoided her apartment building though the temptation to go and make herself a coffee there was a strong one. Instead she hailed another taxi and had it take her to Jake’s store on Third Avenue.
Jake she knew was an early riser and he had an entrance to the tunnels via his basement, but he didn’t seem pleased to see her. Catherine detected this the moment she greeted him good morning.
“Cathy?” he queried stilling in his progress of erecting his awning, “When did you get back?”
“A few days ago. Jake can I use your basement?” Catherine whispered with a cheery smile.
Jake took his head and looked uncomfortable, “Sorry Cathy I can’t allow that.”
“Why ever not?” This was beginning to look more and more like some conspiracy to keep her out of the tunnels.
“Orders.” He replied.
“Orders. Whose?” Catherine demanded.
“His. I’m sorry to tell you Cathy, but he doesn’t want to see you.”
The way he had replied made her draw her brows together, “Vincent?” she husked.
Jake nodded. “I think you’ll find pretty much all the entrances barred to you Cathy. I’m sorry. But he was adamant that you weren’t to go down there.”
“But I saved him!” Catherine flared, “If it wasn’t for me he would have been discovered by now. The tunnels would be no more.”
“You under estimated the council Cathy and Vincent. Taking it upon yourself like you did, well they deemed that you had planned it all along, you just needed an acceptable reason that’s all.”
“I don’t understand Jake, what do you mean?”
“That you wanted to marry Burch, and the tower gave you the excuse that you needed.”
Catherine gasped, holding a hand to her throat. “No! I don’t believe it. How could they?” Jake’s heart went out to her.
He had never doubted this woman’s love for the unique man living inside the tunnels. And he had thought their request a trifle hard.
What if they were wrong?
Almost as if she had heard him Catherine choked back her anger, “They’re wrong Jake. I despise Elliot Burch, I married him purely to save their necks, and its I that has suffered through that mistake.”
Jake looked at her long and hard, “Come inside Cathy, we can’t stand about talking on the street, come inside and let me make you a drink. What’ll it be, coffee?” he smiled, and Catherine could only nod through a blur of tears.
Over her coffee she told him the whole sorry tale.
“You haven’t slept with him!” Jake exclaimed when she had finished.
“I can’t.” Catherine told him sincerely, “I love Vincent too much.” The tears escalated now, cascading down her cheeks, “but if I don’t sleep with him soon then Elliot is going to resume work on the tower today no question about it.”
“The tunnel dwellers have planned for this Cathy. They have moved to a lower level. They didn’t believe that the man would halt the work just by marrying you. Too many dollars are at stake here.” Jake looked at her sadly.
“I’ve got to speak with them Jake. Let me use the basement please?” Catherine begged already standing up and heading for the door.
Jake caught her arm; “I don’t know Cathy. I promised. And what use will it be if I did? How will your being down there help?”
“It won’t. That is it won’t stop Elliot from rebuilding his tower. My keeping away will certainly seal that fate, but at least the tunnels will provide a safe place for me to escape him. He wouldn’t look for me down there.”
“You mean he knows about the tunnels?”
“Yes, I led him to safety through them once.” Catherine wasn’t about to let on that she had spoken to Elliot about them recently that would give rise for Jake to mistrust her. But Jake wasn’t convinced. “Tell you what Cathy, I’ll tap out a message and see what the answer is. You wait here.” Catherine sat down again, and watched as Jake made his way to the bathroom. Once he had closed the door behind him, Catherine spared no time for further thought. Leaping to her feet she knew only that she had to see Vincent, had to see Father and the rest of the council, had to make them understand, and she doubted that they would heed Jake’s message in time.
Elliot was adamant about making love to her today, and she had run out of excuses to stop him. All she could think of was to disappear, and hopefully that would provide her with more time.
Surely Elliot wouldn’t begin building the tower until she had been found?
Taking the basement steps two at a time, Catherine crashed her way through the door leading into the tunnels and started running as fast as her legs would carry her. The more headway she made before Jake returned and realised what she had done, the better, for once he had tapped out another message that she had tricked him, the sentries would intercept her and send her back before she had reached her destination.
*** *** ***
Chapter Five
Jake’s message arrived via Pascal as Father and Vincent were packing the last of their precious books into boxes. Most of his chamber was empty now, and Jamie’s voice echoed when she delivered the message. “Father?”
Father looked up from his chores, “Jamie hello my dear you look flushed, are you feeling unwell?”
“No Father I’ve just been running. Pascal has received a message from Jake’s store on Third. Apparently Catherine is there, she wants to come down.”
Vincent’s head snapped up and he and Father shared a look. Vincent shook his head, and Father told Jamie, “Have Pascal tell Jake that he mustn’t let her down.”
“And that’s it?” Jamie cried, “No explanation, nothing?”
“No.” Vincent told her.
“Vincent how can you do that to Cathy? She sacrificed everything to save you and our world. How can you allow the council to make you believe that she wanted to marry Elliot Burch all along? Vincent you must know that’s not true?” Jamie’s eyes filled with tears. She’d missed Catherine and did not for one moment share the council’s views on her treachery.
Vincent said nothing. He had expected this day to come, and had strengthened himself for it. “If you can’t forward the message Jamie, perhaps Father should take it.” He did not look at her, just continued packing the books.
“I can forward the message Vincent, but you’re wrong. Why you haven’t even stopped to consider why Catherine wants to come Below.”
“No doubt to see Vincent.” Father intervened, “And I hardly think that’s permissible under the circumstances. Jamie you know how Vincent has suffered these past weeks. You know how she hurt him. Have you overlooked his pain?”
“No Father. I love Vincent too, but I cannot believe that Vincent would turn his back on someone that sacrificed so much for people that are not even her own. Surely that gives credence to the love that she has for us all down here. I know I couldn’t have done it as much as I love every one.”
Father shook his head, “Jake will be waiting Jamie, are you going to deliver the message or not?”
“If I must but I’ll also go to meet Cathy, at least she will know that I haven’t turned against her.”
“You will not!” Father cried, but Jamie had gone, “Jamie!” Father called after her, but was not able to keep pace, “Vincent?” he turned to his son, “Stop her.” But Vincent shook his head, “If Jamie wants Catherine for a friend we can’t stop her Father, but we can stop Jamie from bringing her friends home. Have Pascal tap out a further message to the sentries.”
Father nodded, and tapped out the message as asked.
*** *** ***
When his wife did not return Elliot picked up the phone with the intention of contacting her friend Jenny Aronson but decided to give Catherine a few hours grace. However, he did contact his team to tell them to ignore his orders of the previous evening, until further notice. The heavy plant would stay in place at least until Catherine’s return then Elliot set about working from home for the remainder of the morning.
When his stomach told him that it had gone lunch-time Elliot checked his watch and decided that wherever Catherine had gone it was doubtful that she would be home for lunch and he wandered about the apartment trying to establish where she could be.
He had already tried her office and been told by a rather disgruntled Joe Maxwell that he hadn’t seen her that day. Elliot wouldn’t have put it passed the man to be lying, but somehow Elliot believed him.
For some reason Elliot felt certain that his wife had gone to see the man that she really loved.
Elliot had never dismissed this possibility. In all the years he had known her, he knew that there had been someone in her life, but no one it seemed knew anything of the fellow.
There were also those damn tunnels, and Elliot felt certain that the man in her life had some connection to them, but he couldn’t imagine Catherine swapping the life she led to live in such a dismal place.
So perhaps the fellow’s relatives lived down there.
Perhaps that was why his wife had made such a deal with him.
A sacrifice if that were right. To save people that meant anything to her, she was prepared to forsake the love she had to marry another whom she did not.
That rankled Elliot too, because he knew that once upon a time Catherine had been falling in love with him, but that was a long time ago, and a misunderstanding had ruined her developing feelings for him. But he had never stopped loving her and had vowed that his love for her was enough for the both of them.
He could see now that he was wrong about that. Though it wouldn’t not stop him from being optimistic about their future. If only she would learn to accept his love for her and allow him his dues then he knew he could make her happy. He could after all give her everything.
Walking toward the window Elliot looked out over the Hudson River. This was a good location, but from it he would not be able to see the tower when it was built.
He would need to relocate his city apartment as well as find a country home in Westport for Cathy and himself.
Perhaps once he had got her away from the city and closer to her friend he could begin to make his wife happy. Elliot hoped so, for he would do anything to make her happy. But it went both ways, he needed her love too.
When he remembered how happy he had been that day she had said she would marry him, well it seemed a million years ago now. But despite the undercurrents between them since, despite the fact that he hadn’t as yet made love to her, he knew it was only a question of time. For a plan had begun to formulate in Elliot’s mind.
If the building or the non-building of the tower was so important to his wife then he only had to threaten its revival and she would sleep with him. And once he had made her pregnant and once the child was born he could recommence with his dream for the Burch Tower.
He could wait, whatever it took he could wait, after all look what he was gaining? The most beautiful woman in the world, and to Elliot some gambles were worth taking, however risky they might seem at the time.
Besides given time he would make Catherine happy he was certain of it.
Arh yes to spend his entire life with Catherine and having her love him in return was all Elliot wanted, and with that happy thought in mind Elliot set about awaiting the return of his wife and the fulfilment of his dreams.
*** *** ***Chapter Six
Running full pelt, Catherine was momentarily stunned when an arm shot out of the shadows and brought her to a standstill. Fear consumed her but before she had the chance to throw her assailant to the ground she heard a voice she recognised. “Cathy it’s me Jamie. Be still and listen.”
“Jamie!” Catherine exclaimed and hugged her friend when she saw it was truly her, “How did you know I was here?” she whispered.
