Update - What's New Since Your Last Visit?



December 22nd 2022

My apologies it has been over 5 years since my last update. How the time has flown. However I have never forgotten the love among fans of the 1980s TV series Beauty and the Beast and am happy to find that today this love is as good as ever with old and new fans alike.

Unfortunately, I did not complete my final batb story Once in a Lifetime as promised even though I've received several emails from batb fan's asking me to, simply life gets in the way. However, things have drastically changed for me these past 3 years leaving me more freedom to write so here's hoping I can finish that story.

Currently I am concentrating on publishing three non batb stories on Amazon Kindle and Hard Cover throughout 2023, namely HDS - (Hominem de Sententia), Phawkz Beech and The Extra 0.

After they are published you can find details for them at my non batb web site:

Shadowcast Fiction by Wendy De'Veryard

. Thank you.

January 29th 2012

Gosh, I have neglected you. Forgive me. I may not write BATB these days but my love for writing is just as strong. I concentrate on non batb fiction. I am writing a fiction story, of PG rating. When it is done it will feature on my Shadowcast Fiction web site.
I hope that all of you are well. Please write to me. I have just updated my mail address here on this site. Are you all enjoying Winterfest? I am out of the loop. I must go and find it and see what feast William has prepared. TTFN, and I hope its not another 3 years before I update here again. Love you all, Wendy xxx

March 12th 2009

Phew, hello how are you?
So much has happened in my life since I last wrote in here, telling you of it would be a story on its own!
What you may be delighted to know however is I've managed to complete the batb story The International Year of the Beast and that is now uploaded in its entirety in the Adult section - story # 22. If you have any problems reading it or surfing from chapter to chapter please write and tell me and I'll nip in there and sort it out. Many thanks. Be well!

July 14th 2008

Welcome to Romantic Reflections
Beauty and the Beast Fan Fiction
Written by (me) Wendy De-Veryard.

Ten years has gone by since I first opened a Beauty and the Beast fanfiction site. That was a humble affair. Nothing more than a yellow background, as I recall, and an index for a few stories.
Then as I became more adept at creating websites and writing stories I created a much grander website with many graphics.

From there I discovered beautiful web sets on offer throughout the Internet and created an even more beautiful web site (namely NightDreams) for my growing number of stories. This website soon became full and I had to open Night Star to upload further stories.
However, not only were these two websites bothersome to open for visitors but they were difficult to work on, for having so many files inside the web site web building became too time consuming.

I have known for some years that I needed to alter things, but it is only recently that I made an attempt to do so. To that end I purchased a web set and removed all the stories from NightDreams and NightStar and transfered them to here.

I had hoped to have this web site completed by June 4th, then July 4th and now July 14th, (thank you for your patience) alas I am still working on it. I am attempting to ensure that all the links work, however if you find any that do not, please email me from the home page and let me know. Also please take a moment to sign the guestbook found on the homepage. Thank you.

I have uploaded all the old favourite stories here and am attempting to complete those that have lingered unfinished for several years. I have almost completed The International Year of the Beast and will upload that asap. Next I will work on Part 3 of Once in a Lifetime. And I intend to write new batb stories soon.

You might like to know that I also have another story web site where I shall upload details of non batb stories and although this web site is itself under construction you can bookmark it by clinking on the link shown here:

ShadowCast Fiction

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new fans of our beloved Beauty and the Beast. Many have written expressing delight in having found fandom and have either enjoyed the re-runs of a show they watched over 25 years ago, when it was first aired, or have watched the series for the first time and cherish Vincent and Catherine's beautiful romance and have also fallen in love with the rest of the tunnel community. You are welcome to return here as often as you like. May you enjoy my stories very much. Perhaps I could encourage you to begin with the year 2000 convention fund raiser adult rated story 'Beneath the Moonlight's Star' my alternative to Season 3.

I sincerely thank all batb fans for your continued support over the last decade, your beautiful letters of appreciation and the long standing friendships I have made among you and join with you all to do everything I can to continue to help fandom to 'keep Vincent & Catherine's precious dream alive!'

Love & Light

Wendy De-Veryard.

Update: June 17th 2013

I shall be in New York City, USA for a long weekend from September 5th to September 8th 2013, and staying at The Roosevelt Hotel. I shall be heading for Central Park to inspire me to write more stories, so if any of you are in NYC, it would be wonderful to meet you. I will also be staying in Ronkonkoma, Long Island for one night at the home of fellow batb writer Nancy Richardson. If any of you would like to meet up during my visit please send me an email for us to make arrangements. It will be fabulous to meet fans of batb.

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