“Jake sent a message. Father replied that you weren’t to come but I was going up to see you regardless. We don’t all hold with the council’s decision to keep you away.”
“I’m pleased to hear it. Unfortunately I understand that Vincent does not wish to see me and these orders for keeping me out come from him?”
“Yes that’s so, but I think a lot of people stand guilty for Vincent’s present feelings Cathy. That is something only you can turn around. The sentries will be out to stop you once Jake reports that you got away from him, I assume you did anyway?” Jamie looked at her friend for confirmation as Catherine nodded, “I thought as much, you were running like the wind back there.” Jamie laughed. “Come on we have to go a different way around. I’m pretty certain I know which sentries will let us pass without question.”
“You are so good to me.” Catherine hugged Jamie tight “I was beginning to think I’d lost favour with everyone.”
“Everyone doesn’t matter Cathy, it’s Vincent that’s important now isn’t it? And believe me he still loves you Cathy I know he does. You two need to speak to one another but to do that you need privacy.”
“Jake says that everyone is moving?”
“Yes they are, the main hub is no more. Most people have already left and Vincent was helping Father to pack the last of the books when they got Jake’s message. I think if I take you to my old chamber and tell Vincent I need something lifting I can bring him there to you.”
Catherine was just about to answer when a voice loomed out of the shadows just ahead of them “There will be no need for deception Jamie.” Both women gasped as they recognised Vincent’s voice, and with a quick hug and whispered words of ‘Good Luck’, Jamie melted away into the shadows leaving Catherine and Vincent alone.
For long moments neither spoke, just stared at one another, each with their own private thoughts, but there was no denying that each was pleased to see the other. Vincent broke the silence at last, “Why are you here Catherine?”
Catherine knew that to say ‘to see you’ would not suffice, besides there was another reason, “To seek sanctuary.” She told him.
“You want to stay here, but why?” He was clearly troubled.
“Not to stay Vincent. I want to live here, forever.” Tears gathered in her eyes and her lips trembled. Vincent detected real fear surrounding her. Anger rippled through him. “Has he hurt you, threatened you?” He whispered huskily.
“No, but let’s just say I won’t do as he expects and neither do I want to see him again.”
“And if you don’t go back he will build the tower.”
“Not for a while though. Vincent don’t you know about the archaeologists?”
Vincent shook his head, “What do you mean?”
“The tunnels. The painted tunnels they have been discovered.” Catherine looked at him she was surprised to think that the people Below did not know this. But wait hadn’t Joe told her that no one knew what was going on?
“We know that.” Vincent told her making Catherine exhale a sigh of relief, “But Mouse says that the walls were blown to smithereens. There isn’t anything visible to be of interest.”
“Oh but there is. Or there was. Vincent the walls were blown into foot square fragments. Bits of paintings were strewn all over the place. I have a piece about so big back at my apartment with your face on it.” Vincent’s mouth opened wide. “How did you get that?”
“I found it that day I saw Mouse. It was buried in muddy puddle, fortunately overlooked.”
Vincent was speechless. The probability of it being found by someone other than Mouse or Catherine was too frightening to contemplate.
“Do you know if they are sending people into the tunnels?”
“No I don’t know Vincent. Word has it that they will only excavate the area if the paintings are revealed to be ever so old. But who knows, they might well look into it further even when they discover they are not.”
“This is terrible Catherine. We have to inform the council immediately.”
“Yes.” Catherine made to step in the right direction but Vincent caught her arm.
“I’m afraid you will have to go back Above.”
“Above but why? Vincent there is nowhere for me to go. Haven’t you listened to a word I’ve said?”
“I heard everything Catherine but your place is not with us now, neither is it with me. It is with your… husband. Besides there are many Below who do not hold with what you did to save the tunnels.”
“Then what would you have me do Vincent? Sacrifice myself to a man I despise for the sake of saving people who hate me for doing just that?”
“No one hates you Catherine and that’s not what I meant.” The tone of Vincent’s voice was clearly pained.
“Oh no, then tell me why I was prevented from coming Below?”
“It was for the best Catherine. Our dream died the day you married Elliot Burch. It is better this way.” He hung his head unable to look at her.
“For whom? You? Let me tell you Vincent you had better get used to my being here quick smart, for I tell you I am never going back. Besides Joe might even have another way of halting the tower.”
“If you seek and are granted sanctuary here, it would be painful for us. For me especially, to have you close and not to have things as they were between us. Would you want that on your conscience?”
“Whose been talking to you Vincent? This isn’t you speaking. There is absolutely no reason why you and I can’t have the relationship we used to share.” She told him defiantly.
Catherine gasped when Vincent caught her wrists ”Oh no?” he seethed, “Are you forgetting so soon that you have a husband now? That you are married to Elliot Burch!” He spat out the words.
“In name only.” Catherine wrestled for her wrists, and Vincent let her go to stare at her open mouthed. “What? Do you think I could sleep with him!” Catherine flared, “Vincent how could you?”
For long moments Vincent’s heart soared, but he had to hear it, had to hear it said, “You and he have never...” He couldn’t go on. Catherine was shaking her head. She laughed somewhat shakily, “I pretended I had a period.” She told him and saw a ghost of a smile gracing Vincent’s unique mouth.
“But I can’t pretend that anymore.” Catherine went on gravely, “I’ve run out of time on that score and until Joe finds another way of stopping the tower I need protection from Elliot’s advances.”
Vincent understood her reasons completely now.
And suddenly all that had happened over the past few weeks between them melted away.
He opened his arms and Catherine went into them willingly, sighing as she felt them close around her. Vincent’s lips were on her hair, kissing the top of her head and she hugged him tighter and tighter against her. “I’ve missed you so.” They spoke as one, then again, “Forgive me?”
“Yes” they spoke together once more, and Catherine asked, “Vincent you said you meant it and I believed you, but tell me again that you love me, now.”
Vincent smiled at her his blue eyes a mixture of love, relief and tenderness, “I love you Catherine.” He husked holding her tighter, “So much.”
A whimper escaped Catherine and she drew him closer to her if that were possible, “Oh Vincent I didn’t mean to hurt you so. I could only see as far as saving the tunnels, and you. It wasn’t till later, when it was over when I’d…I’d married him…that I realised how blind I had been. Somehow a cloud had blotted my vision and I couldn’t see past the wedding ceremony, it was only after that when I realised the seriousness of my actions. Vincent you must believe me, usually I would never have married a man that I didn’t love.”
“That was why the council found it so hard to accept but I believe you Catherine and Elliot won’t find you down here. And together or with Joe’s help we’ll think of another way to halt the blasting. And if we can’t then we will have to seal up those tunnels and move to the lower levels like it or not. It will cause some difficulties but we will survive.”
“And I’ll never leave you again Vincent I promise, so you won’t have any cause for risking going Above anymore to visit me.”
Vincent looked at her long and hard, “You’ll stay with me?” he whispered hardly daring to believe.
“I’ll never leave you again” she reiterated “I love you Vincent, so much.” Another whimper escaped her and he needed her closer and crushed her against him.
He wanted her to be a part of him, moulded to him, joined at the hip as Devin would say. And as amazing as it seemed there was only one way to do that, though until recently he had never thought it possible. But then the lonely painful weeks without her had taught him differently.
He now knew that his belief that she should leave him and seek out the life for which she had been born had been false. And he knew now that he could never live without her. Not now, not loving her as he did.
And in the last week of her marriage when he had believed her to be sleeping with Elliot and making love to the man, Vincent had been filled with a blind rage to know he could have had those things for himself with her.
Then he had believed that his chance had been lost forever.
But now the chance presented itself again, and he wasn’t about to lose sight of it this time. So before he could stop himself as once he might have he asked her “Catherine when you say you love me, when you say I am beautiful in your eyes I want to believe, and nothing would please me more than to have you stay here with me forever.” He hesitated, and Catherine asked, “But?”
“There are no buts my love. These past few weeks have proved a valuable lesson to me. I thought I’d lost you forever, but here you are returned to me. Catherine I will not let you go again.” He shook his head and as tears formed and fell from his eyes Catherine reached up and kissed them away.
“I love you Vincent.” She sobbed.
Vincent willed himself to continue, “Catherine that day you left, that day you walked out of my life and said you would marry Elliot Burch, I let you go. Believing the day I had dreaded had come at last. I thought I had no right to your love, no right to stop you from going to him, but I was wrong. I love you Catherine. I love you as a man loves a woman but it took until that moment for me to know it. Catherine I thought I would never get the chance to tell you that.”
“And now you have.” She smiled tremulously with tears in her eyes.
“Yes and now I have, but there is more Catherine.”
She smiled then more fully, her heart thudding against her ribs and waited for him to continue. She thought that nothing he could say would make her any happier than she felt at that moment but she was wrong.
“Catherine you must know that keeping you from the tunnels was not entirely my doing. The council wanted only what they thought was best for me. When I listened to them much of what they said surprised me. It fact it would seem my love that even Father had begun to accept your presence in my life, so much so…” he smiled at her then, kissing the tip of her nose, “You may be surprised at the plans they did have for us. I know I was.”
“Tell me?” Catherine asked him breathlessly.
“Catherine they thought we would marry and have children of our own.” He whispered with disbelief and held his breath as he tested her reaction to this piece of startling news.
Catherine gasped and she could not take her eyes off him. She trembled in anticipation.
Vincent warmed to her reaction. Well at least she hadn’t run away from the very idea. He drew courage from that and went on huskily, “And it would be a shame to disappoint them wouldn’t it my love?”
Catherine stiffened in his arms and he instantly regretted his words, and when she drew back to search his eyes he dared not look back at her. Instead he averted his gaze, but Catherine would have none of it. Taking his chin in her hands she drew his face level with her own, so he had no choice but to meet her steady gaze, “Say again?” She whispered a smile playing about her mouth.
Sucking his cheeks in and out Vincent fought against running away from her from shame and speaking the words again. Instead he did neither, “Forget it Catherine. I should never have said anything, should never have presumed that one such as me…” he turned from her sadly his great mane of hair shielding his face as his words trailed away but Catherine began to smile deeper than ever and her eyes lit up. “Vincent!” she uttered softly, her voice trembled with emotion, “Say it please. Oh Vincent please say it.”
He stared at her then, unable to believe he had heard her right until her hands reached for his face and smoothed away his stunned expression, before fastening them behind his neck and drawing his mouth down to hers. The moment their lips met, fire consumed and overtook them melting away all of Vincent’s final barriers and as they drew apart happiness unlike any they had ever encountered wrapped around their hearts.
Unwavering their eyes continued to hold and Vincent surprised himself by saying aloud, “You’d marry me?” The disbelief in his tone was apparent.
Her face wreathed in smiles and Catherine’s eyes lit up, “Oh Yes Vincent, I’d marry you. How could you doubt it? I love you more than life.” She sobbed the words, her joy intense and threw herself into his arms, hugging him tighter than she had ever done before.
Stunned into silence Vincent did not move.
His heart thudded erratically.
Catherine had just said that she would marry him.
He gasped and lifted her in his arms to swing her around and around, “Oh Catherine!” he sobbed “I love you so much.”
“And I love you too Vincent. And we’ll be so happy Vincent, I just know it.”
“And you’ll never regret giving up your life Above?” Vincent settled her down as for a moment he grew worried.
“NEVER!” Catherine gazed at the man she adored, “To be with you forever? Are you kidding Vincent? Besides I’ll be far too busy to miss any of that.”
“Busy?” he queried, where on earth was her thoughts leading her now? He smiled down at her fondly.
Catherine sighed with exasperation, “Vincent we are obligated to making the whole of their dream come true aren’t we?” She prodded his chest, shyly unable to look at him, and continued softly, “So I shall be much too busy caring for our children to miss my old life Above you know.”
If he’d been stunned before it was nothing to now. He was speechless.
Catherine laughed, “Oh Vincent despite my deception to avoid the matter with Elliot I would never pretend I had a period or a headache or anything at all to avoid the same with you.” She raised her eyes then and with a voice rich with desire she told him, “I am actually looking forward to making love with you Vincent.”
Vincent panted, his breath seemed unable to leave his body. This was all too unbelievable to be real. But his body betrayed him even though his mind refused to believe. Her words had stirred his blood, and as Catherine leaned in on him to hug him close she gasped to feel him aroused to the point of pain.
“Oh Vincent!” she sighed. Never before had he allowed her to know of his desire for her in this way and a deep flush of embarrassment stained his cheeks.
“Catherine I…” he tried to pull away, but Catherine held on to him, “You think I don’t like this?” She whispered touching him intimately to enforce her point, “Vincent I am happy to know your desire for me.”
Vincent struggled just to breathe. Catherine continued to fondle him gently. He had to get her to stop. “Catherine please.” He begged hoarsely.
“Is that a please yes or a please no my love?” Catherine gently teased him but she knew his discomfort and though she wanted to make love to him at that very moment she knew his embarrassment and reluctantly drew her hand away.
Vincent visibly relaxed when she did so and Catherine held him tightly in her arms rocking him against her as she massaged his upper arms and shoulders, until he was able to speak again. “What of your marriage to Elliot?” he loathed to bring it up, but he needed to know.
“I’ll have the marriage annulled Vincent, and that’s the last I will say on the matter, from now on so far as it depends upon me, I will not mention his name between us ever again.”
Vincent hugged her tightly with gratitude and then drew her level to his side, “Come my love.” He told her tenderly bending to kiss her forehead, “Let’s go home.”
*** *** ***
Father’s first sight of Catherine as Vincent led her Below, gave him mixed feelings.
Had it not of been for the way Vincent held her with an arm around her waist, Father felt that he would have been rather less gallant to see her with his son. But before he had time to draw breath Vincent had assessed the situation and was halting his questions even before he could speak.
“I know what you are thinking Father, but leave it. We have all greatly misunderstood Catherine’s attempt to save the tunnels, and before she is hung and quartered by the council I think it is only fair that they hear her out.”
The words Father thought to utter then lodged in his throat, he merely nodded, but could not pretend to feel happy at seeing Catherine and his son so close. Whatever was she doing now?
Setting to break his heart again?
News of her arrival spread like wildfire, and despite the longer trip from the lower levels members of the council and other tunnel dwellers soon stopped by to see for themselves that Catherine was back. Some were not so adept at holding their tongues as Father had been.
“What’s she doing here?” William boomed as he caught sight of Catherine, then aimed his fury straight at her, “Go back to your husband Cathy, you have no place in our lives anymore.”
Even Mary it seemed thought the worst of her, “Yes how dare you swan back here and expect nothing to have changed between yourself and Vincent. You don’t know the pain you put him through.”
Even Olivia flared, “You heartless bitch how can you come back here as if nothing has happened?” Kanin caught his wife’s arm as she stepped nearer to Catherine afraid of what his wife might do. They had all witnessed Vincent’s distress of the past five weeks, ever since Catherine had told him she would marry Elliot Burch, and Olivia had repeatedly told Kanin what she would like to do to Catherine if ever she got the chance.
Kanin’s restraint wasn’t what halted her though, a growl that issued forth from Vincent’s jaws made Olivia stop in her tracks and hesitate from further speech. Instead she directed her plea toward Father, her mouth silent but her eyes asking questions echoed by everyone in the chamber.
Tears fell down Catherine’s cheeks ‘Would they allow her a say? Was she to be condemned without trial?’
She sensed Vincent’s anger but as he made to stand she put a restraining hand on his arm, “Its all right darling don’t worry let me handle this.”
Everyone gasped at her endearment for Vincent and sneered at her as taunts of ‘we trusted you Catherine’ came up from almost everyone, but they knew the way of things and allowed her to speak.
Catherine took a deep breath and begun “I don’t know how I could have ever considered you to be my friends.” She began her words trembling, “How can you stand there and condemn me? None of you have that right. I did what I thought was the only thing to do at the time…” she was not allowed to finish as William shouted, “Yeah, like you say, at the time, so what’s changed, hubby won’t allow you access to his bank balance huh?” Vincent did stand then, “ENOUGH!” He roared his blue eyes flashing fire and fury at people he had considered family for all his life. But Catherine pulled him gently and firmly back to his seat her eyes pleading. Then she re-addressed the crowd that had formed around the chamber.
“You may or may not know that Elliot came to see me out of the blue one evening around five weeks ago. He told me he would do anything to make me happy, if I married him. At the same time the blasting work for the tower’s foundation was threatening to destroy your world, and I began to wonder if Elliot’s promise of doing anything to make me happy might include stopping the building of the tower if I asked him. I didn’t for one moment believe he would agree. In fact at first he didn’t but after considering my plea he did. And the explosions stopped. He kept his word, and I kept mine. Stopping the tower didn’t make Elliot happy and marrying Elliot didn’t make me happy, but if by doing so it saved your home and Vincent’s life then I thought it was worth it. Only I didn’t stop to think quite what that would entail, I am afraid I was blinded, I buried my head in the sand and did not see past the wedding ceremony. Once I was legally married to him, I realised what a sacrifice I had made. But it would have been worth it had I of not found out today how you all condemned me for saving your precious necks!” she cried her fury very evident in the flashing of her eyes.
“Its not us we are concerned with Cathy, you’re actions might have been honorary but it doesn’t escape the fact that you think you can swan back in here and take up with Vincent where you left off. Just look at you, acting as if you aren’t another man’s wife now.” Kanin put his penny’s worth in.
“In name only!” Catherine flared for the second time that day.
“What do you mean?” It was Father’s turn to ask a question. This intrigued him. But Vincent replied for her, “Catherine has not had any relations with Mr Burch.” He spoke quietly.
“She told you that, and you believe her!” William bellowed.
“I would know if Catherine were lying to me.” Vincent reminded him softly. There was no animosity in his tone only sadness.
William backed down saying no more, and Father took up the questioning. His eyes had softened and there was almost a twinkle to them, “How did you manage that amazing feat my dear?”
Clearly embarrassed Catherine didn’t know how to answer, not in front of so many, but she came to realise that nothing else would do, “I told him I was having a period.” She whispered unable to look at anyone in particular.
“All this time!” Father retorted with obvious disbelief, “And he believed you?”
“Its only been eleven days, and yes amazing as it sounds he did believe me, but then half that time it became the truth anyway.” Catherine heard herself saying wishing she could slink away into a crack or something.
Vincent felt her embarrassment and he stood up again, “I think you all owe Catherine an apology, and should consider her feelings in all of this. Catherine sacrificed so much for us, and no one can dispute that the tunnels are safe again.”
“For how long?” William wanted to know. “If Cathy doesn’t consummate her marriage you think Burch is going to keep to his side of the bargain?”
Vincent winced, but went on regardless, “Catherine seeks sanctuary with us until she can think of another way to halt the tower. Joe Maxwell is already working on that.”
“She’d not going back to him?” William looked incredulous.
“Why should I? I don’t love the man. I know the mistake I made, but even so it has given everyone time to make other living arrangements, and Joe believes he might know of a way to stop the tower from being built.” She hoped that by now whatever Joe had been working on had materialised.
“You seek sanctuary in the tunnels?” Father asked and Catherine nodded, “As far as Vincent and I are concerned this is best put behind us. I don’t plan to leave him again, and anyone that thinks I should will have to physically prise me away from him.”
“And if they try they will have me to come up against.” Vincent told them his face as thunder. “I love Catherine, and she has agreed to become my wife now.”
Everyone gasped at this piece of news. Many unable to grasp it, many with angry retorts best left unsaid. If Vincent trusted her, then who were they to interfere? They loved him and didn’t want to see him hurt the way he had been hurt these past few weeks.
As if sensing their mistrust Catherine spoke boldly, “I promise you I will never hurt Vincent in such a mindless way again. Any other ideas I have I will consult the council first, I promise. I also promise that as of this day I plan never to leave Vincent or these tunnels ever again.”
William looked to Father then to Mary, Pascal and Kanin, they were still not convinced, but would give Catherine the benefit of the doubt regardless. After all there was Vincent to come up against if they didn’t.
Slowly they nodded and slowly each one left and went about his way, Catherine knew she hadn’t regained their trust but for the moment they had agreed to let her stay.
She would win back their loyalty and affection in time she was sure of it. For the moment she let out a long sigh of relief that at least Vincent believed her and Father too it would seem.
“Father there is something I must tell you.” Catherine spoke when everyone had left. Father looked up at her his expression troubled.
“I didn’t want to say anything in front of the others, its no use panicking everyone.”
“Since you have clearly done that to me I think you had best spit it out Catherine.” Father told her gravely. She heard Vincent chuckle and quickly explained about the archaeologists and how she had discovered the piece of tunnel wall showing Vincent’s face. When she had finished the colour of Father’s face had paled considerably.
“And you don’t know what they have found?”
“No one is saying anything Father. Joe will look into it. But there is nothing we can do until we know what was discovered.”
“Yes. And hopefully if they have anything more on Vincent they will conclude it was someone’s over active imagination.”
“What of the rest of those tunnels Father?”
“They have been sealed up. Don’t worry Catherine, they won’t be able to get in down here from that way.”
“But Mouse did. Where did he find a way in?”
“We’ve checked it and doubly checked it Catherine, and Mouse won’t say. Sometimes I think the boy has the ability to walk through walls. Like his namesake he can get through the smallest of gaps, even though he isn’t the smallest of people. But fair point Catherine I’ll have it double and treble checked. Whatever happens we must strive to keep explorers out of these tunnels every which way we can. But for now my dear as an added precaution we must move to the lower levels. Now my dear you look all in and our new quarters are quite a journey and we shall be leaving soon. Why don’t you take a nap in the only remaining chair while Vincent and I finish packing these books.”
“I’m all right Father. I’m tougher than you think. Besides I’ve just had a week’s vacation in Bermuda, so why don’t you take up the chair and let me help Vincent with the packing instead?”
Father smiled at her, “I’ve missed you Cathy.” He told her sincerely, “And as no one seems fit to have mentioned it, allow me to be the first. Welcome home my dear.” He drew her to him and hugged her tightly and then as another thought chased through his mind, he looked up at his son, “I almost forgot.” He beamed, “Congratulations to the both of you too. I know you will be very happy together. This is one marriage I know Catherine will not run away from”
“Thank you Father” Vincent and Catherine spoke with one accord, and Father and Catherine felt their own embrace enclosed in a pair of powerful arms that hugged them both exceedingly tightly.
*** *** ***
A large group of archaeologists met the following day for the final discussions on the find on Elliot Burch’s tower site.
They had been meeting for several days of talks during which time the fragments of painted tunnels had been undergoing numerous tests to reveal their age. Today would reveal the outcome of those tests and there was much speculation and excitement brewing in the conference room.
As they waited they chatted amongst themselves about various other discoveries around Manhattan.
“I can still remember the sailing ship we unearthed, while excavating lower Manhattan. That damn boat was in so tight we had to leave half of it behind, and its still there today.” One chap told a group of other men sitting around a long polished table.
“I remember that. Lord knows how it came to be there. One of life’s many mysteries.” He winked at the first guy. Of course they knew, but hell everything was competition, it didn’t do to tell too many secrets.
“What about Wall Street? Those damn Injuns must have had the old folks running wild eh, to have to build a fortress around the city?”
“Aye, bet it took some time too. That wall, solid timber running the length of the city that was sure some fortress. What beats me is the lie of the land. To think its what only three hundred years on, yet the streets and foundations are so much higher now. Its almost like we are a city living on a city.”
“Same as those tunnels though ain’t it. I mean those paintings we unearthed, no telling how long they bin down there maybe summink to do with those injuns even. Who knows.”
“Guess we’ll find out soon enough. Guess who’s just got out of a cab?” Another chap bent the venetian blinds to look down to street level and saw the guy they were waiting for exiting a yellow taxi.
Conversation waned for a moment. This was why they had assembled today. If it turned out that those paintings were authentic and old going back to the time of the Indians, the next thing would be putting in the highest bid for the excavation.
They waited uncertain until the door handle turned when tight anxious faces met that of the man that entered. He didn’t keep them waiting long, “ Sorry guys, it’s a no no, I’m afraid. Nothing older than thirty years at the longest and some even less than that. In fact whoever painted some of them walls I would say is still alive today ‘cos news is that some of them there paintings were only a few months old. Have to say it though, I wouldn’t mind meeting the artist, could sure do with a wall mural or two like that in my own home.”
There were groans and many disappointed faces, a lot was riding on this, and they had kept it a secret for days.
There was a clatter as chairs were pushed back and men picked up their notepads, pens, bags etc and made a grand exodus for the door.
“Guess Burch gets his site back?” one asked as he passed by.
“Sure, I’ve already given him the great news. Work will recommence as soon as he gives the word. Damn shame though. Paintings like that should be preserved for our grandchildren.”
*** *** ***
When she did not come home that day nor the following five Elliot knew that the chances of seeing his wife again were very remote. Almost as if she had stepped into one of those portholes or a dimension of another time that he had told her about for Elliot knew that she was lost to him forever.
His first thought had been one of fury, his second had been to recommence work on the tower at once, and his third was that in so doing the explosions might kill Catherine. So his fourth and continued thoughts were more calming in nature and his final thought was outright detrimental to his usual manner in getting what he wanted. In fact had he of been able to tell Catherine she would have commended him for his thoughtfulness.
Gathering the blueprints of the tower to him, Elliot went through them painstakingly slowly. The blueprints outlined the tunnel system beneath the city streets, and it was possible if he were careful that he could preserve them and still build his tower. Not only that but in such a way as to benefit the people that frequented the tunnels Cathy had told him about.
That way they would both win.
It might mean knocking a few floors off of his dream tower but it would still ensure that his tower was the tallest building in New York and into the bargain give homes and employment to so many.
Night and day he worked on the plans, until satisfied that he had finally explored all the avenues to the best of everyone’s interest he set about having them drawn up.
Catherine would surely come back to see him now?
*** *** ***
Joe had no idea Catherine had left Elliot, but he had heard from her, and had given her the unfortunate news that his ideas regarding the stopping of the tower had been useless. Luz Corrales it seemed was obtaining money for funding her organisation on a purely honest level, and Max Avery had nothing at all to do with it. But Joe told her that many of her sponsors would pull out if they could persuade Burch to reduce the size of his tower so that it did not monopolise the skyline so much, and if he preserved the underground heritage too.
After all a lot of history lay beneath the streets and there were a good few people that wanted the tower stopped lest undiscovered artefacts were destroyed in the process.
So when Joe called Elliot Burch and told him that Max Avery had nothing in connection with the sabotage on the tower but rather people in general who wanted to preserve their heritage he was most amazed and surprisingly impressed to hear Elliot’s latest ideas.
“Do you know where Cathy is?” The question cropped up during the conversation.
“Isn’t she with you?” Joe asked.
“No she left me almost a week ago.”
‘Some marriage’ thought Joe though secretly pleased to hear it, but told Elliot “I don’t know what to say.” That much was true.
“It’s complicated Joe. But if you do hear from her will you get her to contact me? I really need to speak to her before I recommence work on the tower.”
Joe promised that he would but he knew well that he wouldn’t. For whatever reason Cathy had left Elliot after less than two weeks of marriage he didn’t care, but after he put down the phone to Elliot he couldn’t help cheering. ‘Good on ya Cathy’ raising his Styrofoam coffee cup in salute, ‘way to go girl’ and he suddenly found that the sun shone again in his heart.
*** *** ***Chapter Seven
The architects and commissioners were certainly bemused by Elliot’s new blueprints, but clearly impressed too as Elliot outlined his proposals a few days later.
He still hadn’t heard from his wife, and didn’t know anyone that might know how to contact her. He could only hope that the newspapers would alert her to him, that once she saw his latest plans for the city she would call him. She would see that he would save her precious tunnels and have his dream tower too.
“If we take several floors off the original tower we won’t need such deep foundations. ”Elliot told his colleagues.
“However that isn’t the essence here, what’s important is the preservation of the underground tunnels. For whatever purpose they are there we shouldn’t destroy them willy nilly not when faced with an alternative. I propose that we build around them, that is the foundations of the tower can overlap the tunnels, and we can encase the existing tunnels in thick cement thus preserving them even more.
Elliot had some additional plans but he refrained from telling his colleagues of them now. He had thought long and hard on that score.
He owed his life to someone Cathy knew that lived down there with a wild animal at his disposal, and Elliot wasn’t about to make it publicly known that people occupied those tunnels, not when someday another innocent life might depend on that help.
Those plans, those secret plans would be told only to Cathy, if ever she made contact with him again.
His colleagues were visibly influenced by Elliot’s new plans and readily agreed to them, and the news reporters went off to do their bit to see what public opinion might say over the next few days.
*** *** ***
Joe Maxwell was positive about it too when he read it in the paper the next day, and the overall reaction by the public was the same.
Large businesses withdrew from funding Luz’s organisation to stop the building of the tower now that they no longer felt threatened, except for a few landlords who feared for their bread and butter once the tower was built. Though even they could not stay worried for long, since the tower would have luxury apartments built into it, and not everyone could afford such.
Within a week it seemed Elliot had won everyone’s approval, but the one person he hoped to flush out did not materialise, and to her he needed to give news of his greatest triumph.
There was no other way for it, he conceded at last, he would have to find his way back into those tunnels and just hope that he didn’t get attacked by whatever had come to his aid that day at the quay side.
*** *** ***
Catherine had seen the papers. She was clearly impressed, but fear of going Above and having Elliot insist she paid her dues worried her even more in the face of it.
It worried Vincent too.
“He has done so much of what you asked that I fear for you Catherine if you go Above. He will expect some kind of compensation for carrying out his side of the bargain so well.”
Catherine agreed, besides nothing would make her leave Vincent again. The lower subterranean levels were not quite as homely, and in the main some of the chambers were quite damp but until the tower was completed, no one could risk going back to the higher levels.
Father was constantly worried, “So Elliot gets his tower after all, and we are to thank him! Even if he encases the tunnels in cement and preserves them, can we stay down here for the length of time it will take for the foundations to be laid? Already the damp air down here is causing breathing problems with so many of our community. I am beginning to think that most of us will have to move Above and stay with our helpers until it is safe enough to return home again.” He looked long and hard at Catherine and Vincent missed nothing.
“What are you saying Father? Do you think that Catherine should go and confront the man?”
“He listened to her before, he might listen again.” Father began, but he knew even as he said it what he would be putting Catherine up against, “I’m sorry my dear forget I said that, I am just clutching at straws as usual.”
“I understand Father.” Catherine told him, “Don’t worry, but I do agree, I should see Elliot. In fact with your permission I think I should give him a guided tour of the home chambers.” She heard Vincent gasp, and hurried on, “As they are empty now, it would do no harm, but if he could see how people had lived before the tunnel was even mentioned, he might be persuaded to halt the plans yet again. After all he knows that he owes his life to someone down here.”
“Maybe you’re right Cathy. Certainly I can think of little else. And if the tunnels are to be lost to us anyway until the foundations are down what else can we do?”
Catherine turned to Vincent; her eyes were haunted, she had vowed never to mention Elliot’s name again, but ever since she had promised that his name had arisen constantly. Vincent of course understood. “Arrange a meeting Catherine, but I will be near. If he should attempt to take you back Above I will rescue you." Catherine nodded, she didn’t doubt that, but hoped it would not be necessary.
*** *** ***Chapter Eight
When Elliot received a message from his wife he was overjoyed. Recognising her handwriting, he sat at his office desk and sighed, “Oh Cathy at last.” Before he opened her note and read the arrangements to meet with her.
He shouldn’t have been surprised to find that she suggested the entrance of the drainage tunnel in Central Park but he was. He had been there recently and found the gate padlocked and the mechanism he had seen Catherine use to open the door from the inside just didn’t seem to be on the outside. There had been no way in, and he knew of no other way, save the entrance from the docks, and he doubted he could remember the way through the miles of tunnels she had led him through. He would clearly get lost and every time he remembered that occasion he thought about that wild animal he had heard and shuddered.
Nevertheless he followed Catherine’s request to the letter and arrived at the Central Park entrance that afternoon, entering the shadowed tunnel with some trepidation, grateful to find that she had arrived ahead of him.
His eyes lit up when he saw her, “Cathy!” he stepped forward and drew her into his arms, delighting in the scent of her newly washed hair, and relaxed, that alone told him that she had been caring for herself. Surely then she hadn’t been staying inside these tunnels?
“I’ve missed you so Cathy” he told her, “And I have so much to tell you.”
Catherine untangled herself from her husband’s embrace, and beckoned him through the large entrance into the tunnel beyond “We can’t talk here Elliot. Please follow me.”
With his heart beating a little faster than normal Elliot did as she bade him, besides he didn’t know if his accelerated heartbeat was due to excitement at seeing her again, or at being where he was and having all the old memories return full force. As soon as he entered and Catherine closed off the tunnel, he couldn’t help but look all around him for he knew now what.
Catherine noticed his unease, “Don’t worry Elliot you are quite safe here.”
“Are we alone?” His question unnerved her.
“No.” She replied as much for her own comfort as in telling the truth. Why did he want to know?
“Who’s here?” Elliot asked as unprepared as Catherine to hear the soft reply, “I am.” Coming from the shadows.
“Who is it Cathy?” Elliot asked.
“You don’t need to know Elliot, now will you follow me?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Yes. You can go back if you like, but believe me you are quite safe.”
“Ask your friend to show himself.”
“No you are a guest here Elliot, he has no reason to prove his existence, it is enough that he has spoken to you. Let it be. Now come on we are wasting time for we have a long way to go.”
But Elliot hesitated and caught Catherine’s arm, “That thing Cathy…that sound we heard that night at the dock, is that here too.”
How could she answer that one?
She began to shake her head when she heard Vincent reply, “Yes he is here, but he will only do my bidding, and you will be quite safe Mr Burch so long as you promise not to harm Catherine.”
“Harm her! I could never harm Cathy!”
“Then you have my word Mr Burch, you will be safe.”
Elliot felt as though his shoes were filled with cement and stuck to the floor, sweat broke out on his brow, and though he berated himself for his foolishness he simply had to know, “What is it a lion, a tiger? Puma perhaps?”
There was silence, and Catherine would have done anything to have spared Vincent from this, but once again Vincent calmly surprised her. “It is a lion.” And heard Elliot suck in a breath. “I swear I won’t hurt Cathy or you.” Elliot vowed and managed at last to take his first step forward with eyes drawn ahead to the shadows hoping to catch a glimpse of the lion for some unknown reason.
“Then he will not harm you.” Catherine spoke this time, and took Elliot’s arm; “Now come we have much to show you.”
*** *** ***
Many of the lanterns had already been extinguished purely to aid Vincent, but a few remained, and as they travelled deeper and deeper into the earth Elliot thought he caught a sight of a tall man that walked ahead of them, but could see no animal at his side. Catherine was also telling him things that he found hard to believe, about a whole community that once lived beneath the streets. They had been forced to move out though by the threat of the tower.
As they entered the main hub and Catherine pointed to the various but now empty living quarters Elliot’s appreciation grew for the community that had made their lives so far from society. Even more so when Catherine told him all about their existence and care for one another. About the abused children that had found freedom and love there. He learned that they even had a doctor living among them and a doctor from Above that came frequently to help out or bring supplies.
He was clearly impressed and more than a little sorry that his proposed plans for the tower had caused the exodus of these people. But the more Catherine told him about them, the more he knew she would be delighted when he finally got his say.
There was nowhere but the stone steps to sit and talk in Father’s old chamber, and when Catherine had finally expended her tale of tunnel life Elliot was quiet for long moments allowing it all to sink in.
All the while she had been speaking he had been aware of the other person’s presence outside in the tunnel, and knew that he’d been listening. Catherine had lit candles in the chamber and Elliot tried to imagine life in the underground world and he wondered how much time his wife spent down there, not a lot if her countenance and glow of vitality was anything to go by.
“Where have you been Cathy since you left me?” He needed to know that now.
“Down here.” She told him. Elliot looked at her with disbelief, “That’s impossible, you are so...so...”
“Clean?” Catherine asked laughing at him, “Did you think it was all rats and garbage down here Elliot? Haven’t you listened to anything I have been telling you?”
“Yes of course, but seeing and believing are two different things. To see how well you look and to know you have been here all along, I find it difficult to believe that’s all.”
“I can promise you Elliot that these tunnels provide a decent home for many people. Even babies are born and thrive down here. It can be cold yes, but warm stoves and blankets keep people warm, and the tunnel entrances are covered by huge tapestries that are thick and keep out the chill of the tunnels.”
Elliot nodded, “Very self sufficient then?”
“Are you mocking it Elliot?”
“Not at all. Cathy there is something I want to say to you.”
A rustle in the entrance startled Elliot, he looked up his eyes wide with fear, “I only want to talk to her.” He heard himself say, “Please do not be alarmed.”
“Tell me what it is you want Elliot?” Catherine asked.
Oh God, what he wanted? To have her back for one, but he could see that she wouldn’t go with him. Her loyalty to the people that resided in the tunnels was so obvious, but there was more than that. Her eyes had positively danced when she had spoken of living there, and Elliot knew at once for definite that a rival for her affections also lived in the tunnels.
“He’s here too isn’t he?” he had to know.
“The guy you are in love with.”
Catherine didn’t know what to say. Again Vincent came to her aid “Yes he is here.” Elliot looked from Catherine to the chamber entrance, to the figure looming in the shadows, for split seconds he wondered why he had answered the question instead and then he knew.
“You’re him aren’t you?” He rose to his feet and made to step toward Vincent, but was stopped dead in his tracks by the sound of a low warning growl. Elliot froze and looked back at Catherine noticing her eyes wide with fear, and sat down immediately. If he ran he wouldn’t know where to run to. Between them and the lion they could slay him and no one would ever know where he had gone. Elliot thought back to the days his wife had been missing. It was conceivable that she had been in the tunnels all the time, certainly it was a secret place.
Catherine was speaking to him, “So what is it you wanted to tell us Elliot?” Her voice drew him out of his retrospect and his eyes away from the shadow at the entrance. It took much effort for him to answer her and forget the menacing sound he had just heard from the shadows. Neither was he able to stop his mind from reeling, ‘how could he hear the sound of a lion but see only the silhouette of a man?’ It made no sense.
“Elliot?” Catherine’s voice nudged him back to the present. She was beginning to feel uneasy. Elliot was doing too much thinking.
Vincent it seemed had become equally agitated. The question was going through his mind whether or not he should show himself to this man. Mr Burch was asking too many silent questions and gone unanswered he might start asking them again when he went back Above. Questions that might prove to be very dangerous to the tunnel dwellers indeed.
Catherine it seemed was forming the same opinion, but neither had the chance to say anything as Elliot started to speak. “I knew nothing of this Cathy,” he swept his hands around him, “And showing me all this is simply impressive, but I hope to be able to impress you both too.” He nodded towards the entrance “Does he have a name?”
“My name is Vincent.” Elliot bulked at that velvety voice. He wondered for the umpteenth time why the fellow would not show himself, and as if he knew Elliot’s thought’s Vincent went on “My face is not as other men’s Mr Burch. I keep to the shadows so as not to frighten anyone.” That explained it then. The guy was disfigured in some way. That kind of spoiled the illusion. He had such a great voice.
“Well then Vincent,” Elliot looked back at his wife “I would like to make a gift to your world. If Cathy aims to continue living down here with you, I should like to help her maintain a little of what she is used to.”
“Such as?” Catherine was intrigued.
“Heat, hot water, television, electricity, mod cons, whatever you want really. Look say nothing for now, just hear me out huh?” He looked back toward the shadows and saw a movement but Vincent did not speak again.
Catherine nodded, “All right Elliot tell us what plans you have.”
With his eyes bright and his enthusiasm plain Elliot began to tell them of his idea.
His plans took into consideration the tunnel dwellers that he knew so little about, but whom his wife seemed to care for and he had decided that if his team went deep enough they could build a double basement into the tower and the lower section would benefit the homeless. He would provide heating down there and section off large rooms so that people could occupy the basement with no questions asked. In fact the only way into the basement would be via the tunnels themselves. One of the tunnels would need to be opened up and stairs put in to get into the basement from below. Then as far as anyone above was concerned the place did not exist. That basement would be topped by another basement for the benefit of the tower’s inhabitants and businesses having all the heating appliances electrical supplies and generators stored down there.
“If you want I will leave the rooms as one huge square of open space and you can build the walls in-between. It might in affect be better that way, then I won’t have to employ anyone to build them that might question it later.” Elliot told them completely caught up in his idea now. It sounded even better when he said it out loud than it did in his mind. And when he had finally finished, he could see that Catherine was clearly impressed. Vincent too, “You would do all that for us Mr Burch?”
“When I’d planned it I thought no further than doing it for the people Cathy said frequented these tunnels, and to make her happy, though she told me nothing of the extent of their living as you have shown me today. And with all due respects Vincent I should be as mad as hell that you have stolen my wife away from me, but Cathy gave up her life, sacrificed it to marry me and save all this from destruction, and I find that beyond commendable. And if she is going to live down here with you, then yes, I will do all that. But let it be known Vincent that now I know who you are to my wife I do it for Catherine and not for you.”
Vincent understood but could not help retorting, “Just for the record Mr Burch, it was you that stole Catherine from me. I met her before you and she ever met.” Elliot did not know this, he gaped open-mouthed at Catherine and found her nodding. “Its true Elliot. Vincent was the one who saved me the night I was attacked and left for dead in the park.”
“You were here!” Elliot gasped, “He brought you here?”
Catherine nodded, “Yes and Vincent’s father the doctor cared for me, until I was well enough to leave again.”
“Then I apologise Vincent, and I realise how much my wife must love you to do the things she has recently done to save this world.”
“To save me too. Mr Burch I have told you my face is not as other men’s, for this reason I cannot openly walk the streets. These tunnels are my home, without them…” he left his sentence unfinished, but Elliot understood. “I shouldn’t think you would be very popular up there anyway, not with having that lion to consider.”
“No.” Vincent and Catherine chorused together.
“Have you had him long?”
“All my life.” Vincent told him, shocking Elliot once more.
“From a cub?”
Vincent hesitated but Catherine answered, “Yes.”
“I guess you will miss him when he’s gone.” Elliot mused startling both Catherine and Vincent together.
“What do you mean?” Catherine asked.
“Well he must be getting on in years now. I don’t know how old Vincent is, but if he is anything as old as you well the lion must be getting on a bit by now. How long do they live for thirty, forty years?”
Catherine had a sudden thought, “Elliot when I escort you out of these tunnels will you ever attempt to return without invitation?” For a moment Elliot could not make sense of the change in conversation but answered honestly, “While that lion lives I’m keeping well away, but in a few years who knows. I might just head an expedition down here.” He chuckled.
Catherine looked at him wide-eyed, “You wouldn’t?"
“Relax Cathy, as if I would.” He laughed at her expression, but it was too late his statement had set the seed of doubt in her mind and Vincent felt it too. He knew then that he had no choice.
“Mr Burch?”
“You remember that day at the docks when your life was saved?”
“By the lion?”
“Sure I remember, you know I do, we spoke of it earlier.”
“There was no lion Mr Burch.”
Catherine jumped to her feet, “No Vincent!” She ran to the shadows and Elliot watched mesmerised as she melted into the darkness. He heard some muffled conversation, but it was over in seconds and Catherine stepped back into the light.
“Elliot I have always asked that you trust me.” She told him now.
Elliot stood, “Yes that you have. Are you doing so again Cathy?”
“Yes, but this is the ultimate secret Elliot, you must promise to keep it with your life. Can I trust you Elliot?”
“Cathy I love you, you can trust me with anything you know that. Have I ever let you down before?”
“No. All right then Elliot. I would like to introduce Vincent to you.”
About time. Elliot told himself, while he secretly quaked from fear of the unknown and twisted faces or burnt and scared features formed in his mind. Though nothing could have prepared him for the sight that Vincent presented when he stepped into the candlelight and lowered the hood of his cloak.
Elliot was suddenly aware of Catherine slapping his cheek, but did not realise up until that moment that he was screaming. ”It can’t be!” He shook his head, “You can’t be real? Is it a mask?” Somehow he knew it wasn’t or there would have been no need for any of this.
The tunnels, his wife’s insistence that the tower be halted, her sacrifice to marry him when she clearly loved…this man…she loved this man? Elliot could not believe what his mind was telling him. How could she love a man such as this? But even as he thought it, Elliot thought he knew, for Vincent was truly an impressive guy, once the initial fear had worn off.
And then there was that voice not to mention those compelling blue eyes. “How did you get like that?” He asked at first and then looking to Vincent’s feet asked, “There is no lion, is there? It was you all along wasn’t it?”
“Yes.” Vincent told him.
“Then to you I owe my life. And it was you who risked his life to get my father out of the hospital?”
Elliot shook his head “Your secret is safe with me Vincent. I swear I would never tell a soul about you. I owe you too much.” ‘Even if you did steal my wife’, he added under his breath, but even with that Elliot knew there had never been any contest, he had lost her long before he had found her.
“Thank you.” Vincent told him sincerely.
Elliot merely nodded, “I’ll build the tower Cathy, I’ll install the floor where you can all live and use the amenities to your hearts content, and I’ll restore any tunnels that have been damaged. And anything, anything you ever need down here, you only have to say the word and its yours, even drill bits.” He winked at Cathy, before continuing, “Your secret is safe with me Vincent. Only just promise me one thing?”
“Anything.” Vincent told Elliot, warming to the fellow more and more despite everything.
“That you’ll look after Cathy. I love her too you know.” Elliot wiped away a fallen tear, and Vincent could not help but embrace Elliot and in that one embrace Elliot marvelled at the hidden strength of the man, and wondered if tomorrow he might decide he had been dreaming.
“I promise.” Vincent told him sincerely as he drew away, and held out his hand for Catherine to grasp, “Now if you are ready Mr Burch I shall escort you back to the Park entrance.”
*** *** ***
Catherine walked with Vincent as he escorted Elliot out, and listened as they talked extensively about the tunnels and where everything was situated. Vincent promised to loan Elliot the plans they had of the underground network, and Elliot promised to photocopy them and return the originals.
Their conversation was purely on a business level and Catherine said little, until they finally reached the large sliding door that would take Elliot back to his world. It was then he turned to her “Will I ever see you again Cathy?”
“Its doubtful Elliot.”
“I’ll have the marriage annulled.”
“You know its funny now that I have done everything you requested, you really owe me?” Elliot chuckled “But I can see you would never agree to that and I know now that you never had any intention of doing so before.”
“No.” Catherine would not meet his eyes. “I’m sorry Elliot. I used you. Can you ever forgive me?”
“In time. No maybe if you answer this question?”
“What?” Catherine looked up then something in his tone filling her with caution.
Elliot drew a deep breath, he hoped he’d get away with this. “Tell me, I know its none of my business, but I have to know. “ He hesitated, but went on, “Are you two lovers?” He caught the glance between Vincent and Catherine it spoke clearly of their embarrassment, and he almost regretted asking the question. “Forgive me I shouldn’t have asked.”
“No you shouldn’t have.” said Catherine, “But since you did, no we are not.”
For some reason that answer relieved Elliot. He admired Vincent, was in awe of him, knew Cathy to be in love with him, but to imagine that she would make love to this creature and not to him would have wounded him far more than he would care to admit.
Elliot smiled, but did not notice the look of tender love that passed over his head between Vincent and Catherine nor the way Catherine held on to Vincent’s hand.
“Well” said Elliot as he stepped back onto his side of the world, “I have to say it’s been educational. Have a happy life Cathy.” He hugged her tightly.
“Be well Elliot.” Catherine hugged him back, “And try to forgive me please.”
“I forgive you Cathy.” He shook Vincent’s hand, noticing they were gloved and wondered what they might look like beneath the leather casing. Elliot shuddered, he didn’t think he cared to know.
“Bye Vincent, bye Cathy.” He stepped through the entrance and into the dusty tunnel beyond walking without looking back, out into his world of sunlight and blue skies before exhaling a huge sigh of relief.
Catherine was welcome to her world, but he would never trade his for hers any day.
*** *** ***
A few days late the shock and surprise of everything he had seen began to sink in but it did not alter Elliot’s plans. He was just a bit peeved that he had not said things he ought to have said when he’d had the chance. Still no doubt he’d get his say, for no doubt he would see Catherine before the project was finished.
And to top it all he still got his tower. Not so high and not so broad but it would still tower above any of the other buildings in the city. And because he had ensured the safety of the tunnels, no other developer would be able to build any other structure that would likely damage any tunnels beneath their site, unless they promised to do as Elliot had done. Although none of them would ever know of his plans for the twin basement.
Elliot oversaw that part of the project personally. Using the maps that Vincent had loaned him, of which he’d run off extra copies and returned with the originals, Elliot was able to carefully excavate the site, digging down beneath the tunnels so that for a time they were visible from above.
By day members of the tunnel world were able to view this from street level and at night Vincent and Catherine would wander nearby and see how careful Elliot was ensuring his team to be.
It was a formidable sight, a network of tunnels that criss-crossed above and below one another and led many to marvel at the depth and length they would go. But few knew of the society that lived within the tunnel walls.
Once he had reached the required depth Elliot had the tunnels encased in solid concrete, and ensuring that no supporting structure was built upon a tunnel itself, Elliot built his tower around them, an interlocking structure taking the lives of others into consideration. For those that knew nothing of life beneath the city streets to the extent that it was, Elliot was elevated for the thoughtfulness he put in to save and protect future heritage of the tunnels themselves.
At this stage and before the depth of the top tunnel, Elliot had his team cover the site, and he installed a security team to stay in place twenty-four hours a day. Then behind the scene he and a few selected members of his team built the first basement. A massive four walled room, that could be sectioned later into as many as sixteen fifteen foot square rooms, or less with more space. But that would be undertaken at a later date by the tunnel folk at their discretion.
Elliot paid a huge amount of dollars to each member of his team that worked on this part of the project and had them sign agreements for their silence. All he told them was that it was something to do with air conditioning and damp proofing, which sufficed, even though it wasn’t logical, but that it was something he had designed and wanted it kept under wraps until he had patented the idea.
The men were paid well for their silence and had been ensured permanent employment so Elliot felt sure of their loyalty. He would have to trust them, and even if they did tell anyone, he would find a reason for the secrecy, because no one but he knew that people would be living in the lower basement.
From the basement above there was no way in, and neither from the sides. The only way into the basement was from below. Elliot left it to the tunnel dwellers with his tools machinery and the use of his blueprints at their disposal to break through into the basement in any way that they chose.
Once the upper basement was complete the cover around the building came off and the structure for the tower was underway, but Elliot knew that it would take a further two years before the final completion date, because he was taken infinite care with this project.
There were no secondary building materials, and no secondary workmanship. The best went into the building of this dream, because more than his dream was at stake here. Any problem with the tower would likely result in a spin off for the inhabitants below, and he didn’t want anything to spoil his gift to them. Least of all to Catherine.
True to his promise he had the marriage with his wife annulled. It hurt him to do it, he literally cried for days afterward and had put off doing it for several weeks beforehand, unable to cope with even the thought of having it done. He would probably always love Catherine, and it rankled that she had treated him the way she had, even though he could appreciate her reasons.
But he never lost sight of the fact that he owed his life to the man that she had left him for, or the fact that Vincent in turn owed her his life for the sacrifice she had made in marrying another.
Over and above everything he felt about the matter came through the glorious shining truth that Catherine Chandler had a heart of gold to have done what she did for people that weren’t even blood relations, even though Elliot felt cheated that she had hurt his heart so badly.
After the drawn up annulment papers were received through the post Elliot made one final trip into the tunnels to see Catherine. He knew that he would never instigate another visit ever again. She was welcome to her world of candlelight and lanterns, even if he had modernised it a little.
For him, the world above with its sunshine and blue skies, its rivers and its oceans, its storm-laden skies and its rainbows and trade winds were heaven to him. He would never sacrifice the sight of such things for a life his wife had chosen instead.
He could not know of the magic of the crystal cavern and the waterfall, or the whispering gallery, or the swirling vortex of the abyss, or the mirror pool or know that such beauties and wonders of the world existed so far beneath his feet. Nor would he ever know of the love or the companionship the friendship and the laughter of the tunnel community or ever share in its annual celebration of Winterfest. Even so he spent a great deal of money in preserving a few painted tunnels and the woman he loved, because she had chosen to live there.
Catherine met him with Vincent at the entrance in Central Park, and they thanked him for all he had done for them.
“It was nothing.” Elliot told them sincerely, “I owe Vincent my life.” Even if I didn’t owe him my wife. He thought bitterly. He couldn’t get used to that and never will. This half man, half animal had taken from him the only woman he would ever love, and that hurt, it hurt bad.
Still he said nothing, just handed over the papers for Catherine to sign, and told her he would have her copy sent to her apartment when everything was finalised.
Once that was done a silence befell the three people. Elliot had so much he wanted to say, but it didn’t seem to matter anymore. Nothing he could say would alter things, and Catherine was eager to return Below. The less she saw of Elliot the better she liked it, for she too was uncomfortable with how she felt about things.
Vincent watched in silence. He sensed the aura emitted between the two people and knew that each had to have their say. “Elliot?” he questioned as the man began to move towards the lighter end of the tunnel, “What is on your mind?”
Elliot’s head snapped back, he gazed at Vincent, “You’re shrewd.” He told him.
“Occupational hazard.” Vincent replied, which brought a chuckle from Elliot.
Catherine watched beneath hooded lids, wondering what it was that Vincent had seen. She soon found out. Elliot opened his heart, “How could you do it Cathy? That’s what I want to know? Were you so blind to the plight of these people that you could walk all over my feelings to get what you wanted? You always told me to trust you and I did, but Cathy, you broke that trust. You broke my heart Cathy.”
A sob caught in Catherine’s throat. Elliot’s words were so sincere, and he was right. All she could do was apologise. It wasn’t enough, but it was all she could offer.
“I’m sorry Elliot. So sorry. And you are right. I did treat you appallingly. In hindsight I should have thought things through. I hurt you and I hurt Vincent, as he begged me not to marry you.”
Elliot rested his gaze upon Vincent at that moment; he’d had no idea about that. “She told you?”
“Yes. I was against it from the start. It was too big a sacrifice.”
“For her you mean?”
“And at no time did either of you stop to think what it would do to me?”
It was hard to meet his eyes, but both Vincent and Catherine were guilty of that and looked at Elliot to sincerely say, “No.”
“So I was a pawn in the game of life. You could have told me Cathy. You know I have always helped you whenever you needed it? Drill bits and explosives, no questions asked, which I assume were for something that happened down here?”
“Yes. Vincent and his father were trapped in a cave in.”
“I see. So why the hell couldn’t you have come to me about this? Why go through the farce of marrying me upon the deal that I halt work on the tower? It just doesn’t make sense.”
“Now it doesn’t. But then I was frantic. Elizabeth’s tunnels were about to be discovered, paintings of which portrayed Vincent’s life, you coming to ask me to marry you, saying you would do anything for me. At the time it seemed like the answer to a prayer, but you’re right it was selfish of me.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to. It was selfish of me and I am sorry Elliot. Under other circumstances…” her voice trailed away. She knew what she meant but the implications to either party could be disastrous. Unfortunately she had already said too much.
Elliot stood his ground and his pose challenged Vincent, who in turn narrowed his eyes in Catherine’s direction.
“I have always told you Catherine to follow your heart.” Vincent told her softly.
“I know and believe me Vincent I am.”
“But you imply...”
“No. Believe me I implied nothing.”
Elliot listened to the exchange with interest, his heart beating a little faster as hope rose again.
“If we had never met you and Elliot...” Vincent could not finish.
“But we did meet, you can’t change that Vincent!” Catherine flared, she knew where this discussion was headed she’d been down that road many times before and had only just lately believed it would be a thing of the past.
“Neither can I change the way that I am. The way that you will be forced to live if you should live with me.” His voice was soft almost inaudible, and only Catherine knew that his heart was breaking.
“I want to be with you!” Catherine told him sincerely, aware of Elliot’s presence and of the fact that she didn’t want to hurt him any more than he had been hurt already. But right now it was Vincent’s heart that she cared for. Vincent’s feelings that she worried about.
Vincent said nothing. Despite many things, his happiness, his life since he had met Catherine, he had never forgotten that she should be Above living the life she were born for, and Catherine was tired of that belief.
She sank to the dusty floor, her heart breaking, “Its not between you, or me, or Elliot Vincent. What started all of this was my past. If I go back on it far enough what started it was Tom. If he hadn’t of spoken to me that night about a friend of mine, I would never have left his function. I would never have been mistaken for some other woman who had seen too much. In fact when you take it that far, it was started from the moment some crook decided to teach some woman a lesson she would never forget. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Catherine paused and Vincent could feel her heartache, it cut through him filling his eyes with tears. “Catherine.” He stepped toward her.
“No let me continue,” she waved him aside, “My face was slashed, my body was battered and I was thrown from a moving vehicle and left to bleed to death. But you found me Vincent and together with Father you healed me, and saved my life. And I in turn was always indebted to you for that. But it was not debt that brought me to where I am today. It was you and the sort of person you are, and the sort of person you made me discover in myself. From you Vincent I gained courage and strength to stand again. Alone if need be. And you were there when I fell again and again. Picking me up, setting me onto the straight road again. I owe you everything Vincent. But still that debt did not carry me to where I am today.” Catherine diverted her eyes from Vincent to Elliot; she directed her words to him, “Elliot you are a good man. No doubt in similar circumstances you would have done all of those same things. You would have saved my life, would have rescued me, would have given me courage to face the world again, and for a time I did find myself falling in love with you.” Elliot nodded. They both knew the rest, but there was something she didn’t know.
“You’re wrong Cathy. About the bit of helping you. I’ve seen many things in my time. My chauffeur has driven me along streets where drunks lay in the gutter. I’ve seen a woman half laid across the bonnet of my car her face cut and bleeding as yours would have been and I had my chauffeur drive on. So you’re wrong Cathy about that night. On the slim chance that I had been in the park or driving through the park I would have left you lying there. If you had been relying on me for help Cathy, you would probably be dead by now.”
Catherine searched his eyes. They were sad and sincere, he had spoken from the heart but it had not been easy to do. Catherine could see that he was ashamed, but he was also frightened. To have helped at any one of those times he had spoken of he had been selfish thinking only of himself and the danger he might have been in.
Elliot had everything. Wealth, looks and the fact that against Vincent he was completely human, but he did not have affinity for the lowly or compassion to the needy, whereas Vincent did.
“There lies the difference then.” Catherine looked from Elliot to Vincent. But Vincent had followed through and knew what Catherine was about to say he told her, “Once you would have acted the same as Elliot. It is only since knowing me that you have changed.”
“That’s true. Once I would have had my driver go straight on too. Though not from selfishness but from fear. You changed me Vincent, not in so much that you made me a different person, but you brought out the finer qualities already possessed and gave me courage into the bargain to confront my fears. From that misdirected course you set me on the path I should have been following, and in that I found my soul mate. I found you.”
Vincent’s eyes when they looked at her now, were soft and gentle, filled with love.
“Elliot you and I were once alike, but it was not the way I wanted to be. If that had been so, I would have listened to Tom when he told me that Eve was a lush and I would have accepted that. But I knew beyond the price of a bottle, and I knew that Eve had problems that had resulted in her turning to drink. Tom did not want to know and that’s what hurt. To Tom I was a pretty label to hang upon his arm, my background spoke volumes to his ego and until that moment I hadn’t even noticed because I liked being that label. I even revelled in it. But it was a hollow existence, so too is the life you lead Elliot. It is hollow, meaningless, building tower blocks of brick and mortar to bear your name until generations from now someone will tear it down and say, ‘Elliot Who?’ Whereas to help a drunk or a lowly person and set them on the road to life would do so much good.”
Elliot got angry now, he snapped, “But my tower will generate thousands of jobs and benefit thousands of lives.” Catherine cut him dead, “And generate billions of dollars for you!”
Elliot bowed his head. “Yes. But Cathy!”
“There are no buts Elliot, we can stand here all day and argue the pros and cons but when it all boils down to it Vincent has nothing, but he would not think twice about helping another with his own bare hands if need be. And if the world could know Vincent they would remember him for the unselfish deeds that he has done, and I know many that do already.
I’m sorry Elliot but though for a time I was drawn to you it would never have worked out, because even then I was changing. And if we had of found a future together you would have likely slipped me back into a mould I once knew and where I thought I wanted to be, but it wouldn’t have been me there Elliot, not the real me. The real me would have been hiding, and screaming for freedom, the type of freedom I have now, with Vincent.”
Vincent reached for her hand then, drawing her from the dusty earth to his side. He was proud of her, that was quite some speech but spoken from the heart, and he had no further doubts in his mind.
Neither did Elliot. He nodded accepting her words, “Then I wish you every happiness Cathy, and forgive you for everything you felt it was necessary to do. And don’t worry I’ll get over it eventually. I’ll probably meet some woman and have a family and be happy.” He told her though his voice cracked a little when he did. It would take a long time to get over losing Catherine Chandler. Longer than he dared to admit.
Catherine knew that. She hugged him, “Be Well Elliot.” He nodded and reached out a hand to Vincent, “Take care of her?”
Vincent shook his hand, “I will. I promise.”
“Goodbye then Cathy. Vincent.” Elliot didn’t wait for a reply he stepped away and out into the bright sunshine accustoming his eyes to the glare of the sun before attempting to walk away. Perhaps Catherine had got it right, after all the things she had said about his world did have its drawbacks. For all its beauty there was ever-present danger, not like Vincent’s world. He knew Catherine would be safe there, and that cheered him somewhat.
He followed the path through the park towards his car parked at the curb by the entrance and encountered a small group of people by the gates wearing tattered clothing. They appeared to be a family, a man, woman and three young children, suitcases all around them. Once Elliot would have passed them by, today he stopped, turned to them and from his pocket took his wallet. “Here.” He told the man of the group, “This is all I have on me, but here is my card. Come to my office and I will give you a job and find you a place to live, and until you get on your feet I will pay for everything that you need.”
The family took the money and the card, read the name and their mouths dropped open. Elliott Burch. They’d heard of him. They questioned him with their eyes but the woman spoke first, “But why Sir, you don’t even know us?”
“I don’t need to know you, you need help and I can give it, and besides I want to help you.”
They thanked him over and over again, but Elliot could not take that, he stepped into his car and had his driver take him away.
His chauffeur was impressed, “That was a generous thing you did back there Sir.”
As they passed by the park, Elliot felt good with himself and spoke softly, his eyes on the park’s tunnel entrance, “You see Cathy. I’m really not one of the bad guys.”
*** *** ***Chapter Nine
Elizabeth was ecstatic with delight when she first saw the basement after it was finished and everyone had moved back to the higher levels.
“Father, this is wonderful. Smooth walls.” She ran her hands over the plaster with great affection. “And you don’t mind if I paint down here?”
“Of course not Elizabeth. Everyone wishes to have your murals gracing their walls, and besides though at first it appeared a tragedy, the fact that your original painted tunnels were destroyed and discovered, we have you to thank for having these rooms now.”
“Me! Why me?”
“Because my dear, when those archaeologists telephoned Mr Burch to tell him to go ahead with the building of his tower they mentioned that if he could only find a way to preserve the painted tunnels for future generations, it would be appreciated. So you see my dear through your paintings the original tunnels were saved and through Mr Burch’s kindness we now have these rooms to live in as well. So it is only right that you should be allowed to paint in here to your heart’s content.”
“Oh Father that will be wonderful, and beneath electric lighting too. Now the paintings can be enhanced by proper lighting and really show off the colours.” Elizabeth was so happy.
Father too. He stood in the large basement as yet void of dividing walls, and imagined all kinds of wonders. They could have a theatre for surgery, a playroom for the children, a communal room for everyone, plus there would still be room for a new kitchen and several rooms for living quarters. Everything would enhance their life below, and he was delighted by everything that had happened.
They had come a long way since the tragedy of the day that Catherine had taken so long to say ‘ I do.’
Father smiled to himself. That hadn’t been the problem yesterday. As he and Devin had stood beside Vincent in the Great Hall and watched as Catherine had floated towards them in a flurry of satin and lace no sooner had The Master asked the famous question than had Catherine said I do.
Now as husband and wife Vincent and his Catherine had gone to the lower levels for a two week honeymoon and a lump caught in Father’s throat for the love he felt for the woman who had given his son so much.
In fact they owed a great deal to her for the rooms Elliot Burch had provided too, and Father had offered her the largest room up there for herself and Vincent, but the pair had been adamant. Though Catherine would be glad of an office up there, both wanted to stay living in Vincent’s chamber below.
Father could understand that, but he had opted to live in the basement where it was warmer for his older bones. His old chamber would provide larger living quarters for his son and Catherine to occupy.
“So it all came right in the end.” Father mused as he looked around the large area with joy in his heart and imagined Elizabeth’s paintings gracing the walls. “A happy ever after ending to a great love story. I couldn’t have written it better myself.”
*** *** ***
Deep beneath the catacombs where the nameless river ran, Vincent rowed his wife through the gentle current to their designated spot to start their new life together.
“This is beautiful Vincent. How can it be so warm down here? And where does that breeze come from, do you know?”
Vincent looked down at his wife with eyes of love and adoration, “No one knows Catherine. The current never seems to change direction and the breeze is constant and warm at any time of the year.”
“A tradewind?”
“Yes flowing from your world to ours and warmed by the rays of the sun.”
“Whose world Vincent?”
“Yours...” He stopped himself short and smiled down at her.
Catherine smiled back. “This is my world now Vincent, and the only warmth that flows from anything belonging to me is from my heart.”
“A tradewind?”
Catherine exhaled a short sharp breath of humour, “Yes Vincent a tradewind, traded from me to you, ever constant and always warm.”
“I think I could live with that.” His eyes were bright and filled with love and as he reached the place where he had intended to take her, he settled the oars and helped her out of the boat with a guiding hand.
“I love this place.” Vincent told Catherine as they stood arms around each other and mesmerised by the gentle flow of the nameless river.
“As do I Vincent, but you know what?”
“I love you more.”
They kissed passionately, before turning as one to begin their life together in a world as unique as the love that was theirs.


The stories found within this website have been written by and for lovers of the American television series Beauty and the Beast and no infringement upon the rights held by Ron Koslow, CBS, Republic Entertainment, Witt-Thomas Productions or any other Copyright holder to Beauty and the Beast is intended.
Furthermore all the stories found on this website belong to Wendy Tunnard de-Veryard, are protected by copyright and none should be copied, added to or subtracted from or altered in any way, without the prior authorisation of the author.